Publications by authors named "Julie DeWever"

We investigated the early effects of vandetanib (ZACTIMA; ZD6474), an inhibitor of VEGFR-dependent angiogenesis, on tumor oxygenation and on the possible consequences of combining vandetanib with radiotherapy. Tumor oxygenation, perfusion, cellular consumption of oxygen, and radiation sensitivity were studied in transplantable liver tumors after daily doses of vandetanib (25 mg kg(-1) i.p.

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The incidence of malignant melanoma is increasing at an alarming rate. As the clinical outcome of the disease strongly depends on the localization of the lesion, early detection at the initial stages of development is critical. Here, we suggest spatial characterization of melanoma based on the presence of endogenous stable free radicals in melanin pigments.

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In the normal microvasculature, caveolin-1, the structural protein of caveolae, modulates transcytosis and paracellular permeability. Here, we used caveolin-1-deficient mice (Cav(-/-)) to track the potential active roles of caveolin-1 down-modulation in the regulation of vascular permeability and morphogenesis in tumors. In B16 melanoma-bearing Cav(-/-) mice, we found that fibrinogen accumulated in early-stage tumors to a larger extent than in wild-type animals.

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Purpose: To determine whether radiation-induced increases in nitric oxide (NO) production can influence tumor blood flow and improve delivery of Akt-targeting therapeutic DNA lipocomplexes to the tumor.

Methods And Materials: The contribution of NO to the endothelial response to radiation was identified using NO synthase (NOS) inhibitors and endothelial NOS (eNOS)-deficient mice. Reporter-encoding plasmids complexed with cationic lipids were used to document the tumor vascular specificity and the efficacy of in vivo lipofection after irradiation.

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Tumors may evade immune responses at multiple levels, including through a defect in the lymphocyte-vessel wall interactions. The angiogenic nature of endothelial cells (EC) lining tumor blood vessels may account for such anergy. In this study, we examined whether mechanisms other than down-regulation of adhesion molecules could be involved, particularly signaling pathways dependent on the caveolae platforms.

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Emerging preclinical studies support the concept of a transient "normalization" of tumor vasculature during the early stage of antiangiogenic treatment, with possible beneficial effects on associated radiotherapy or chemotherapy. One key issue in this area of research is to determine whether this feature is common to all antiangiogenic drugs and whether the phenomenon occurs in all types of tumors. In the present study, we characterized the evolution of the tumor oxygenation (in transplantable liver tumor and FSAII tumor models) after administration of SU5416, an antagonist of the vascular endothelial growth factor receptor.

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Objectives: Amlodipine is a calcium channel blocker (CCB) known to stimulate nitric oxide production from endothelial cells. Whether this ancillary property can be related to the capacity of amlodipine to concentrate and alter the structure of cholesterol-containing membrane bilayers is a matter of investigation. Here, we reasoned that since the endothelial nitric oxide synthase is, in part, expressed in cholesterol-rich plasmalemmal microdomains (e.

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When neovascularization is triggered in ischemic tissues, angiogenesis but also (postnatal) vasculogenesis is induced, the latter requiring the mobilization of endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) from the bone marrow. Caveolin, the structural protein of caveolae, was recently reported to directly influence the angiogenic process through the regulation of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)/nitric oxide pathway. In this study, using caveolin-1 null mice (Cav(-/-)), we examined whether caveolin was also involved in the EPC recruitment in a model of ischemic hindlimb.

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Acute hypoxia (transient cycles of hypoxia-reoxygenation) is known to occur in solid tumors and is generally believed to be caused by tumor blood flow instabilities. It was recently demonstrated that T2*-weighted (T2*w) gradient echo (GRE) MRI is a powerful non-invasive method for investigating periodic changes in tumor pO2 and blood flow associated with acute hypoxia. Here, the possible correlation between tumor vessel immaturity, vessel functionality and T2*w GRE signal fluctuations was investigated.

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Purpose: To characterize changes in the tumor microenvironment early after irradiation and determine the factors responsible for early reoxygenation.

Methods And Materials: Fibrosarcoma type II (FSaII) and hepatocarcinoma transplantable liver tumor tumor oxygenation were determined using electron paramagnetic resonance oximetry and a fiberoptic device. Perfusion was assessed by laser Doppler, dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI, and dye penetration.

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In tumors, caveolin-1, the structural protein of caveolae, constitutes a key switch through its function as a tumor suppressor and a promoter of metastases. In endothelial cells (EC), caveolin is also known to directly interact with the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and thereby to modulate nitric oxide (NO)-mediated processes including vasodilation and angiogenesis. In this study, we examined whether the modulation of the stoichiometry of the caveolin/eNOS complex in EC lining tumor blood vessels could affect the tumor vasculature and consecutively tumor growth.

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Nitric oxide (NO) is a powerful angiogenic mediator acting downstream of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Both the endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) and the VEGFR-2 receptor colocalize in caveolae. Because the structural protein of these signaling platforms, caveolin, also represses eNOS activity, changes in its abundance are likely to influence the angiogenic process in various ways.

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