Publications by authors named "Junko Fukushima"

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder of the basal ganglia. Most PD patients suffer from somatomotor and oculomotor disorders. The oculomotor system facilitates obtaining accurate information from the visual world.

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Anticipatory postural adjustments (APAs) provide postural stability and play an important role in ensuring appropriate motor performance. APAs also change in various situations. However, it is unknown whether changes in APAs during repetitive movement training contribute to improvement in motor performance.

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The cerebellar dorsal vermis lobules VI-VII (oculomotor vermis) and its output region (caudal fastigial nuclei, cFN) are involved in tracking eye movements consisting of both smooth-pursuit and saccades, yet, the exact role of these regions in the control of tracking eye movements is still unclear. We compared the neuronal discharge of these cerebellar regions using a memory-based, smooth-pursuit task that distinguishes discharge related to movement preparation and execution from the discharge related to the processing of visual motion signals or their memory. Monkeys were required to pursue (i.

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Using a cue-dependent memory-based smooth-pursuit task previously applied to monkeys, we examined the effects of visual motion-memory on smooth-pursuit eye movements in normal human subjects and compared the results with those of the trained monkeys. These results were also compared with those during simple ramp-pursuit that did not require visual motion-memory. During memory-based pursuit, all subjects exhibited virtually no errors in either pursuit-direction or go/no-go selection.

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Smooth-pursuit eye movements allow primates to track moving objects. Efficient pursuit requires appropriate target selection and predictive compensation for inherent processing delays. Prediction depends on expectation of future object motion, storage of motion information and use of extra-retinal mechanisms in addition to visual feedback.

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Recent studies implicate the cerebellum in cognitive functions in addition to its well-established roles in motor control and learning. Using a memory-based smooth-pursuit task that separates visual working memory from motor preparation and execution, monkeys were trained to pursue (i.e.

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Limb movement is smooth and corrections of movement trajectory and amplitude are barely noticeable midflight. This suggests that skeletomuscular motor commands are smooth in transition, such that the rate of change of acceleration (or jerk) is minimized. Here we applied the methodology of minimum-jerk submovement decomposition to a member of the skeletomuscular family, the head movement.

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Disorders of the social brain include Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), schizophrenia (SZ) and schizoid- and schizotypal-personality disorders. ASD is one of the developmental disorders with brain dysfunction, but the pathophysiology has not been clarified. In contrast, recent studies suggest that schizophrenia patients have pathologic findings mainly in the frontal and temporal cortices.

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There have been reports that autism spectrum disorders (ASD) share common symptoms with schizophrenia. Several imaging studies showed the overlap of the impaired brain circuit in ASD and schizophrenia. Accordingly, differential diagnoses between adult ASD and schizophrenia without positive symptoms are sometimes difficult.

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Smooth-pursuit eye movements are voluntary responses to small slow-moving objects in the fronto-parallel plane. They evolved in primates, who possess high-acuity foveae, to ensure clear vision about the moving target. The primate frontal cortex contains two smooth-pursuit related areas; the caudal part of the frontal eye fields (FEF) and the supplementary eye fields (SEF).

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Using a memory-based smooth-pursuit task, macaque monkeys were trained to pursue (i.e., go) or not pursue (i.

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We examined recently neuronal substrates for predictive pursuit using a memory-based smooth pursuit task that distinguishes the discharge related to memory of visual motion-direction from that related to movement preparation. We found that the supplementary eye fields (SEF) contain separate signals coding memory and assessment of visual motion-direction, decision not-to-pursue, and preparation for pursuit. Since medial superior temporal area (MST) is essential for visual motion processing and projects to SEF, we examined whether MST carried similar signals.

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Purpose: Juvenile monkeys being trained on smooth-pursuit tasks exhibit ocular oscillations resembling pendular nystagmus. The purpose of this study was to analyze these oscillations, the effects of gabapentin on them, and responses of cerebellar floccular neurons to understand possible neuronal mechanisms.

Methods: Four monkeys were trained for horizontal and vertical smooth pursuit; in two, saccades were also tested.

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Recently, we examined the neuronal substrate of predictive pursuit during memory-based smooth pursuit and found that supplementary eye fields (SEFs) contain signals coding assessment and memory of visual motion direction, decision not-to-pursue ("no-go"), and preparation for pursuit. To determine whether these signals were unique to the SEF, we examined the discharge of 185 task-related neurons in the caudal frontal eye fields (FEFs) in 2 macaques. Visual motion memory and no-go signals were also present in the caudal FEF but compared with those in the SEF, the percentage of neurons coding these signals was significantly lower.

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The smooth pursuit system must interact with the vestibular system to maintain the accuracy of eye movements in space (i.e., gaze-movement) during head movement.

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The smooth-pursuit system is important to precisely track a slowly moving object and maintain its image on the foveae during movement. During whole-body rotation, the smooth-pursuit system interacts with the vestibular system. The caudal part of the frontal eye fields (FEF) contains smooth pursuit-related neurons that signal eye velocity during pursuit.

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Cortical motor areas are thought to contribute "higher-order processing," but what that processing might include is unknown. Previous studies of the smooth pursuit-related discharge of supplementary eye field (SEF) neurons have not distinguished activity associated with the preparation for pursuit from discharge related to processing or memory of the target motion signals. Using a memory-based task designed to separate these components, we show that the SEF contains signals coding retinal image-slip-velocity, memory, and assessment of visual motion direction, the decision of whether to pursue, and the preparation for pursuit eye movements.

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The smooth-pursuit system must interact with the vestibular system to maintain the accuracy of eye movements in space during head movement. Maintenance of a target image on the foveae is required not only during head rotation which activates primarily semi-circular canals but also during head translation which activates otolith organs. The caudal part of the frontal eye fields (FEF) contains pursuit neurons.

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The smooth-pursuit system uses retinal image-slip-velocity information of target motion to match eye velocity to actual target velocity. The caudal part of the frontal eye fields (FEF) contains neurons whose activity is related to direction and velocity of smooth-pursuit eye movements (pursuit neurons), and these neurons are thought to issue a pursuit command. During normal pursuit in well-trained adult monkeys, a pursuit command is usually not differentiable from the actual eye velocity.

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Eye and head movements are coordinated during head-free pursuit. To examine whether pursuit neurons in frontal eye fields (FEF) carry gaze-pursuit commands that drive both eye-pursuit and head-pursuit, monkeys whose heads were free to rotate about a vertical axis were trained to pursue a juice feeder with their head and a target with their eyes. Initially the feeder and target moved synchronously with the same visual angle.

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We used the framework of the uncontrolled manifold hypothesis to explore the effects of practice on the composition of muscle groups (M-modes) and multi-M-mode synergies stabilizing the location of the center of pressure (COP). In particular, we tested a hypothesis that practice could lead to a transition from co-contraction muscle activation patterns to reciprocal patterns. We also tested a hypothesis that new sets of M-modes would form stronger synergies stabilizing COP location.

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Young primates exhibit asymmetric eye movements during vertical smooth-pursuit across a textured background such that upward pursuit has low velocity and requires many catch-up saccades. The asymmetric eye movements cannot be explained by the un-suppressed optokinetic reflex resulting from background visual motion across the retina during pursuit, suggesting that the asymmetry reflects most probably, a low gain in upward eye commands (Kasahara et al. in Exp Brain Res 171:306-321, 2006).

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The smooth-pursuit system and vestibular system interact to keep the retinal target image on the fovea during head and/or whole body movements. The caudal part of the frontal eye fields (FEF) in the fundus of arcuate sulcus contains pursuit neurons and the majority of them respond to vestibular stimulation induced by whole-body rotation, that activates primarily semi-circular canals, and by whole-body translation, that activates otoliths. To examine whether coordinate frames representing FEF pursuit signals are orbital or earth-vertical, we compared preferred directions during upright and static, whole-body roll-tilt in head- and trunk-restrained monkeys.

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The smooth pursuit system and the vestibular system interact to keep the retinal target image on the fovea by matching the eye velocity in space to target velocity during head and/or whole body movement. The caudal part of the frontal eye fields (FEF) in the fundus of the arcuate sulcus contains pursuit-related neurons and the majority of them respond to vestibular stimulation induced by whole body movement. To understand the role of FEF pursuit neurons in the interaction of vestibular and pursuit signals, we examined the latency and time course of discharge modulation to horizontal whole body rotation during different vestibular task conditions in head-stabilized monkeys.

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