Publications by authors named "Kaito Shirai"

We have unravelled the electronic structure of a class of metamagnetic shape memory alloy Ni2Mn1+x In1-x by combining bulk-sensitive hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and first-principles density-functional calculations. A sharp drop in the Ni 3d e(g) density of states forming a pseudogap in the martensitic phase transition (MPT) for x   =   0.36 has been observed near the Fermi level.

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A topological surface state that is protected physically under the Bi2Te3-like five-layer block has been revealed on the Pb-based topological insulator (TI) PbBi4Te7 by bulk sensitive angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES). Furthermore, conservation of the spin polarization of the hidden topological surface states is directly confirmed by bulk-sensitive spin ARPES observation. This finding paves the way to realize the real spintronics devices by TIs that are operable in the real environment.

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We have found a perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of iron adatoms on a surface of the prototypical three-dimensional topological insulator Bi2Se3 by using x-ray magnetic circular dichroism measurements. The orbital magnetic moment of Fe is strongly enhanced at lower coverage, where angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy shows coexistence of non-trivial topological states at the surface.

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