Publications by authors named "Kaela Joseph"

Students in mental health (MH) professions often face MH symptoms themselves related to the stress of graduate training and have been shown to benefit from supportive mentoring. Little is known, however, about trainees who already have a mental illness, and how best to help them succeed. Snowball sampling was used to survey 35 MH professionals with lived experience of mental illness (LE), also known as "prosumers.

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Mental health care providers who have a personal lived experience of mental health challenges are valuable employees who may be vulnerable to workplace bullying, which causes harm both to these individuals and to their organizations. We used snowball sampling to survey 40 mental health professionals with lived experience about their history of workplace bullying and whether or not their lived experience was known ("out") or concealed ("closeted"). We found that our sample experienced workplace bullying at much higher rates than published samples from the general population.

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