Obliquely striated muscles occur in 17+ phyla, likely evolving repeatedly, yet the implications of oblique striation for muscle function are unknown. Contrary to the belief that oblique striation allows high force output over extraordinary length ranges (i.e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSquids maneuver to capture prey, elude predators, navigate complex habitats and deny rivals access to mates. Despite the ecological importance of this essential locomotive function, limited quantitative data on turning performance and wake dynamics of squids are available. To better understand the contribution of the jet, fins and arms to turns, the role of orientation (i.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThroughout their lives, squids are both predators and prey for a multitude of animals, many of which are at the top of ocean food webs, making them an integral component of the trophic structure of marine ecosystems. The escape jet, which is produced by the rapid expulsion of water from the mantle cavity through a funnel, is central to a cephalopod's ability to avoid predation throughout its life. Although squid undergo morphological and behavioral changes and experience remarkably different Reynolds number regimes throughout their development, little is known about the dynamics and propulsive efficiency of escape jets throughout ontogeny.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe have discovered features of the nuchal joint in the squid, , that are unique compared with moveable joints in other animals. The joint's function is unclear but it allows the head to glide toward and away from the mantle. The head glides along the joint with ease yet disarticulating the joint perpendicular to the axis of movement requires considerable force.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHollow, cylindrical body plans, and obliquely striated muscles are characteristic of soft-bodied invertebrates, and both affect the biomechanics of movement in these diverse animals. We highlight two different aspects of functional heterogeneity in obliquely striated muscles, one driven by animal shape and size and the other by the intrinsic mechanical properties of the fibers. First, we show how a hollow, cylindrical shape in the mantle of cephalopod molluscs causes a significant difference in muscle strain (defined as the change in length divided by resting length) across the mantle wall, and describe the implications of such "transmural gradients of strain" for the length-tension relationship of the obliquely striated muscles that power movements in these animals.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSquid, which swim using a coupled fin/jet system powered by muscular hydrostats, pose unique challenges for the study of locomotion. The high flexibility of the fins and complex flow fields generated by distinct propulsion systems require innovative techniques for locomotive assessment. For this study, we used proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) to decouple components of the fin motions and defocusing digital particle tracking velocimetry (DDPTV) to quantify the resultant 3D flow fields.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSquids use a pulsed jet and fin movements to swim both arms-first (forward) and tail-first (backward). Given the complexity of the squid multi-propulsor system, 3D velocimetry techniques are required for the comprehensive study of wake dynamics. Defocusing digital particle tracking velocimetry, a volumetric velocimetry technique, and high-speed videography were used to study arms-first and tail-first swimming of brief squid Lolliguncula brevis over a broad range of speeds [0-10 dorsal mantle lengths (DML) s(-1)] in a swim tunnel.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHollow cylindrical muscular organs are widespread in animals and are effective in providing support for locomotion and movement, yet are subject to significant non-uniformities in circumferential muscle strain. During contraction of the mantle of squid, the circular muscle fibers along the inner (lumen) surface of the mantle experience circumferential strains 1.3 to 1.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe investigated the ultrastructure, contractile properties, and in vivo length changes of the fast-acting funnel retractor muscle of the long-finned squid Doryteuthis pealeii. This muscle is composed of obliquely striated, spindle-shaped fibers ~3 mum across that have an abundant sarcoplasmic reticulum, consisting primarily of membranous sacs that form 'dyads' along the surface of each cell. The contractile apparatus consists of 'myofibrils' approximately 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe cylindrical shape of soft-bodied invertebrates is well suited to functions in skeletal support and locomotion, but may result in a previously unrecognized cost-large non-uniformities in muscle strain and strain rate among the circular muscle fibres of the body wall. We investigated such gradients of strain and strain rate in the mantle of eight long-finned squid Doryteuthis pealeii and two oval squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana. Transmural gradients of circumferential strain were present during all jets (n = 312); i.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe dynamics of pulsed jetting in squids throughout ontogeny is not well understood, especially with regard to the development of vortex rings, which are common features of mechanically generated jet pulses (also known as starting jets). Studies of mechanically generated starting jets have revealed a limiting principle for vortex ring formation characterized in terms of a ;formation number' (F), which delineates the transition between the formation of isolated vortex rings and vortex rings that have; pinched off' from the generating jet. Near F, there exists an optimum in pulse-averaged thrust with (potentially) low energetic cost, raising the question: do squids produce vortex rings and if so, do they fall near F, where propulsive benefits presumably occur? To better understand vortex ring dynamics and propulsive jet efficiency throughout ontogeny, brief squid Lolliguncula brevis ranging from 3.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSquid paralarvae (hatchlings) rely predominantly on a pulsed jet for locomotion, distinguishing them from the majority of aquatic locomotors at low/intermediate Reynolds numbers (Re), which employ oscillatory/undulatory modes of propulsion. Although squid paralarvae may delineate the lower size limit of biological jet propulsion, surprisingly little is known about the hydrodynamics and propulsive efficiency of paralarval jetting within the intermediate Re realm. To better understand paralarval jet dynamics, we used digital particle image velocimetry (DPIV) and high-speed video to measure bulk vortex properties (e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntegr Comp Biol
December 2008
Squids encounter vastly different flow regimes throughout ontogeny as they undergo critical morphological changes to their two locomotive systems: the fins and jet. Squid hatchlings (paralarvae) operate at low and intermediate Reynolds numbers (Re) and typically have rounded bodies, small fins, and relatively large funnel apertures, whereas juveniles and adults operate at higher Re and generally have more streamlined bodies, larger fins, and relatively small funnel apertures. These morphological changes and varying flow conditions affect swimming performance in squids.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe centrally located, mitochondria-poor (CMP) and superficially located, mitochondria-rich (SMR) circular muscle fibres in the mantles of some squids provide one of the few known examples of specialization in an obliquely striated muscle. Little is known of the mechanical properties or of the mechanisms and performance consequences of specialization in these fibres. We combined morphological and physiological approaches to study specialization in the SMR and CMP fibres of the long-finned squid Doryteuthis pealeii.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study investigated student learning outcomes using a case-based approach focused on cellular respiration. Students who used the case study, relative to students who did not use the case study, exhibited a significantly greater learning gain, and demonstrated use of higher-order thinking skills. Preliminary data indicate that after engaging with the case study, students were more likely to answer a question addressing misconceptions about cellular respiration correctly when compared with students who did not use the case study.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe examined the relationship between mantle muscle structure and mantle kinematics in an ontogenetic series (5-85 mm dorsal mantle length) of oval squid, Sepioteuthis lessoniana. Thick filament length increased during growth in the mantle muscle fibres that power jet locomotion (i.e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn Sepioteuthis lessoniana, the oval squid, ontogenetic changes in the kinematics of the mantle during escape-jet locomotion imply a decline in the relative mass flux of the escape jet and may affect the peak weight-specific thrust of the escape jet. To examine the relationship between ontogenetic changes in the kinematics of the mantle and the thrust generated during the escape jet, we simultaneously measured the peak thrust and the kinematics of the mantle of squid tethered to a force transducer. We tested an ontogenetic series of S.
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