Conventional diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) sequences employing a spin echo or stimulated echo sensitize diffusion with a specific b-value at a fixed diffusion direction and diffusion time (Δ). To compute apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and other diffusion parameters, the sequence needs to be repeated multiple times by varying the b-value and/or gradient direction. In this study, we developed a single-shot multi-b-value (SSMb) diffusion MRI technique, which combines a spin echo and a train of stimulated echoes produced with variable flip angles.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMagn Reson Med
November 2024
Purpose: To develop and demonstrate a fast 3D fMRI acquisition technique with high spatial resolution over a reduced FOV, named k-t 3D reduced FOV imaging (3D-rFOVI).
Methods: Based on 3D gradient-echo EPI, k-t 3D-rFOVI used a 2D RF pulse to reduce the FOV in the in-plane phase-encoding direction, boosting spatial resolution without increasing echo train length. For image acceleration, full sampling was applied in the central k-space region along the through-slab direction (k) for all time frames, while randomized undersampling was used in outer k regions at different time frames.
Purpose: EPI with blip-up/down acquisition (BUDA) can provide high-quality images with minimal distortions by using two readout trains with opposing phase-encoding gradients. Because of the need for two separate acquisitions, BUDA doubles the scan time and degrades the temporal resolution when compared to single-shot EPI, presenting a major challenge for many applications, particularly fMRI. This study aims at overcoming this challenge by developing an echo-shifted EPI BUDA (esEPI-BUDA) technique to acquire both blip-up and blip-down datasets in a single shot.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: To develop a novel convolutional recurrent neural network (CRNN-DWI) and apply it to reconstruct a highly undersampled (up to six-fold) multi-b-value, multi-direction diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) dataset.
Methods: A deep neural network that combines a convolutional neural network (CNN) and recurrent neural network (RNN) was first developed by using a set of diffusion images as input. The network was then used to reconstruct a DWI dataset consisting of 14 b-values, each with three diffusion directions.
Purpose: To develop a time-efficient pulse sequence that acquires multiple diffusion-weighted images with distinct diffusion times in a single shot by using multiple stimulated echoes (mSTE) with variable flip angles (VFA).
Methods: The proposed diffusion-weighted mSTE with VFA (DW-mSTE-VFA) sequence begins with two 90° RF pulses that straddle a diffusion gradient lobe (G ) to excite and restore one half of the magnetization into the longitudinal axis. The restored longitudinal magnetization was successively re-excited by a series of RF pulses with VFA, each followed by another G , to generate a set of stimulated echoes.
Purpose: To develop a DWI sequence with multiple readout echo-trains in a single shot (multi-readout DWI) over a reduced FOV, and to demonstrate its ability to achieve high data acquisition efficiency in the study of coupling between diffusion and relaxation in the human prostate.
Methods: The proposed multi-readout DWI sequence plays out multiple EPI readout echo-trains after a Stejskal-Tanner diffusion preparation module. Each EPI readout echo-train corresponded to a distinct effective TE.
This study aimed at developing a simultaneous multi-segment (SMSeg) imaging technique using a two-dimensional (2D) RF pulse in conjunction with echo planar imaging (EPI) to image multiple focal regions.The SMSeg technique leveraged periodic replicates of the excitation profile of a 2D RF pulse to simultaneously excite multiple focal regions at different locations. These locations were controlled by rotating and scaling transmit k-space trajectories.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: The gradient-echo-train-based Sub-millisecond Periodic Event Encoded Dynamic Imaging (get-SPEEDI) technique provides ultrahigh temporal resolutions (∼0.6 ms) for detecting rapid physiological activities, but its practical adoption can be hampered by long scan times. This study aimed at developing a more efficient variant of get-SPEEDI for reducing the scan time without degrading temporal resolution or image quality.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: To develop a 2D multi-echo passband balanced SSFP (bSSFP) sequence using an echo-train readout with a sequential phase-encoding order (sequential multi-echo bSSFP), and evaluate its performance in fast functional brain imaging at 7 T.
Methods: As images of sequential multi-echo bSSFP exhibit multiple ghosts due to periodic k-space modulations, a GRAPPA-based reconstruction method was proposed to eliminate ghosting artifacts. MRI experiments were performed to compare the image quality of multi-echo bSSFP and conventional single-echo bSSFP.
Purpose: This study aimed at developing a 3D reduced field-of-view imaging (3D-rFOVI) technique using a 2D radiofrequency (RF) pulse, and demonstrating its ability to achieve isotropic high spatial resolution and reduced image distortion in echo planar imaging (EPI).
Methods: The proposed 3D-rFOVI technique takes advantage of a 2D RF pulse to excite a slab along the conventional slice-selection direction (i.e.
It has been increasingly reported that in biological tissues diffusion-weighted MRI signal attenuation deviates from mono-exponential decay, especially at high -values. A number of diffusion models have been proposed to characterize this non-Gaussian diffusion behavior. One of these models is the continuous-time random-walk (CTRW) model, which introduces two new parameters: a fractional order time derivative and a fractional order spatial derivative .
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: To develop an in-plane simultaneous multisegment (IP-SMS) imaging technique using a 2D-RF pulse and to demonstrate its ability to achieve high spatial resolution in EPI while reducing image distortion.
Methods: The proposed IP-SMS technique takes advantage of periodic replicates of the excitation profile of a 2D-RF pulse to simultaneously excite multiple segments within a slice. These segments were acquired over a reduced FOV and separated using a joint GRAPPA reconstruction by leveraging virtual coils that combined the physical coil sensitivity and 2D-RF pulse spatial response.
Purpose: To demonstrate an MRI pulse sequence-Sub-millisecond Periodic Event Encoded Dynamic Imaging with a reduced field of view (or rFOV-SPEEDI)-for decreasing the scan times while achieving sub-millisecond temporal resolution.
Methods: rFOV-SPEEDI was based on a variation of SPEEDI, known as get-SPEEDI, which used each echo in an echo-train to sample a distinct k-space raster by synchronizing with a cyclic event. This can produce a set of time-resolved images of the cyclic event with a temporal resolution determined by the echo spacing (typically < 1 ms).
Few in vivo studies have focused on the perivenous association of tubers and iron deposition in the deep gray nuclei in patients with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC). We investigated this possible relationship in TSC patients using susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI) at 7 T. SWI with high spatial resolution and enhanced sensitivity was performed on 11 TSC patients in comparison with 15 age- and sex-matched healthy controls.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Visualization of aortic valve dynamics is important in diagnosing valvular diseases but is challenging to perform with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) due to the limited temporal resolution.
Purpose: To develop an MRI technique with sub-millisecond temporal resolution and demonstrate its application in visualizing rapid aortic valve opening and closing in human subjects in comparison with echocardiography and conventional MRI techniques.
Study Type: Prospective.
Comput Med Imaging Graph
April 2021
Purpose: High field strength 3T and 7T Time-Of-Flight Magnetic Resonance Angiography (TOF- MRA) achieves better visualization of intracranial vessels, so it attracts much attention. However, quantitative comparison between 3T and 7T MRA is lacking in the aspects of image quality and the practical application of cerebrovascular diseases.
Methods: In this paper, a quantitative framework of 3T and 7T TOF-MRA comparison is proposed, which contains two steps including the automated cerebrovascular segmentation and statistical analysis.
Stereotact Funct Neurosurg
October 2021
Background: Focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) is one of the most important pathogenic findings in patients with extratemporal lobe epilepsy. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-negative is the most important negative factor to predict postoperative seizure freedom; however, FCD-I and part of FCD-IIa are MRI-negative on routine MRI.
Objectives: To explore the diagnostic values of 7T MRI and its new scan sequences in epilepsy patients with FCD-IIa.
Purpose: To demonstrate an MRI technique-Submillisecond Periodic Event Encoded Dynamic Imaging (SPEEDI)-for capturing cyclic dynamic events with submillisecond temporal resolution.
Methods: The SPEEDI technique is based on an FID or an echo signal in which each time point in the signal is used to sample a distinct k-space raster, followed by repeated FIDs or echoes to produce the remaining k-space data in each k-space raster. All acquisitions are synchronized with a cyclic event, resulting in a set of time-resolved images of the cyclic event with a temporal resolution determined by the dwell time.
Attention mechanisms at different cortical layers of human visual cortex remain poorly understood. Using submillimeter-resolution fMRI at 7 Tesla, we investigated the effects of top-down spatial attention on the contrast responses across different cortical depths in human early visual cortex. Gradient echo (GE) T2* weighted BOLD signal showed an additive effect of attention on contrast responses across cortical depths.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe introduce an accelerated gradient echo (GRE) sequence combining simultaneous multislice excitation (SMS) with echo-shifting technique for high spatial resolution blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) functional MRI (fMRI). The simulation was conducted to optimize scan parameters. To validate the feasibility of the proposed technique, the visual and motor task experiments were performed at 7.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: This study was conducted to determine the benefit of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at 7 T in detecting structural lesions and previously unidentified abnormalities in patients with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC).
Methods: Thirteen patients with TSC (8-36 years, seven males) previously diagnosed by 3 T MRI underwent additional imaging at 7 T, which included T1-weighted magnetization-prepared rapid gradient-echo (MPRAGE), T2-weighted turbo spin echo (TSE), SPACE fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR), susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI), white matter suppressed (WM-suppressed), and gray-white matter tissue border enhancement (GW-TBE) MPRAGE sequences. Subtle lesions, tuberal morphology, and perituberal cortex abnormalities were examined and compared to those observed at 3 T MRI using standard sequences.
Balanced steady-state free precession (bSSFP) offers an alternative and potentially important tool to the standard gradient-echo echo-planar imaging (GE-EPI) for functional MRI (fMRI). Both passband and transition band based bSSFP have been proposed for fMRI. The applications of these methods, however, are limited by banding artifacts due to the sensitivity of bSSFP signal to off-resonance effects.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPassband balanced steady state free precession (b-SSFP) fMRI employs the flat portion of the SSFP off-resonance response to obtain microscopic susceptibility changes elicited by changes in blood oxygenation following enhancement in neuronal activity. This technique can reduce geometric distortion and signal dropout while maintaining rapid acquisition and high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) compared with traditional fMRI techniques. In the study, we developed a novel multi-phase passband b-SSFP fMRI technique that can achieve a spatial resolution of a few mm and a high temporal sampling rate of 50ms per slice at 7Tesla.
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