J.Ellis, a well-known traditional Chinese medicine, has been widely used in Asian countries for centuries. This study presented the skin barrier repair efficacy and safety evaluation of an extract from .
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Intensivists target different blood pressure component values to manage intensive care unit (ICU) patients with sepsis. We aimed to evaluate the relationship between individual blood pressure components and organ dysfunction in critically ill septic patients.
Methods: In this retrospective observational study, we evaluated 77,328 septic patients in 364 ICUs in the eICU Research Institute database.
Cardiogenic shock (CS) is a severe condition with in-hospital mortality of up to 50%. Patients who develop CS may have previous cardiac history, but that may not always be the case, adding to the challenges in optimally identifying and managing these patients. Patients may present to a medical facility with CS or develop CS while in the emergency department (ED), in a general inpatient ward (WARD) or in the critical care unit (CC).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPatients supported by mechanical ventilation require frequent invasive blood gas samples to monitor and adjust the level of support. We developed a transparent and novel blood gas estimation model to provide continuous monitoring of blood pH and arterial CO in between gaps of blood draws, using only readily available noninvasive data sources in ventilated patients. The model was trained on a derivation dataset (1,883 patients, 12,344 samples) from a tertiary pediatric intensive care center, and tested on a validation dataset (286 patients, 4030 samples) from the same center obtained at a later time.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Timely recognition of hemodynamic instability in critically ill patients enables increased vigilance and early treatment opportunities. We develop the Hemodynamic Stability Index (HSI), which highlights situational awareness of possible hemodynamic instability occurring at the bedside and to prompt assessment for potential hemodynamic interventions.
Methods: We used an ensemble of decision trees to obtain a real-time risk score that predicts the initiation of hemodynamic interventions an hour into the future.
Background: Acute kidney injury (AKI) in pediatric critical care patients is diagnosed using elevated serum creatinine, which occurs only after kidney impairment. There are no treatments other than supportive care for AKI once it has developed, so it is important to identify patients at risk to prevent injury. This study develops a machine learning model to learn pre-disease patterns of physiological measurements and predict pediatric AKI up to 48 h earlier than the currently established diagnostic guidelines.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The ventilatory ratio (VR) is a dead-space marker associated with mortality in mechanically ventilated adults with ARDS. The end-tidal alveolar dead space fraction (AVDSf) has been associated with mortality in children. However, AVDSf requires capnography measurements, whereas VR does not.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Assoc Res Otolaryngol
December 2019
At a cocktail party, we can broadly monitor the entire acoustic scene to detect important cues (e.g., our names being called, or the fire alarm going off), or selectively listen to a target sound source (e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Early deterioration indicators have the potential to alert hospital care staff in advance of adverse events, such as patients requiring an increased level of care, or the need for rapid response teams to be called. Our work focuses on the problem of predicting the transfer of pediatric patients from the general ward of a hospital to the pediatric intensive care unit.
Objectives: The development of a data-driven pediatric early deterioration indicator for use by clinicians with the purpose of predicting encounters where transfer from the general ward to the PICU is likely.
In multisource, "cocktail party" sound environments, human and animal auditory systems can use spatial cues to effectively separate and follow one source of sound over competing sources. While mechanisms to extract spatial cues such as interaural time differences (ITDs) are well understood in precortical areas, how such information is reused and transformed in higher cortical regions to represent segregated sound sources is not clear. We present a computational model describing a hypothesized neural network that spans spatial cue detection areas and the cortex.
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