Clin Med Insights Arthritis Musculoskelet Disord
June 2020
Purpose: While the double crush phenomena (compression along two points on a nerve) has been established between median neuropathy and cervical radiculopathy, combined suprascapular neuropathy (SSN) and cervical C5/C6 radiculopathy-so-called shoulder double crush syndrome-has not been well examined. We aim to identify the incidence of shoulder double crush syndrome in patients undergoing arthroscopic suprascapular nerve release for SSN.
Methods: One hundred consecutive patients >18 years of age who were positive for SSN on electromyography and motor nerve conduction studies (EMG/NCS) and underwent a suprascapular nerve release were included.
Introduction: The neurological manifestation of vitamin B12 deficiency can occur as a result of peripheral nerve pathology or lateral and posterior column involvement, also known as "sub-acute combined degeneration". This case report demonstrates an unusual presentation of SCD with normal B12 level.
Case Presentation: A 39-year-old man was referred to the outpatient neurology clinic with a two month history of distal upper extremities numbness and fine motor movement difficulties.
From all of the studies of developmentally regulated molecules as well as the impressive proliferation of cells within the SEZ, we would like to propose that the SEZ of the adult brain, from the lateral ventricles of the cerebrum to the central canal of the spinal cord, represents a potential "brain marrow" from which stem and progenitor cells can be further studied and exploited for cell replacement and circuitry repair paradigms for neurological disease. Without question the SEZ is not as regenerative or pleuripotential as bone marrow or other hematopoietic systems, but there are definitely some elements in common. Bone marrow contains a pleuripotent stem cell that under certain conditions (e.
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