Publications by authors named "Judith Davis"

Background/objectives: Gastrointestinal phenotypes have previously been associated with obesity, however it is unknown if these phenotypes are a cause or a consequence of obesity and weight gain. Our aim was to assess whether these gastrointestinal phenotypes are associated with future weight gain in younger adults.

Subjects/methods: At baseline, 126 adult participants under the age of 35 were weighed and underwent measurement of gastrointestinal phenotypes including gastric emptying (GE), gastric volume, satiation, satiety, and gastrointestinal hormones.

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Background: Rapid gastric emptying, increased food intake, and alterations in gastrointestinal hormones are associated with obesity. The effect of regular physical activity (PA) on food intake, gastric emptying (GE), gastric accommodation, and gastrointestinal (GI) hormones in adults with obesity remains unclear. Our aim was to compare, at time of presentation, weight trends, eating behavior, GE, and GI hormone levels among individuals with obesity who engage in regular PA compared to those who do not.

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Background: The bile acid (BA) pathway plays a role in regulation of food intake and glucose metabolism, based mainly on findings in animal models. Our aim was to determine whether the BA pathway is altered and correctable in human obesity and diabetes.

Methods: We conducted 3 investigations: 1) BA receptor pathways were studied in NCI-H716 enteroendocrine cell (EEC) line, whole human colonic mucosal tissue and in human colonic EEC isolated by Fluorescence-activated Cell Sorting (ex vivo) from endoscopically-obtained biopsies colon mucosa; 2) We characterized the BA pathway in 307 participants by measuring during fasting and postprandial levels of FGF19, 7αC4 and serum BA; 3) In a placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomised, 28-day trial, we studied the effect of ileo-colonic delivery of conjugated BAs (IC-CBAS) on glucose metabolism, incretins, and lipids, in participants with obesity and diabetes.

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Cooper, CN, Dabbs, NC, Davis, J, and Sauls, NM. Effects of lower-body muscular fatigue on vertical jump and balance performance. J Strength Cond Res 34(10): 2903-2910, 2020-Lower-body fatigue can lead to a decline in vertical jump (VJ) and balance performance due to decreased motor control and coordination.

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The purpose of this investigation was to compare external work and net energy expenditure during a bout of repetitive stretch-shortening cycles between competitive and recreational long-distance runners. Participants were divided into either competitive or recreational runners based on their maximal oxygen consumption and self-reported 1600 m times. The stretch-shortening cycle involved a repetitive hopping protocol on a force plate while measuring oxygen consumption and lactate accumulation for a total of 10 min.

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This is an example of a postmodern, dialogical approach to teaching family therapy based on the work of such practitioners as Tom Andersen, Michael White, and Lynn Hoffman, among others. It demonstrates the way in which the reflecting process connects all of the participants in a web of meanings both educational and transformational. This particular consultation, which includes the author, her graduate students, the client, and guest participant Lynn Hoffman, ends with an unexpected ritual of intergenerational appreciation.

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Many animal models used in neuroscience research must be surgically created and/or anesthetized for imaging studies. The purpose of this unit is to review the advantages and disadvantages of various anesthetic and analgesic agents in rodents; to discuss state-of-the-art methods for monitoring anesthesia; and to provide tips for troubleshooting problems with anesthesia.

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The Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (Guide) recommends minimum floor space per mouse based on weight, with no other factors considered. We conducted a randomized experiment to evaluate the effect of housing density on reproductive indices and corticosterone levels in lactating mice. Female mice matched for age, strain, and date-of-pregnancy were housed individually.

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In vivo animal imaging is an outstanding noninvasive tool to study the pathophysiology of disease or response to therapy; additionally, serial imaging reduces the required number of experimental animals. Because of the tremendous capital investment, we recommend the imaging center be a shared resource to facilitate innovative and productive cross-disciplinary scientific collaborations. A shared center also enables a broader range of imaging, as equipment is often cost prohibitive for smaller facilities.

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Two natural outbreaks of mouse minute virus (MMV) are described. Observations during management of the naturally infected colonies led to a study in which 4-wk-old C57BL/6NCr and C57BL/6Tac mice were inoculated oronasally with an immunosuppressive variant of MMV (MMVi), as were adult C57BL/6NCr lactating dams or their pups (age, 10 d). By day 28 postinoculation, 100% of the 4-wk-old male C57BL/6NCr and C57BL/6Tac mice, 56.

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Objective: To determine the utility of using administrative data for epidemiologic studies of gout by examining the validity of gout diagnoses in claims data.

Methods: From a population of approximately 800,000 members from 4 managed care plans, we identified patients who had at least 2 ambulatory claims for a diagnosis of gout between January 1, 1999 and December 31, 2003. From this group, a random sample of 200 patients was chosen for medical record review.

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The rapid increase in the production and use of transgenic mice has been a boon for biomedical research and a challenge for the animal care and use programs responsible for providing housing and medical care to these animals. The authors suggest ways in which the veterinary staff can successfully organize and manage transgenic mouse breeding programs to reduce uncontrolled breeding and the problems associated with it.

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We sought to determine whether any of the common methods of euthanasia for adult rodents would lead to an acceptable death for fetuses or neonates. We wanted to identify a method that was rapid, free of signs of pain or distress, reliable, and minimally distressful to the person performing the procedure and that minimized the amount of handling required to perform the procedure. We evaluated six methods of euthanasia, with and without anesthesia, in three age groups of mice: gravid mice (E14-20) and neonatal pups (P1-P7 and P8-P14).

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Objectives/hypothesis: The objectives were to assess patient-reported outcomes, specifically, the health-related quality of life of patients with laryngopharyngeal reflux, and to compare those reported levels with the health-related quality of life of patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease and a general population.

Study Design: Prospective study.

Methods: As part of a prospective study to validate a health-related quality of life instrument for laryngopharyngeal reflux, patient-reported data were collected before the initiation of therapy.

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An experimental study was performed to investigate whether intradermal tail inoculations of Staphylococcus xylosus would result in pathologic lesions in the SJL/J strain of mice (Mus musculus). This organism historically has been classified as a nonpathogenic, commensal bacterium associated with skin and mucous membranes and rarely implicated in infections. In this study, SJL/J mice inoculated with S.

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Catheterization of the urinary bladder of rats and mice is necessary for a variety of clinical and experimental reasons. The anatomy of the female mouse and rat is unique in that the urinary orifice is external and just anterior to the vaginal opening. This characteristic makes the bladder of these species easier to catheterize than that of other species.

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Spontaneous rhabdomyosarcoma is rare in laboratory rodents. Incidence was estimated as 2.4/100,000 in BALB/c mice; incidence of <0.

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