Publications by authors named "K Rayanov"

We predict the spontaneous modulated emission from a pair of exciton-polariton condensates due to coherent (Josephson) and dissipative coupling. We show that strong polariton-polariton interaction generates complex dynamics in the weak-lasing domain way beyond Hopf bifurcations. As a result, the exciton-polariton condensates exhibit self-induced oscillations and emit an equidistant frequency comb light spectrum.

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Decohering localized waves.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys

July 2013

In the absence of confinement, localization of waves takes place due to randomness or nonlinearity and relies on their phase coherence. We quantitatively probe the sensitivity of localized wave packets to random phase fluctuations and confirm the necessity of phase coherence for localization. Decoherence resulting from a dynamical random environment leads to diffusive spreading and destroys linear and nonlinear localization.

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