The Klein-Larson bonding model is best suited for describing σ-conjugation and σ-aromaticity of cycloalkanes. Methylene groups (-CH-) in cycloalkanes are isoconjugates with ethylene groups (-CH═CH-) in annulenes, both contributing two electrons to cyclic conjugation and aromaticity. As in the case of π-aromatic stabilization, σ-aromatic stabilization must be associated with ring-current diamagnetism.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA general survey of excited-state intramolecular proton transfer (ESIPT) processes was made from the viewpoint of global aromaticity. For most ESIPT processes studied, a tautomeric product in the first excited electronic state was found to have a larger topological resonance energy (TRE) than the reactant in the same excited state. Conversely, if a transient tautomer is much less aromatic in the excited state than the reactant, an appreciable aromaticity-imposed energy barrier to the reaction will result.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe found that the Clar sextet formula with the maximum number of sextet rings cannot always be defined meaningfully for large irregular-shaped PAHs. It is true that edge structure is always a primary determinant of the PAH aromaticity pattern. In large PAH molecules, every edge structure modifies the aromaticity pattern near the edge, but its influence fades on going away from the edge.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRing-current diamagnetism of a polycyclic π-system is closely associated with thermodynamic stability due to the individual circuits. Magnetic resonance energy (MRE), derived from the ring-current diamagnetic susceptibility, was explored in conjunction with graph-theoretically defined topological resonance energy (TRE). For many aromatic molecules, MRE is highly correlative with TRE with a correlation coefficient of 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMany fullerenes that violate the isolated pentagon rule (IPR) form stable metallofullerenes. In general, a fullerene cage is kinetically stabilized by acquiring a given number of electrons. Kinetic stability of negatively charged non-IPR fullerenes, including the recently isolated endohedral metallofullerene with a heptagonal face, was rationalized in terms of bond resonance energy (BRE).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Phys Chem A
March 2015
The isolated pentagon rule (IPR) holds without exceptions for neutral fullerene molecules. Unlike those in non-IPR fullerenes, 5/5 bonds (i.e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSuperaromatic stabilization energy (SSE) defined to estimate the degree of macrocyclic aromaticity can be used as a local aromaticity index for individual benzene rings in very large polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and finite-length graphene nanoribbons. Aromaticity patterns estimated using SSEs indicate that the locations of both highly aromatic and reactive rings in such carbon materials are determined primarily by the edge structures. Aromatic sextets are first placed on the jutting benzene rings on armchair edges, if any, and then on inner nonadjacent benzene rings.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAromatic character of coronoid hydrocarbons is greatly influenced by the shapes of outer and inner peripheries. The most aromatic rings in coronoids are jutting benzene rings on the armchair edges, if any. Clar formulas of many coronoids conform to the aromaticity patterns.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSuperaromatic stabilization energy (SSE), previously proposed by us, can be used as a novel local aromaticity index for benzene rings in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). SSE can be interpreted as the first local aromaticity index explicitly related to all relevant circuits in a polycyclic π-system, an origin of local aromaticity, being free of local aromaticity arising from adjacent six-site circuits. Therefore, this quantity is best suited for characterizing the electronic structure of large pericondensed PAHs and graphene nanoflakes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRecently synthesized septulene is a unique cycloarene molecule in that no macrocyclic conjugation circuits can be chosen from the π-system. This molecule has essentially no superaromatic stabilization energy (SSE) and can be viewed as an ideal nonsuperaromatic macrocycle. SSEs for kekulene and other cycloarenes are also very small.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAccording to the bridged annulene model, macrocyclic aromaticity of a porphyrinoid species can be attributed to the annulene-like main macrocyclic conjugation pathway (MMCP). Macrocyclic aromaticity, however, is given theoretically as a sum of contributions from all macrocyclic circuits. We found that the aromaticity due to each macrocyclic circuit is determined formally but broadly by Hückel's [4n + 2] rule of aromaticity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIndividual porphyrin macrocycles in fully conjugated oligoporphyrins exhibit different degrees of macrocyclic aromaticity. We proposed a theoretical method for estimating the degrees of macrocyclic aromaticity of these porphyrin units. This method, based on the concept of bond resonance energy, is applicable to all types of porphyrin oligomers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe global and macrocyclic aromaticity of porphyrinoids was characterized using our graph theory of aromaticity. The sequential line plots of topological resonance energy (TRE) against the number of π-electrons (N(π)) for different porphyrinoids are similar with four major extrema to those for five-membered heterocycles. This supports the view that five-membered rings are the main origin of global aromaticity in porphyrinoids.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Kekulé structure count (K) for some types of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), such as fluoranthene and perylene, can be factorized into the product of those for two or more aromatic subunits. The ring-current map for these PAHs placed in a perpendicular magnetic field exhibits a substantial localization on aromatic subunits. We found that such localization of π circulation is a characteristic of fairly small K-factorizable species in the neutral electronic state.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe sequential line plot of topological resonance energy (TRE) against the number of π electrons (N(π)) for any polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) is very similar with the same number of extrema to that for benzene. Thus, global aromaticity of a PAH molecular ion strongly reflects that of a benzene molecular ion. Likewise, the N(π) dependence of TRE for any polycyclic π system formed by fusion of two or more rings of the same size reflects that for a monocyclic species of the same ring size.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEnormous effort has been devoted to the elucidation of possible effects of bond-length alternation on the benzene pi-system. Benzene tends to stay highly aromatic and highly diatropic even if strong bond-length alternation is introduced artificially into the pi-system. Such peculiar aromatic and magnetic characters of benzene were justified consistently and unambiguously within a single theoretical framework.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFApplication of topological properties and graph theory to benzenoid hydrocarbons allowed us to construct an effective approach interpreting ring current formation in molecules when exposed to an external magnetic field. Transformation of unexcited canonical structures for molecules of 34 benzenoid hydrocarbons into circuit structures and then to directed circuit structures allowed us to define global magnetic characteristics (GMC). GMC/n(2) values correlate very well with exaltation of magnetic susceptibility DeltaLambda/n(2) (computed at the CSGT/B3LYP/6-311G** level of theory by using optimized geometries at the B3LYP/6-311G** DFT level) with cc = 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFor some porphyrinoids, such as orangarin and amethyrin, the main route of macrocyclic pi-circulation is different from the main macrocyclic conjugation pathway predicted by porphyrin chemists. Our analytical theory of ring-current diamagnetism allows us to predict the main macrocyclic conjugation pathway from the ring current distribution. We can now interpret macrocyclic aromaticity and macrocyclic circulation consistently within the same theoretical framework.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe aromatic character of neutral and doubly charged polyacenes was explored in terms of the harmonic oscillator model of aromaticity (HOMA) and bond resonance energy (BRE). Doubly charged species of polyacenes are different in global and local aromaticity from the neutral species. Neutral species are fairly uniform in local aromaticity, whereas doubly charged species are more aromatic in the edge rings than in the central rings.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMacrocyclic aromaticity is one of the key concepts in porphyrin chemistry. The degree of macrocyclic aromaticity and the associated main macrocyclic conjugation pathway in Hückel- and Möbius-type porphyrinoids were determined using our recently proposed procedure based on bond resonance energy (BRE). All porphyrinoids with diatropic and paratropic macrocycles were found to have positive and negative superaromatic stabilization energies (SSEs), respectively.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAlthough strong diatropic currents run in the pi-stacked dimers of 4n pi annulenes, they are still antiaromatic with negative topological resonance energies (TREs). The TRE difference between two annulene molecules and the pi-stacked annulene dimer can be used as a practical measure of stacked-ring aromaticity. As predicted by Corminboeuf et al.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMacrocyclic aromaticity is the most important concept in porphyrin chemistry. We propose a general graph-theoretical procedure for predicting the main macrocyclic conjugation pathway in porphyrinoids. This procedure, based on calculated bond resonance energies (BREs), can be applied not only to natural and expanded porphyrins but also to porphyrinoids with fused rings.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMacrocyclic aromaticity is the most important concept in porphyrinoid chemistry. Bond resonance energy (BRE) for any pi-bond linking adjacent pyrrolic or other rings represents the stabilization energy due to macrocyclic aromaticity. We found that a main conjugation pathway associated with macrocyclic aromaticity can be traced by choosing a pi-bond with a larger BRE at every bifurcation of the pi-network.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA simple graph-theoretical method is proposed for readily estimating the degree of extra stabilization due to macrocyclic conjugation (superaromaticity). This method is based theoretically on the concept of circuit resonance energy previously defined for cyclic pi systems. We confirmed that kekulene and related super-ring molecules are essentially nonsuperaromatic, with very small superaromatic stabilization energies.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTypical polyacenequinododimethides exist only in a single classical structure. These hydrocarbons are moderately aromatic and diatropic, although they have no aromatic conjugated circuits. This apparent dichotomy was resolved with our graph theory of aromaticity and magnetotropicity.
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