Publications by authors named "K S Seagraves"

Introduction: Stroke can have profound psychosocial health implications. These constructs are often overlooked and undertreated yet can be as devastating as the physical, functional, and cognitive consequences after stroke.

Aim: This scientific statement aims to evaluate 5 important aspects of psychosocial health (depression, stress, anxiety, fatigue, and quality of life) after a stroke to provide a framework for related nursing care across the poststroke continuum.

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The cerebellum regulates nonmotor behavior, but the routes of influence are not well characterized. Here we report a necessary role for the posterior cerebellum in guiding a reversal learning task through a network of diencephalic and neocortical structures, and in flexibility of free behavior. After chemogenetic inhibition of lobule VI vermis or hemispheric crus I Purkinje cells, mice could learn a water Y-maze but were impaired in ability to reverse their initial choice.

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Transsynaptic viral tracing requires tissue sectioning, manual cell counting, and anatomical assignment, all of which are time intensive. We describe a protocol for BrainPipe, a scalable software for automated anatomical alignment and object counting in light-sheet microscopy volumes. BrainPipe can be generalized to new counting tasks by using a new atlas and training a neural network for object detection.

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To examine whether rates of 30-day readmission after acute ischemic stroke changed differentially between Medicaid expansion and non-expansion states, and whether race/ethnicity moderated this change, we conducted a difference-in-differences analysis using 6 state inpatient databases (AR, FL, GA, MD, NM, and WA) from the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project. Analysis included all patients aged 19-64 hospitalized in 2012-2015 with a principal diagnosis of ischemic stroke and a primary payer of Medicaid, self-pay, or no charge, who resided in the state where admitted and were discharged alive (N=28 330). No association was detected between Medicaid expansion and readmission overall, but there was evidence of moderation by race/ethnicity.

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Background: Multiple states have not expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, resulting in higher uninsured rates in states with high stroke burdens. This study aimed to evaluate the association of Medicaid expansion with changes in health insurance coverage, severity of presentation, access to care, and outcomes among patients with acute ischemic stroke.

Methods: A retrospective, difference-in-differences analysis of Get With The Guidelines-Stroke registry data.

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