Publications by authors named "Joshanloo M"

Even in the most egalitarian societies, hierarchies of power and status shape social life. However, power and received status are not synonymous-individuals in positions of power may or may not be accorded the respect corresponding to their role. Using a cooperatively collected dataset from 18,096 participants across 70 cultures, we investigate, through a survey-based correlational design, when perceived position-based power (operationalized as influence and control) of various powerholders is associated with their elevated social status (operationalized as perceived respect and instrumental social value).

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  • The study aimed to identify various predictors of generativity in older adults, examining over 60 factors such as personality, daily activities, and health.
  • The researchers utilized a Random Forest machine learning algorithm to analyze data from the Midlife in the United States survey.
  • Key findings indicated that traits like social potency and personal growth are stronger predictors of generativity than demographic or health variables, suggesting that generativity is linked to dynamic, growth-oriented aspects of life rather than just stability or satisfaction.
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This inquiry traces the recent history of modern conceptualizations of personhood and wellbeing. It explores a general transition from traditional frameworks emphasizing social embeddedness, external obligations, and cosmic meaning to modern views privileging self-determination, authenticity, and self-expression. The inquiry shows that contemporary conceptions of wellbeing have emerged in Western cultures through the gradual accumulation of influences, including the Enlightenment ethos, liberal ideals, romanticism, existentialism, countercultural movements, and modern psychology.

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This study examined the relationships among the Big Five personality traits, self-esteem levels, self-esteem stability, and life satisfaction over a 15-year period. The primary objectives were to examine whether: (1) self-esteem stability contributed to the prediction of life satisfaction beyond self-esteem level, and (2) both self-esteem level and stability mediated the associations between personality traits and life satisfaction. Bayesian multilevel modelling was conducted on a sample of Dutch adults ( = 4,880), with self-esteem stability operationalised using within-person variance and mean square successive difference.

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This longitudinal study examined the reciprocal relationship between the Big Five personality traits and sense of purpose over a 13-year period using a nationally representative sample of American adults (N = 11,010). The random intercept cross-lagged panel model revealed unidirectional effects: increases in sense of purpose predicted subsequent increases in openness, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and extraversion, as well as decreases in neuroticism. Conversely, changes in personality traits did not predict future changes in sense of purpose.

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Introduction: We all experience occasional self-control failures (SCFs) in our daily lives, where we enact behaviors that stand in conflict with our superordinate or long-term goals. Based on the assumption that SCFs share common underlying mechanisms with addictive disorders, we tested the hypothesis that a generally higher susceptibility to daily SCFs predicts more addictive behavior, or vice versa.

Methods: At baseline, 338 individuals (19-27 years, 59% female) from a community sample participated in multi-component assessments.

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This study aimed to examine the relationship between positive perceptions of aging, purpose in life, and life satisfaction in older adults. It was hypothesized that purpose in life mediates the relationship between positive perceptions of one's aging and life satisfaction. This hypothesis was tested in a sample of older American adults from four waves of the Health and Retirement Study collected at 4-year intervals between 2008 and 2020 ( = 11,546, mean age in 2008 = 62.

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The purpose of this study was to examine the factors that predict life satisfaction in a large representative sample of Koreans by analyzing data from the Gallup World Poll. The primary objective was to identify important predictors and suggest strategies to improve quality of life in Korea. The study used available Korean data from 2006 to 2017, which included 14,101 participants (mean age = 46.

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Personality traits are typically assumed to predict psychological distress, with little attention paid to the potential influence of psychological distress on personality traits. Recent empirical findings, however, challenge this prevailing view by demonstrating the potential for personality traits to change and suggesting the plausible influence of chronic distress on these traits. This study aimed to examine the mutual within-person associations between psychological distress and the Big Five personality traits.

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The dual-continua model of mental health distinguishes between mental illness (presence of mental disorders, such as depression) and mental well-being (presence of positive traits and abilities). This model also distinguishes between hedonic well-being (e.g.

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The study aimed to explore the associations between the psychosocial and organizational factors, job satisfaction, and mental well-being of schoolteachers. A further aim was to examine whether job satisfaction mediated the relationship between these factors and mental well-being. A cross-sectional design was used to collect data using a self-reported questionnaire.

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We predicted that the relationship between helping strangers and life satisfaction would depend partially on the wealth of the country in which one lives. We argue that wealthy societies provide a wide range of welfare provisions for assisting their citizens. By contrast, people living in poorer countries with associated lower individualism, lower generalised trust, and higher religiosity have fewer financial and institutional supports for their daily welfare.

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To protect themselves from COVID-19, people follow the recommendations of the authorities, but they also resort to placebos. To stop the virus, it is important to understand the factors underlying both types of preventive behaviour. This study examined whether our model (developed based on the Health Belief Model and the Transactional Model of Stress) can explain participation in WHO-recommended and placebo actions during the pandemic.

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Mental balance, defined as a sense of tranquility resulting from inner peace and harmonious interactions with the external environment, is an important but largely overlooked aspect of well-being. Using data from the Gallup World Poll (N = 121,207), this study developed a global index of mental balance and a measure of preference for mental balance (as opposed to excitement) across 116 countries. The study examined the global and regional distribution of these two variables and their intercorrelations with a variety of social, economic, cultural, and well-being variables.

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Rationale: Although there is evidence that impaired executive functioning plays a role in addictive behavior, the longitudinal relationship between the two remains relatively unknown.

Objectives: In a prospective-longitudinal community study, we tested the hypothesis that lower executive functioning is associated with more addictive behavior at one point in time and over time.

Methods: Three hundred and thirty-eight individuals (19-27 years, 59% female) from a random community sample were recruited into three groups: addictive disorders related to substances (n = 100) or to behaviors (n = 118), or healthy controls (n = 120).

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The purpose of this study was to examine measurement invariance of the Dutch version of the Satisfaction with Life Scale between groups based on gender, age, education, perceived difficulty of the survey, perceived clarity of the survey, and national background. A nationally representative Dutch sample was used (N = 5369). Multiple-groups confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to test measurement invariance.

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This study used an American sample collected over a period of approximately 2 decades (at 3 time points) to examine the temporal relationships between psychological well-being and personality traits (i.e., neuroticism, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness to experience).

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We examined the relationship between discrimination and mental wellbeing among South Korean residents ( = 181) in Japan. The roles of need for belonging (NTB) as a mediator and identification with one's group as a moderator of this relationship were examined. Perceived social support was also examined as both a potential moderator and mediator.

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Mental well-being consists of hedonic/subjective, psychological, and social dimensions. Research has yet to determine how much of the variance in these three dimensions is stable or variable over time. This study used data from South Korea ( = 338) and the Netherlands ( = 2,094) to answer this question.

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Modern social science suggests that fatalistic beliefs are generally detrimental to mental well-being because these beliefs reflect a lack of perceived efficacy and control. However, many religions downplay the role of personal agency and emphasize the importance of external factors that determine people's lives (e.g.

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Self-esteem (a positive attitude toward oneself) and self-efficacy (confidence in one's ability to perform actions that lead to desired outcomes) are predictors of affective well-being. However, there is a lack of longitudinal research on their relative importance in predicting positive and negative affect. This study sought to examine the relative strength of these 2 variables in predicting affective well-being.

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Aim: To determine prevalence, predictors and change over time of nurses' and student nurses' mental health and well-being, and explore nurses' perceptions, barriers and enablers of well-being.

Design: Longitudinal mixed-methods survey.

Methods: Forty-nine students and registered nurses participated from Victoria, Australia.

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This study examined the stability of 10 symptoms of psychological distress measured by the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10) in an Australian adult sample. Data were collected at seven time points, 2 years apart, between 2007 and 2019. The average stability of the 10 symptoms was 49%.

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Positive psychology interventions hold great promise as schools around the world look to increase the wellbeing of young people. To reach this aim, a program was developed to generate positive emotions, as well as improve life satisfaction, mental toughness and perceptions of school kindness in 538 expatriate students in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Starting in September 2019, the program included a range of positive psychology interventions such as gratitude, acts of kindness and mental contrasting as examples.

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