Publications by authors named "Joyce Jones"

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  • The study aimed to assess the impact of starting antidepressants on viral load suppression in HIV-positive patients with untreated depression.
  • Researchers conducted a retrospective study with 946 patients and found that only 16% started an antidepressant after being diagnosed with depression.
  • The results revealed no significant association between antidepressant use and improved viral load suppression, suggesting that different approaches may be needed for certain patients who do not respond to typical treatments.
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  • - Since 2013, there have been 167 cases of people infected with special flu viruses from pigs in the U.S. called swine-origin influenza A.
  • - Most of these viruses had a change in their genes that makes them resistant to certain medicines, but none were resistant to another type of medicine called neuraminidase inhibitors.
  • - Scientists did tests to find out how well these viruses respond to treatments and discovered that one specific change in the virus made it much harder to treat with a medicine called baloxavir.
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  • Researchers conducted surveillance for avian influenza viruses in domestic and wild birds near Lake Victoria, Kenya, due to nearby outbreaks in other countries.
  • They tested over 14,000 specimens and found that 3.9% of poultry samples and 0.2% of wild bird fecal samples were positive for the virus, with most poultry infections being H9N2.
  • Despite not detecting highly pathogenic H5N8, the study emphasizes the risk of HPAI virus introduction and establishment in the region, particularly through live bird markets.
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Background: Patients with suspected mpox presented to different venues for evaluation during the 2022 outbreak. We hypothesized that practice patterns may differ across venue of care.

Methods: We conducted an observational study of patients undergoing mpox testing between 1 June 2022 and 15 December 2022.

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The Johns Hopkins HIV Clinical Cohort, established in 1989, links comprehensive, longitudinal clinical data for adults with HIV receiving care in the Johns Hopkins John G. Bartlett Specialty Practice in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, to aid in understanding HIV care and treatment outcomes. Data include demographics, laboratory results, inpatient and outpatient visit information and clinical diagnoses, and prescribed and dispensed medications abstracted from medical records.

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Background: Since July 23, 2022, global mpox cases reached 92,546, with over 31,000 in the United States. Asymptomatic carriage is a critical mechanism influencing the global dissemination of mpox. Seroprevalence studies are crucial for determining the epidemic's true burden, but uncertainties persist in serologic assay performance and how smallpox vaccination may influence assay interpretation.

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Objective: It is unclear how often anxiety is diagnosed and treated and whether anxiety treatment is associated with improved viral suppression in persons with HIV. In this study, we characterized the anxiety care continuum and its association with viral suppression in a large urban HIV clinic in the United States.

Design: Observational cohort study.

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Objective: Integrase strand transfer inhibitors (INSTI) are associated with weight gain in people with HIV (PWH), but their impact on diabetes is unclear. We evaluated the association between switching from nonnucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTI) or protease inhibitors (PI) to INSTI and incident diabetes.

Design: Longitudinal cohort study.

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  • * The CDC's National SARS-CoV-2 Strain Surveillance (NS3) program analyzed SARS-CoV-2 samples to understand the evolution of these variants and their spike mutations from May 2021 to February 2023.
  • * The study found that some subvariants have significantly evaded neutralizing antibodies from post-vaccination sera, indicating a need for ongoing research to evaluate the effectiveness of current vaccines and inform future updates.
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  • Solid organ transplant recipients have a higher risk of HPV-related diseases, including anal squamous cell cancer (ASCC), but current screening guidelines are lacking.
  • A survey of 113 liver transplant centers across the U.S. revealed that only 46% of centers screen for ASCC, and only 12.5% have formal guidelines for screening.
  • The study highlights the need for better data, training, and resources to enhance ASCC prevention among liver transplant recipients, as many centers do not regularly assess HPV vaccination status.
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Background: Highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5) human infections are a global concern, with many A(H5) human cases detected in Vietnam, including a case in October 2022. Using avian influenza virus surveillance from March 2017-September 2022, we described the percent of pooled samples that were positive for avian influenza A, A(H5), A(H5N1), A(H5N6), and A(H5N8) viruses in live bird markets (LBMs) in Vietnam.

Methods: Monthly at each LBM, 30 poultry oropharyngeal swab specimens and five environmental samples were collected.

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Background: During the 2022 mpox outbreak most patients were managed as outpatients, but some required hospitalization. Uncontrolled human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has been identified as a risk factor for severe mpox.

Methods: Patients with mpox diagnosed or treated within the Johns Hopkins Health System between 1 June and 15 December 2022 were included.

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Background: Substance use disorder (SUD) and infectious disease (ID) care integration may lead to improvements in SUD and ID outcomes. We assessed implementation of integrating peer-supported SUD care in an outpatient ID setting.

Methods: In this implementation study, we describe REcovery in Specialty care Through medication and OutREach (RESTORE), a low-threshold SUD program implemented in a Baltimore outpatient ID clinic.

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The sporadic occurrence of human infections with swine-origin influenza A(H3N2) viruses and the continual emergence of novel A(H3N2) viruses in swine herds underscore the necessity for ongoing assessment of the pandemic risk posed by these viruses. Here, we selected 3 recent novel swine-origin A(H3N2) viruses isolated between 2017 to 2020, bearing hemagglutinins from the 1990.1, 2010.

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  • Clade HPAI A(H5N1) viruses have shown potential drug resistance, with about 0.8% of analyzed strains exhibiting markers for resistance to FDA-approved antivirals, indicating a possible public health threat.
  • Testing revealed that most of these viruses remain susceptible to existing antivirals, particularly favoring investigational options like AV5080 over conventional treatments.
  • Continued surveillance of these viruses is crucial for understanding their evolution and refining strategies for antiviral stockpiling to mitigate potential health risks.
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Background: Rapid antiretroviral therapy initiation (R-ART) for treatment of HIV has been recommended since 2017, however it has not been adopted widely across the US.

Purpose: The study purpose was to understand facilitators and barriers to R-ART implementation in the U.S.

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Orthopoxvirus-specific T-cell responses were analyzed in 10 patients who had recovered from Mpox including 7 people with human immunodeficiency virus (PWH). Eight participants had detectable virus-specific T-cell responses, including a PWH who was not on antiretroviral therapy and a PWH on immunosuppressive therapy. These 2 participants had robust polyfunctional CD4+ T-cell responses to peptides from the 121L vaccinia virus (VACV) protein.

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Background: Despite substantial investments in ending the HIV epidemic, disparities in HIV care persist, and there is an urgent need to evaluate novel and scalable approaches to improving HIV care engagement and viral suppression in real-world settings.

Objective: This paper aims to describe a study protocol for a pragmatic type II hybrid effectiveness-implementation randomized controlled trial comparing existing standard of care clinic HIV linkage, adherence, and retention (LAR) protocols to a mobile health (mHealth)-enhanced linkage, adherence, and retention (mLAR) intervention.

Methods: The study will enroll 450 participants from clinics in Baltimore City.

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Background: Telemedicine use for the care of people with HIV (PWH) significantly expanded during the COVID-19 pandemic. During 2021, vaccine uptake increased and patients were encouraged to resume in-person care, resulting in a mixture of in-person and telemedicine visits. We studied how different patient populations used telemedicine in this hybrid-care environment.

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Despite reports of confirmed human infection following ocular exposure with both influenza A virus (IAV) and SARS-CoV-2, the dynamics of virus spread throughout oculonasal tissues and the relative capacity of virus transmission following ocular inoculation remain poorly understood. Furthermore, the impact of exposure route on subsequent release of airborne viral particles into the air has not been examined previously. To assess this, ferrets were inoculated by the ocular route with A(H1N1)pdm09 and A(H7N9) IAVs and two SARS-CoV-2 (early pandemic Washington/1 and Delta variant) viruses.

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Background: Between May and November, 2022, global outbreaks of human monkeypox virus infection have been reported in more than 78 000 people worldwide, predominantly in men who have sex with men. We describe the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of monkeypox virus infection in cisgender (cis) and transgender (trans) women and non-binary individuals assigned female sex at birth to improve identification and understanding of risk factors.

Methods: International collaborators in geographical locations with high numbers of diagnoses of monkeypox virus infection were approached and invited to contribute data on women and non-binary individuals with confirmed monkeypox virus infection.

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The continued spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in humans necessitates evaluation of variants for enhanced virulence and transmission. We used the ferret model to perform a comparative analysis of four SARS-CoV-2 strains, including an early pandemic isolate from the United States (WA1), and representatives of the Alpha, Beta, and Delta lineages. While Beta virus was not capable of pronounced replication in ferrets, WA1, Alpha, and Delta viruses productively replicated in the ferret upper respiratory tract, despite causing only mild disease with no overt histopathological changes.

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