Publications by authors named "Joshua Larsen"

Background: Late and early leaf spot in peanuts is a foliar disease contributing to a significant amount of lost yield globally. Peanut breeding programs frequently focus on developing disease-resistant peanut genotypes. However, existing phenotyping protocols employ subjective rating scales, performed by human raters, who determine the severity of leaf spot infection.

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Environmental concerns about microplastics (MPs) have motivated research of their sources, occurrence, and fate in aquatic and soil ecosystems. To mitigate the environmental impact of MPs, biodegradable plastics are designed to naturally decompose, thus reducing the amount of environmental plastic contamination. However, the environmental fate of biodegradable plastics and the products of their incomplete biodegradation, especially micro-biodegradable plastics (MBPs), remains largely unexplored.

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An agricultural water use package has been developed for MODFLOW 6 using the MODFLOW Application Programming Interface (API). The MODFLOW API Agricultural Water Use Package (API-Ag) was based on the approach to simulate irrigation demand in the MODFLOW-NWT and GSFLOW Agricultural Water Use (AG) Package. The API-Ag Package differs from the previous approach by implementing new features and support for additional irrigation providers.

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FloPy is a Python package for creating, running, and post-processing MODFLOW-based groundwater flow and transport models. FloPy functionality has expanded to support the latest version of MODFLOW (MODFLOW 6) including support for unstructured grids. FloPy can simplify the process required to download MODFLOW-based and other executables for Linux, MacOS, and Windows operating systems.

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Groundwater-flow models depend on hydraulic head and flux observations for evaluation and calibration. A different type of observation-change in storage measured using repeat microgravity-can also be used for parameter estimation by simulating the expected change in gravity from a groundwater model and including the observation misfit in the objective function. The method is demonstrated using new software linked to MODFLOW input and output files and field data from the vicinity of the All American Canal in southeast California, USA.

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The Fertile Crescent, its hilly flanks and surrounding drylands has been a critical region for studying how climate has influenced societal change, and this review focuses on the region over the last 20,000 years. The complex social, economic, and environmental landscapes in the region today are not new phenomena and understanding their interactions requires a nuanced, multidisciplinary understanding of the past. This review builds on a history of collaboration between the social and natural palaeoscience disciplines.

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Soil organic carbon (SOC) is an important and manageable property of soils that impacts on multiple ecosystem services through its effect on soil processes such as nitrogen (N) cycling and soil physical properties. There is considerable interest in increasing SOC concentration in agro-ecosystems worldwide. In some agro-ecosystems, increased SOC has been found to enhance the provision of ecosystem services such as the provision of food.

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The microbial oxidation of organic matter coupled to reductive iron oxide dissolution is widely recognized as the dominant mechanism driving elevated arsenic (As) concentrations in aquifers. This paper considers the potential of nanoparticles to increase the mobility of As in aquifers, thereby accounting for discrepancies between predicted and observed As transport reported elsewhere. Arsenic, phosphorus, and iron size distributions and natural organic matter association were examined along a flow path from surface water via the hyporheic zone to shallow groundwater.

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