Publications by authors named "K Iu Aleksandrov"

The goal of this study was to provide data to support mineralization of fluoropolymer waste and insignificant generation of PFAS as products of incomplete combustion (PIC) during incineration of fluoropolymer applications at their end-of-life. Destruction efficiency is not an acceptable metric to indicate mineralization and therefore we need to look for and measure products of incomplete destruction. A mixed sample of fluoropolymers representing 80% of commercial fluoropolymers was combusted at conditions representative of municipal and industrial waste incinerators operating in EU.

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In the past several decades, refuse-derived fuels (RDFs) have been widely applied in industrial combustion processes, for instance, in cement production. Since RDF is composed of various waste fractions with complex shapes, its flight and combustion behaviors can be relatively complicated. In this paper, we present a novel plenoptic camera-based spatial measurement system that uses image processing approaches to determine the dwell time, the space-sliced velocity in the depth direction, and the ignition time of various applied RDF fractions based on the obtained images.

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In recent years, concerns over some per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) have grown steadily. PFAS are a large group of chemical substances with widely differing properties. While one class of PFAS, fluoropolymers, have been demonstrated to meet the OECD criteria for polymers of low concern during the in use phase of their lifecycle, questions remain regarding waste handling at the end of useful life for products containing fluoropolymers.

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During a two years' period (2008-2009), 834 patients underwent IVF in the Centre. Long protocol was used where normal response was expected; for high risk patients was used protocol with antagonist and induction of ovulation with agonist or 5 000 IU HCG; and when poor response was expected, flare up protocol was applied. 363 clinical pregnancies were registered--50% for transfer and 43.

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