Publications by authors named "Judith J Bond"

Thirty-six Merino wethers (10-month-old) were fed ad libitum for 30 days two diets;1) low metabolizable energy diet (LME; 30% lucerne: 70% cereal chaff) and 2) high ME diet (HME; 40% rolled barley grain: 50% lucerne: 10% cereal chaff). Effects of diet on dry matter intake (DMI), metabolizable energy intake (MEI), liveweight (LWT), average daily gain (ADG), carcass lean or fat gain, liver and empty rumen weight and plasma metabolites were analysed. A membrane enriched protein fraction of rumen epithelium isolated enzymatically from whole depth rumen wall was quantified for each sheep using tandem mass tag mass spectrometry (TMT-MS).

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