The topological physics has sparked intensive investigations into topological lattices in photonic, acoustic, and mechanical systems, powering counterintuitive effects otherwise inaccessible with usual settings. Following the success of these endeavors in classical wave dynamics, there has been a growing interest in establishing their topological counterparts in diffusion. Here, we propose an additional real-space dimension in diffusion, and the system eigenvalues are transformed from "imaginary" to "real.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPlanar super-oscillatory lens (SOL), a far-field subwavelength-focusing diffractive device, holds great potential for achieving sub-diffraction-limit imaging at multiple wavelengths. However, conventional SOL devices suffer from a numerical-aperture-related intrinsic tradeoff among the depth of focus (DoF), chromatic dispersion and focusing spot size. Here, we apply a multi-objective genetic algorithm (GA) optimization approach to design an apochromatic binary-phase SOL having a prolonged DoF, customized working distance (WD), minimized main-lobe size, and suppressed side-lobe intensity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFQuantum control of lossy systems is known to be achieved by adiabatic passage via an approximate dark state relatively immune to loss, such as the emblematic example of stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP) featuring a lossy excited state. By systematic optimal control study, via the Pontryagin maximum principle, we design alternative more efficient routes that, for a given admissible loss, feature an optimal transfer with respect to the cost defined as (i) the pulse energy (energy minimization) or (ii) the pulse duration (time minimization). The optimal controls feature remarkably simple sequences in the respective cases: (i) operating far from a dark state, of π-pulse type in the limit of low admissible loss, or (ii) close to the dark state with a counterintuitive pulse configuration sandwiched by sharp intuitive sequences, referred to as the intuitive/counterintuitive/intuitive (ICI) sequence.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVarious optical crystals possess permittivity components of opposite signs along different principal directions in the mid-infrared regime, exhibiting exotic anisotropic phonon resonances. Such materials with hyperbolic polaritons-hybrid light-matter quasiparticles with open isofrequency contours-feature large-momenta optical modes and wave confinement that make them promising for nanophotonic on-chip technologies. So far, hyperbolic polaritons have been observed and characterized in crystals with high symmetry including hexagonal (boron nitride), trigonal (calcite) and orthorhombic (α-MoO or α-VO) crystals, where they obey certain propagation patterns.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhilos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci
December 2022
Robust and efficient manipulation of electron spin qubits in quantum dots is of great significance for the reliable realization of quantum computers and execution of quantum algorithms. In this paper, we study the robust control on a singlet-triplet qubit based on inverse engineering, one technique of shortcuts to adiabaticity (STA), in a nanowire double quantum dot in the presence of magnetic field and strong spin-orbit coupling. The optimization of STA with respect to the systematic errors, contributed from the control field and the perturbative interaction, is explored.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe polarization singularity in momentum space has recently been discovered as a new class of topological signatures of Bloch modes in photonic crystal slabs concerning the far-field radiations, beyond its near-field description with widely explored topological band theory. Bound states in the continuum (BICs) in photonic crystal slabs are demonstrated as vortex eigenpolarization singularities in momentum space and the circular polarization points (C points) are also obtained based on BICs, opening up more possibilities for exotic light scattering and various topological phenomena of singular optics. Here, focusing on the nondegenerate bands, we report the generation to annihilation of two pairs of C points in momentum space in the photonic crystal slabs with inversion symmetry but broken up-down mirror symmetry.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe develop an inverse geometric optimization technique that allows the derivation of optimal and robust exact solutions of low-dimension quantum control problems driven by external fields. We determine in the dynamical variable space optimal trajectories constrained to robust solutions by Euler-Lagrange optimization; the control fields are then derived from the obtained robust geodesics and the inverted dynamical equations. We apply this method, referred to as robust inverse optimization (RIO), to design optimal control fields producing a complete or half population transfer and a not quantum gate robust with respect to the pulse inhomogeneities.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNaturally-occurring thermal materials usually possess specific thermal conductivity (κ), forming a digital set of κ values. Emerging thermal metamaterials have been deployed to realize effective thermal conductivities unattainable in natural materials. However, the effective thermal conductivities of such mixing-based thermal metamaterials are still in digital fashion, i.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMetal atoms dispersed on the oxide supports constitute a large category of single-atom catalysts. In this review, oxide supported single-atom catalysts are discussed about their synthetic procedures, characterizations, and reaction mechanism in thermocatalysis, such as water-gas shift reaction, selective oxidation/hydrogenation, and coupling reactions. Some typical oxide materials, including ferric oxide, cerium oxide, titanium dioxide, aluminum oxide, and so on, are intentionally mentioned for the unique roles as supports in anchoring metal atoms and taking part in the catalytic reactions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAngew Chem Int Ed Engl
October 2020
Catalytic combustion is promising in removing trace amounts of CH to address serious environmental concerns. Supported Pd-based catalysts are most effective but often suffer from low stability in applications owing to the water-vapor-induced sintering. Herein, we develop a universal strategy to prepare irreducible-oxide-modified Pd/MgAl O catalysts which show high activity and excellent stability against both hydrothemal aging at elevated temperatures and deactivation in long-term reaction under wet conditions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSingle-atom catalysts (SACs) have demonstrated superior catalytic performance in numerous heterogeneous reactions. However, producing thermally stable SACs, especially in a simple and scalable way, remains a formidable challenge. Here, we report the synthesis of Ru SACs from commercial RuO powders by physical mixing of sub-micron RuO aggregates with a MgAlFeO spinel.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe poor thermodynamic stability of gold nanoparticles (NPs) makes it very challenging to stabilize them in small sizes at elevated temperatures. Herein, we report the preparation of antisintering Au nanocatalyst by rationally selecting the sublattice matched MgGaO spinel as support based on theoretical predictions. Au/MgGaO retains Au NPs of 2-5 nm even after aging over the melting temperature of bulk gold (1064 °C)! By identifying the stable structure, the extraordinary stability is found to arise from the formation of a new phase structure, namely Au-MgGaO metal-oxide "hetero-bicrystal" that remains as crystallite without melting even at 1100 °C.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInterference lithography based on surface plasmon polaritons has been proven to break the diffraction limit and deliver the high imaging resolution. However, most previously reported studies suffer from the inflexible pattern pitch for a certain structure ascribed to fixed excitation mode, which limits the applications in micro-/nano- fabrications. In this work, the large area deep subwavelength interference lithography with tunable pattern period based on bulk plasmon polaritons (BPPs) is proposed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDespite a plethora of applications ranging from wireless communications to sensing and spectroscopy, the current terahertz beam steering technologies suffer from tremendous insert loss, stringent control of electric bias, limited scanning angle, relatively complicated configuration and narrow operation bandwidth, preventing further practical application. We propose and demonstrate a conceptually new approach for terahertz beam steering by virtue of gap plasmon geodesic antennas. By adjusting the geometric dimension of the gap plasmon geodesic antennas, all gap plasmon modes add coherently along a peculiar direction that depends on the geodesic mean surface.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHyperbolic metamaterials (HMMs) composed of multiple nanometal-dielectric films are proposed for launching deep subwavelength bulk plasmon polaritons (BPPs) as uniform, large area surface imaging illumination sources with a skin depth even beyond 10 nm. Benefiting from the coupled plasmon modes over a wide wavevector range in HMMs, the illumination depth could be continually tuned, simply by adjusting the incidence angle of light impinged on a grating structure for BPP excitation. As an example, the illumination depths of 19-63 nm at a light wavelength of 532 nm are demonstrated with SiO-Ag multifilms.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTreatment of the lithium salt of β-ketimine with FeCl(THF) in the presence of LiN(SiMe) and water affords the multimetallic iron(ii)-lithium complex 1, [(L)Fe]LiO [where L = MeC(O)CHC(NMe)Me]. In complex 1 three separated (L)Fe units are bound together by one LiO species, which leads to the formation of an interesting {FeLiO} core structure. Complex 1 can be used as a single-component initiator for the ring-opening polymerization of ε-caprolactone at room temperature, achieving a monomer conversion of 98% within 100 min, and a narrow molecular weight distribution (PDI = 1.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNanofabrication technology with high-resolution, high-throughput and low-cost is essential for the development of nanoplasmonic and nanophotonic devices. At present, most metasurfaces are fabricated in a point by point writing manner with electron beam lithography or a focused ion beam, which imposes a serious cost barrier with respect to practical applications. Near field optical lithography, seemingly providing a high-resolution and low-cost way, however, suffers from the ultra shallow depth and poor fidelity of obtained photoresist patterns due to the exponential decay feature of evanescent waves.
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