Publications by authors named "Julie A Pooley"

COVID-19 has changed the world in many ways, and while some families were divided by geographical distances and mandatory "stay-at-home" orders during lockdowns, others became fractured owing to decisions about vaccination. This novel exploratory qualitative study questions how family systems and COVID-19 attitudes influenced the vaccine decisions of 10 Australian First Nations individuals. Despite the significance of family in decision making, the advice of respected family members became insignificant when nonvaccination resulted in the undesirable consequences of coercive government mandates.

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While distressing, late life spousal loss is considered a normative life event and most demonstrate resilient recovery from grief. However, for 5-7% of the population spousal loss comes early, before the age of 50, and little is known about the factors that influence adjustment in this population. We used the DPM integrative framework to examine correlates and predictors of mental wellbeing and grief intensity in an international sample of 603 young widows and widowers.

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Background: The willingness to try in vitro fertilization (IVF) as an infertility treatment, as well as its psychosocial consequences for couples, may be influenced by how they perceive the attitudes of general public towards this procedure. The focus of the current study was to identify predictors of attitudes towards mothers who underwent IVF to conceive a child. Three predictors were derived from attitude components: contact with someone who had undergone IVF (behavior), moral foundations (emotions), and the level of knowledge (cognition) about IVF.

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Background: Sensitive measures of early lung disease are being integrated into therapeutic trials and clinical practice in cystic fibrosis (CF). The impact of early disease surveillance (EDS) using these novel and often intensive techniques on young children and their families is not well researched.

Methods: The Australian Respiratory Early Surveillance Team for Cystic Fibrosis (AREST CF) has operated a combined clinical and research early disease surveillance program, based around annual chest CT scan, bronchoscopy and lung function from newborn screening diagnosis until age 6 years, for over two-decades.

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Objectives: Previous research has identified a lack of clarification regarding paramedic professional obligation to work. Understanding community expectations of paramedics will provide some clarity around this issue. The objective of this research was to explore the expectations of a sample of Australian community members regarding the professional obligation of paramedics to respond during pandemics.

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Objective: To examine the association between scores on the Protective Factors for Resilience Scale (PFRS) (as a measure of a person's psycho-social resources for resilience) and quality of life as well as symptoms of psychological distress for adult cancer survivors.

Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 295 cancer survivors (59% female) provided background demographic information and completed the PFRS as well as measures of quality of life and psychological distress previously validated with cancer survivors. Most of the survivors were diagnosed with breast or prostate cancer.

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Objectives: Although surviving bone resection/limb salvage surgery treatment is the beginning of the journey towards recovery, the importance of providing patients with post-operative psychological support is often overlooked by health professionals. Hence, patients typically are left to their own devices in terms of ensuring their mental health and well-being. Methodological Approach and Participants: This qualitative analysis of seven long-term sarcoma survivors' reflective journal entries provides insights into the different phases of distress, resilience building, resilient growth and advice-giving that they moved through during their survivorship journey.

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Introduction And Objective: Due to the reported efficacy of in vitro fertilization (IVF) this method of dealing with infertility is increasing being used. Experiencing IVF can be a source of psychological and emotional difficulties for couples trying to have a child. A systematic review was performed to discuss IVF as a psychological issue that impacts on the functioning of individuals, couples and families.

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Sarcomas often occur in patients' extremities and treatment typically involves bone resection/limb salvage surgery. Such treatments leave survivors with physical disfigurements, functional disabilities, and/or emotional traumas. Our post-surgery psychological intervention investigated how these experiences impinge on sarcoma survivors' lives.

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This review evaluates the efficacy of using physical exercise interventions on improving cognitive functions in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and/or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This review includes a meta-analysis based on a random-effects model of data reported in 22 studies with 579 participants aged 3-25 year old. The results revealed an overall small to medium effect of exercise on cognition, supporting the efficacy of exercise interventions in enhancing certain aspects of cognitive performance in individuals with ASD and/or ADHD.

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Choosing not to have children is considered a deviation from cultural norms, particularly the dominant pronatalist discourse; this is especially so for women. However, little research has documented the experience of Australian women who have consciously chosen to remain childless. Ten voluntarily childfree women participated in unstructured interviews about their choice and its ramifications.

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