Publications by authors named "Jung Soh"

ING1 is a chromatin targeting subunit of the Sin3a histone deacetylase (HDAC) complex that alters chromatin structure to subsequently regulate gene expression. We find that ING1 knockdown increases expression of Twist1, Zeb 1&2, Snai1, Bmi1 and TSHZ1 drivers of EMT, promoting EMT and cell motility. ING1 expression had the opposite effect, promoting epithelial cell morphology and inhibiting basal and TGF-β-induced motility in 3D organoid cultures.

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Circulating cell-free DNAs (cfDNAs) are DNA fragments which can be isolated from mammalian blood serum or plasma. In order to gain deeper insight into their origin(s), we have characterized the composition of human and cattle cfDNA via large-scale analyses of high-throughput sequencing data. We observed significant differences between the composition of cfDNA in serum/plasma and the corresponding DNA sequence composition of the human genome.

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We have identified 24 molecular markers, based on circulating nucleic acids (CNA) originating from the human genome, which in combination can be used in a quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) assay to identify the presence of human sepsis, starting two to three days before the first clinical signs develop and including patients who meet the SEPSIS-3 criteria. The accuracy was more than 87 % inside of the same patient cohort for which the markers were developed and up to 81 % in blind studies of patient cohorts which were not included in the marker development. As our markers are host-based, they can be used to capture bacterial as well as fungal sepsis, unlike the current PCR-based tests, which require species-specific primer sets for each organism causing human sepsis.

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Competitive sustainable production in industry demands new and better biocatalysts, optimized bioprocesses and cost-effective product recovery. Our review sheds light on the progress made for the individual steps towards these goals, starting with the discovery of new enzymes and their corresponding genes. The enzymes are subsequently engineered to improve their performance, combined in reaction cascades to expand the reaction scope and integrated in whole cells to provide an optimal environment for the bioconversion.

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Background: Arugula is a traditional medicinal plant and popular leafy green today. It is mainly consumed raw in the Western cuisine and known to contain various bioactive secondary metabolites. However, arugula has been also associated with high-profile outbreaks causing severe food-borne human diseases.

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The role of host-associated microbiota in enduring dehydration and drought is largely unknown. We have used lichens to study this increasingly important problem because they are the organisms that are optimally adapted to reoccurring hydration/dehydration cycles, and they host a defined and persistent bacterial community. The analysis of metatranscriptomic datasets from bacterial communities of the lung lichen (Lobaria pulmonaria (L.

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Background: Continuous femoral nerve block (CFNB) improves postoperative analgesia after total knee arthroplasty (TKA). The aim of this study was to investigate the clinical efficacy and complications of our in-plane three-step needle insertion technique that was devised to reduce the risk of direct femoral nerve injury during CFNB in anesthetized patients.

Methods: This retrospective study included 488 patients who had undergone TKA.

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Background: Benzylisoquinoline alkaloids (BIAs) represent a diverse class of plant specialized metabolites sharing a common biosynthetic origin beginning with tyrosine. Many BIAs have potent pharmacological activities, and plants accumulating them boast long histories of use in traditional medicine and cultural practices. The decades-long focus on a select number of plant species as model systems has allowed near or full elucidation of major BIA pathways, including those of morphine, sanguinarine and berberine.

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Oil sands are surface exposed in river valley outcrops in northeastern Alberta, where flat slabs (tablets) of weathered, bitumen-saturated sandstone can be retrieved from outcrop cliffs or from riverbeds. Although the average yearly surface temperature of this region is low (0.7°C), we found that the temperatures of the exposed surfaces of outcrop cliffs reached 55 to 60°C on sunny summer days, with daily maxima being 27 to 31°C.

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Rhizobiales (Alphaproteobacteria) are well-known beneficial partners in plant-microbe interactions. Less is known about the occurrence and function of Rhizobiales in the lichen symbiosis, although it has previously been shown that Alphaproteobacteria are the dominating group in growing lichen thalli. We have analyzed the taxonomic structure and assigned functions to Rhizobiales within a metagenomic dataset of the lung lichen Lobaria pulmonaria L.

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Symbioses represent a frequent and successful lifestyle on earth and lichens are one of their classic examples. Recently, bacterial communities were identified as stable, specific and structurally integrated partners of the lichen symbiosis, but their role has remained largely elusive in comparison to the well-known functions of the fungal and algal partners. We have explored the metabolic potentials of the microbiome using the lung lichen Lobaria pulmonaria as the model.

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Background: Locating the protein-coding genes in novel genomes is essential to understanding and exploiting the genomic information but it is still difficult to accurately predict all the genes. The recent availability of detailed information about transcript structure from high-throughput sequencing of messenger RNA (RNA-Seq) delineates many expressed genes and promises increased accuracy in gene prediction. Computational gene predictors have been intensively developed for and tested in well-studied animal genomes.

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Oil in subsurface reservoirs is biodegraded by resident microbial communities. Water-mediated, anaerobic conversion of hydrocarbons to methane and CO2, catalyzed by syntrophic bacteria and methanogenic archaea, is thought to be one of the dominant processes. We compared 160 microbial community compositions in ten hydrocarbon resource environments (HREs) and sequenced twelve metagenomes to characterize their metabolic potential.

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We have developed Phoenix 2, a ribosomal RNA gene sequence analysis pipeline, which can be used to process large-scale datasets consisting of more than one hundred environmental samples and containing more than one million reads collectively. Rapid handling of large datasets is made possible by the removal of redundant sequences, pre-partitioning of sequences, parallelized clustering per partition, and subsequent merging of clusters. To build the pipeline, we have used a combination of open-source software tools and custom-developed Perl scripts.

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To investigate the role of gene localization and genome organization in cell-cell signalling and regulation, we mapped the distribution pattern of gene families that comprise core components of intercellular communication networks. Our study is centered on the distinct evolutionarily conserved metazoan signalling pathways that employ proteins in the receptor tyrosine kinase, WNT, hedgehog, NOTCH, Janus kinase/STAT, transforming growth factor beta, and nuclear hormone receptor protein families. Aberrant activity of these signalling pathways is closely associated with the promotion and maintenance of human cancers.

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Obesity is a chronic condition involving the excessive accumulation of adipose tissue that adversely affects all systems in the body. The aim of the present study was to employ an unbiased, genome-wide assessment of transcript abundance in order to identify common gene expression pathways within insulin-sensitive tissues in response to dietary-induced diabetes. Following 20 weeks of chow or high-fat feeding (60% kcal), age-matched mice underwent a euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp to assess insulin sensitivity.

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The Bluejay genome browser is a stand-alone visualization tool for the multi-scale viewing of annotated genomes and other genomic elements. Bluejay allows users to customize display features to suit their needs, and produces publication-quality graphics. Bluejay provides a multitude of ways to interrelate biological data at the genome scale.

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Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are widespread in methane-rich subsurface environments, such as oil reservoirs and fuel-contaminated aquifers; however, little is known about the biodegradation of these compounds under methanogenic conditions. To assess the metabolism of PAH in the absence of electron acceptors, a crude oil-degrading methanogenic enrichment culture was tested for the ability to biodegrade naphthalene, 1-methylnaphthalene (1-MN), 2-methylnaphthalene (2-MN), and 2, 6-dimethylnaphthalene (2, 6-diMN). When methane was measured as an indicator of metabolism, nearly 400 μmol of methane was produced in the 2-MN- and 2, 6-diMN-amended cultures relative to substrate-unamended controls, which is close to the amount of methane stoichiometrically predicted based on the amount of substrate added (51-56 μmol).

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We have developed a tool for the visualization of temporal changes of disease patterns, using stacks of medical images collected in time-series experiments. With this tool, users can generate 3D surface models representing disease patterns and observe changes over time in size, shape, and location of clinically significant image patterns. Statistical measurements of the volume of the observed disease patterns can be performed simultaneously.

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Cell proliferation is critical to the outgrowth of biological structures including the face and limbs. This cellular process has traditionally been studied via sequential histological sampling of these tissues. The length and tedium of traditional sampling is a major impediment to analyzing the large datasets required to accurately model cellular processes.

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Progression of multiple sclerosis (MS) results in brain lesions caused by white matter inflammation. MS lesions have various shapes, sizes and locations, affecting cognitive abilities of patients to different extents. To facilitate the visualization of the brain lesion distribution, we have developed a software tool to build 3D surface models of MS lesions.

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Background: Using 3D generic models to statistically analyze trends in biological structure changes is an important tool in morphometrics research. Therefore, 3D generic models built for a range of populations are in high demand. However, due to the complexity of biological structures and the limited views of them that medical images can offer, it is still an exceptionally difficult task to quickly and accurately create 3D generic models (a model is a 3D graphical representation of a biological structure) based on medical image stacks (a stack is an ordered collection of 2D images).

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We have developed a computational framework for spatiotemporal integration of molecular and anatomical datasets in a virtual reality environment. Using two case studies involving gene expression data and pharmacokinetic data, respectively, we demonstrate how existing knowledge bases for molecular data can be semantically mapped onto a standardized anatomical context of human body. Our data mapping methodology uses ontological representations of heterogeneous biomedical datasets and an ontology reasoner to create complex semantic descriptions of biomedical processes.

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We have developed an efficient virtual dissection tool to create generic 3D models for anatomical atlases without the need for artistic drawings. Our custom-developed tool can be used to extract 3D models from 2D medical image stacks, cut the models and align the sub-models. Corresponding 2D medical image portions of the sub-models can then be registered and averaged.

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To investigate external facial morphology and cell proliferation patterns and their relationship with cleft lip malformation in mice, we need to compare samples of mice tissue photographs and surface reconstructions from micro-CT scans obtained from mouse embryos. Tissue samples obtained through digital photography are typically misaligned with respect to each other, which prevents further analysis. We have developed a system for fast interactive alignment of these image stacks for volume reconstruction and data visualization and analysis in 3D.

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