Publications by authors named "K Toker"

Background: In the post-COVID period, the work stress experienced by healthcare professionals has become a more questionable problem. Existing studies generally examine factors caused by work stress. Few studies and discussions are identifying the antecedents of work stress.

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Background: Patient no-show behavior is a critical factor complicating hospital resource optimization and causing waste. The inefficiency caused by patients' no-shows and the resulting increased operating costs negatively affect the hospitals' financial structure and service quality. For this reason, health managers must make accurate predictions about whether patients will attend an appointment and plan the appointment system within the framework of these predictions.

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Purpose: The Emotional Communication in Hearing Questionnaire (EMO-CHeQ) is designed to evaluate awareness of vocal emotion information and perception of emotion. This study sought to translate the EMO-CHeQ into Turkish in accordance with international standards and to ascertain its validity and reliability statistically by administering it to native Turkish-speaking subjects.

Method: This empirical study involved collecting data from participants using a scale.

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Background: Being prepared for difficult airway (DA) is nevertheless of great importance. Failed or delayed tracheal intubation (TI) can increase morbidity and mortality, and the pediatric population is more prone to hypoxia. With the development of different types of videolaryngoscope (VL), these have become the device of choice in patients with DA.

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Introduction This study aimed to examine the anesthesia practices applied to the cases during the pandemic, to analyze the rate of the precautions taken in emergency/elective operations in non-COVID patients, what precautions were taken, what resources the clinics had, and the patient management in the perioperative period by organizing a survey among anesthesiologist in Turkey. Methods After obtaining approval from the Turkish Ministry of Health (2020-05-04T09_30_03) and the local ethics committee (GOKAEK-2020/10.09), a survey consisting of 21 questions was formed over the online survey inquiry (surveymonkey.

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