Publications by authors named "Kamerman P"

Pain and distress are frequently reported by people with HIV. Although pain is widely acknowledged to contribute to distress, distress may also contribute to pain and its persistence. Given the evidence supporting a relationship between distress and clinical pain, the current study investigated the relationships between distress, secondary hyperalgesia (SH), and persistent pain in people with HIV, reporting pain (n=19) or being pain free (n=26).

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Adversity in childhood is robustly associated with persistent pain in adulthood. Neuro-immune interactions are a candidate mechanistic link between childhood adversity and persistent pain, given that both childhood adversity and persistent pain are associated with neural and immune upregulation in adulthood. As such, we aimed to clarify whether immune reactivity is associated with provoked differences in nociceptive processing in humans.

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Background: Truncal blocks contribute to multimodal analgesia that enhances early recovery after caesarean delivery. The transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block is an established technique that offers somatic abdominal wall analgesia. The erector spinae plane (ESP) block is a fascial plane technique that may offer additional visceral analgesic effects.

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  • The study aimed to evaluate the effects of different resuscitation fluids on blood coagulation and related metrics in a controlled hemorrhage model using six cats.
  • Cats underwent three treatments over two months: no hemorrhage with sham resuscitation, resuscitation with lactated Ringer's solution (LRS), and resuscitation with Voluven (a starch solution). Blood tests were conducted at multiple time points.
  • Results showed that both LRS and Voluven led to significant prolongation of prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), as well as reduced hematocrit (HCT) and platelet counts, indicating hypocoagulopathy
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Comparatively little is known about the distribution and ecology of Aardvark () and Temminck's Ground Pangolin (). Both are elusive species that are normally nocturnal, solitary, and fossorial. Formally collected records have been used to map the distribution of these species, and social media records provide a tool to gather information on their distribution and ecology.

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Background: The Sensation and Pain Rating Scale (SPARS) allows rating of non-painful as well as painful percepts. While it performs well in the experimental context, its clinical utility is untested. This prospective, repeated-measures study mixed qualitative and quantitative methods to examine the utility and performance of the SPARS in a clinical context, and to compare it with the widely used 11-point NRS for pain.

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Climate change is impacting mammals both directly (for example, through increased heat) and indirectly (for example, through altered food resources). Understanding the physiological and behavioural responses of mammals in already hot and dry environments to fluctuations in the climate and food availability allows for a better understanding of how they will cope with a rapidly changing climate. We measured the body temperature of seven Temminck's pangolins () in the semi-arid Kalahari for periods of between 4 months and 2 years.

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This systematic review and meta-analysis investigated the effects of non-pharmacological manipulations on experimentally induced secondary hypersensitivity in pain-free humans. We investigated the magnitude (change/difference in follow-up ratings from pre-manipulation ratings) of secondary hypersensitivity (primary outcome), and surface area of secondary hypersensitivity (secondary outcome), in 27 studies representing 847 participants. Risk of bias assessment concluded most studies (23 of 27) had an unclear or high risk of performance and detection bias.

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  • The study aimed to estimate and compare chronic pain prevalence between individuals living with HIV (HIV+) and those without HIV (HIV-), as previous research on this topic was limited.
  • Data was collected from a large sample of 6,584 participants aged 15 and older in the 2016 South African Demographic and Health Survey, revealing that approximately 20% of both HIV+ and HIV- groups reported chronic pain.
  • The findings suggest that living with HIV does not significantly increase the risk of chronic pain, challenging the common belief that HIV+ individuals experience higher levels of chronic pain compared to HIV- individuals.
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HIV-associated sensory neuropathy (HIV-SN) affects 14-38% of HIV+ individuals stable on therapy with no neurotoxic drugs. Polymorphisms in CAMKK2, P2X7R and P2X4R associated with altered risk of HIV-SN in Indonesian and South African patients. The role of CaMKK2 in neuronal repair makes this an attractive candidate, but a direct role for any protein is predicated on expression in affected tissues.

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Purpose: To determine whether the rescheduling of gabapentinoids in England as Schedule 3 Controlled Substances in April 2019, changed prescribing behaviour for gabapentinoids by general practitioners.

Methods: Data on the monthly number of prescription items and the monthly average dose per prescription item were analysed for the period April 2017 to April 2021 under three models: (i) a simple linear regression, (ii) a linear spline with a knot at April 2019, and (iii) a parallel slopes model with time before and after the rescheduling as a covariate. Best fit models were selected based on them having the lowest corrected Akaike's information criterion.

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HIV stigma may influence physical activity in people living with HIV (PLWH) and chronic pain. We prospectively examined the relationship between stigma, activity and chronic pain in a convenience sample of PLWH initiating antiretroviral therapy in an inner-city clinic in Johannesburg, South Africa. Participants wore accelerometers to measure daily duration and intensity of activity for 2 weeks.

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  • The study investigated pain site differences between male and female individuals living with HIV in South Africa.
  • There was no significant difference in the overall number of pain sites between the sexes, but women reported more headaches, while men experienced more pain in certain areas like feet and ankles.
  • The findings indicate that pain experiences can vary culturally, highlighting the need for specific research in diverse populations.
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Background: Hypertension and diabetes mellitus (DM) are major causes of natural death in South Africa (SA). Underdiagnosis of these treatable diseases would hamper efforts to improve their management and hence reduce morbidity and mortality.

Objectives: To assess the level of underdiagnosis of hypertension and DM in SA.

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Background: Despite effective antiretroviral therapy (ART), milder forms of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders remain prevalent and are characterized by neuroinflammation, synaptic dysfunction, and neuronal loss.

Methods: We explore associations between neurocognitive impairment in HIV+ Indonesians and 17 polymorphisms in adjacent genes involved in inflammation and neuronal growth/repair pathways, P2X4R and CAMKK2. HIV+ Indonesians (n = 59) who had received ART for 12 months were assessed to derive Z-scores for the attention, fluency, memory, executive, and motor speed domains relative to local control subjects.

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Objective: To describe acid-base status using the Henderson-Hasselbalch, Stewart and semi-quantitative methods of analysis in a feline haemorrhage-resuscitation model.

Study Design: Randomized crossover study.

Animals: A total of six domestic cats (mean age, 21 months; weight, 4.

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Objective: To determine biomarkers for impending fluid overload during intravenous fluid administration in a feline haemorrhage-resuscitation model.

Study Design: Randomized crossover study.

Animals: A group of six domestic cats (mean age and weight: 21 months; 4.

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The advent of effective antiretroviral therapy (ART) has decreased the prevalence and severity of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND), but milder forms of HAND remain despite optimal treatment. Neuronal injury and loss due to inflammation may mediate HAND. encodes purinergic P2X receptor 7 which influences neuroinflammatory pathways and carries polymorphisms associated with sensory neuropathy in HIV patients.

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We review the known physiological mechanisms underpinning all of pain processing, sleep regulation, and pharmacology of analgesics prescribed for chronic pain. In particular, we describe how commonly prescribed analgesics act in sleep-wake neural pathways, with potential unintended impact on sleep and/or wake function. Sleep disruption, whether pain- or drug-induced, negatively impacts quality of life, mental and physical health.

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We modelled the effects of pain intensity inclusion thresholds (3/10, 4/10, and 5/10 on a 0- to 10-point numerical pain rating scale) on the magnitude of the regression to the mean effect under conditions that were consistent with the sample mean and variance, and intermeasurement correlation observed in clinical trials for the management of chronic pain. All data were modelled on a hypothetical placebo control group. We found a progressive increase in the mean pain intensity as the pain inclusion threshold increased, but this increase was not uniform, having an increasing effect on baseline measurements compared with study endpoint measurements as the threshold was increased.

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  • * A study tested the PSQI and Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) among 302 truckers in South Africa, finding PSQI's internal consistency (0.42) below the accepted level, especially for night shift workers (0.46).
  • * The research highlights a need for caution when using the PSQI for this group and suggests creating sleep questionnaires specifically tailored for shift workers.
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Objective: To determine the relationship between arterial blood colour [as defined by the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) L∗a∗b∗ colour space] and haemoglobin oxygen saturation [functional saturation (SaO) and fractional saturation (FOHb)], and if arterial blood colour can be used to predict arterial haemoglobin oxygen saturation.

Study Design: Descriptive study as an adjunct to two prospective randomized crossover studies.

Animals: A group of 10 wild caught adult female impala (Aepyceros melampus) weighing 34.

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