Background: Looked-after children are at risk of suboptimal attachment patterns and reactive attachment disorder. However, access to interventions varies widely and there are no evidence-based interventions for this disorder.
Objectives: (1) To adapt an existing video-feedback intervention to meet the specific needs of foster children in the UK with reactive attachment symptoms, (2) to conduct a case series to road-test the treatment manual and study procedures, (3) to conduct a scoping study of the key hurdles in a pilot trial and (4) to conduct a pilot randomised controlled trial of the adapted intervention to determine the feasibility of a future full-scale trial.
Background: Looked-after children are at risk of suboptimal attachment patterns and reactive attachment disorder (RAD). However, access to interventions varies widely, and there are no evidence-based interventions for RAD.
Aims: To modify an existing parenting intervention for children with RAD in the UK foster care setting, and test the feasibility of conducting a randomised controlled trial (RCT) of the modified intervention.