Publications by authors named "K G Koreshkova"

In study of the parameters characterizing the minimal--U0(B) and maximal--UD(B) mechanical stability of aggregates, half period of red cell spontaneous aggregation--tau (in mm), photometric signal amplitude characterizing the number of red cells taking part in aggregation--A (in mm), and in calculating the aggregation index 1a and the integral coefficient of aggregation K intensification of reversible aggregation of the peripheral red blood cells was revealed in patients with lung cancer, which grew against the background of increase in the number of modified red blood cells during application of antitumor polychemotherapy.

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The lipid spectrum of erythrocyte membranes was studied by thin-layer and gas-liquid chromatography in patients with lung cancer in the process of antineoplastic cytostatic chemotherapy. The control group of examined subjects was formed of healthy volunteers. During a course of antineoplastic polychemotherapy according to the CAM scheme (cyclophosphan, adriamycin, methotrexate) disorders of the erythrocyte membrane lipid spectrum in patients with II-IV stage lung cancer remained or became still more manifest.

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Reversible aggregation of the peripheral blood erythrocytes was studied in patients with stages III-IV lung cancer and patients with stages II-III tumors of the head and neck (cancer of the tongue, larynx, and buccal mucosa). The parameters examined were as follows: U0 and Ud--minimal and maximal stability of aggregates, tau---red cell aggregation half-period, A--the amplitude of photometric signal (in mm) characterizing the count of erythrocytes, Ia--aggregation index, and K--integral coefficient. The findings indicate an appreciable intensification of reversible aggregation of red cells in cancer: a significant increase of U0, Ud, A, Ia, and K and decrease of tau.

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