Publications by authors named "K K Gorbacheva"

The dynamics of an electrical scroll wave with the U-shaped filament with both ends of the filament being "anchored" on the endocardial surface and the dependence of the structure of pseudoECG on the dynamics of the vortex during the development of polymorphic tachysystolia have been studied by applying premature stimuli to the "target phase" with subsequent registration of the spatial and temporal distribution of electrical potential throughout the surface (endocardial and epicardial) of a thin (approximately 1 mm) preparation. It was found that (1) the psedoECG of the polymorphic form during the tachysystolia attack can be observed in the case that the position of the filament ends on the surfaces of the preparation does not practically change from turn to turn (filament ends are "anchored"); (2) the thread of a scroll wave during this attack can twist and untwin (twisted filament), just as it was the case for scroll waves with a straight filament; (3) in the case of pseudoECG of polymorphic form, the twisting and untwining of the filament were stronger (the angle of maximal twisting was 120 degrees and more), and the angle of twisting changed by a substantially greater value from turn to turn as compared with the pseudoECG of monomorphic form; (4) in the case of pseudoECG of polymorphic form, the time interval between the appearance of waves on the surfaces of the preparation (Tepi-endo) was substantially greater and changed to a greater extent from turn to turn of the vortex; and (5) simultaneously with the appearance of pseudoECG of polymorphic form and the onset of changes in the twisting of the scroll and the Tepi-endo interval indicated in (2-4), significant changes in the patterns of coverage of the surface by excitation occurred. Based on the results obtained, an explanation of the reasons for the appearance of excitation breakdown patterns on the surface of the myocardium was proposed, which differs from the traditional viewpoint.

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Attacks of tachysystolia have been studied, which were induced by premature stimuli (amplitude up to 4-5 diastolic thresholds, duration 4 ms) applied after a set of rectangular impulses (amplitude 2 diastolic thresholds, duration 4 ms, frequency 0.5 or 2 Hz). The spatial and temporal distribution of electrical potential throughout the surface of a thin (approximately 1 mm) preparation was registered by two multi-electrode arrays (32 unipolar electrodes each).

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Electrophoresis of 2% zinc sulfate solution and 3% sodium thiosulfate solution was used in combined treatment of intestinal dysbiosis with high Candida proliferation in 79 patients. 77 controls received standard therapy. It is shown that such electrophoresis produced positive changes in the clinical picture of the disease, significantly suppressed growth of Candida fulgi, improved function of the liver as shown by a rise in the amount of total protein and hemoglobin, lower bilirubin concentrations in the blood.

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Blood (eosinophil count and glucose content) and heart rate parameters were studied for assessment of individual responses and level of stress reaction of recently captured bottle-nosed dolphins Tursiops truncatus. Cross-tabulation analysis was carried out of the physiological parameters and the following process of adaptation to captivity. The normal level of stress response in contrast to excessive or abnormal responses were of the best predictive value for adaptation and survival of the animals.

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