Objective: To obtain breast cancer survival estimates in Manizales, Colombia, considering socioeconomic level, health insurance regime and residential area, while adjusting for age, histology and stage at diagnosis.
Methods: Analytical cohort study based on breast cancer incident cases recorded by the Population-based Manizales Cancer Registry between 2008-2015. Patients were followed-up for 60 months.
Objective: To determine 5-year survival in patients with colorectal cancer (CRC) according to patient and tumor characteristics.
Methods: Longitudinal study based on incident cases of invasive CRC between 2008 and 2017 captured by the Manizales Population-based Cancer Registry (n=850). Patients were followed up to August 24th, 2021.
Colomb Med (Cali)
November 2022
Objective: To describe cancer incidence and mortality trends in Manizales, Colombia, between 2008-2017.
Methods: All incident cancer cases in Manizales collected by the Population-based Manizales Cancer Registry between January 1, 2008, and December 31, 2017, and all deaths caused by cancer in the same period, were included. The population at risk was obtained from the National Administrative Department of Statistics databases.
Objective: We estimated the cutaneous melanoma (CM) incidence, mortality, and survival in Manizales, Colombia to establish predictors for survival.
Methods: This analytical cohort study used CM incident cases during 2006 to 2015 in the Manizales Cancer Registry (n = 132). Incidence and mortality rates were standardized using the direct method.