Publications by authors named "Joseph Lam"

Functional MRI was used to examine language lateralization of Chinese characters and English words associated with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) in Chinese-English bilinguals with left or right TLE. The results suggest that the neural basis of processing Chinese and English seems to be different, as normal controls demonstrated left hemispheric lateralization in reading English words but bi-hemispheric lateralization in reading Chinese characters. This difference in the neural bases of Chinese and English processing was found to affect the patterns in change-of-language processing associated with TLE.

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Purpose: To examine the effects of illness duration on the neural processing of memory in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) by using functional MRI.

Methods: Twenty-three TLE patients (16 left, seven right) performed a complex visual scene-encoding task during functional MRI. Region-of-interest (ROI) analyses were used to quantity functional activation in the mesial temporal and frontal lobes.

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FlaA1 from the human pathogen Helicobacter pylori is an enzyme involved in saccharide biosynthesis that has been shown to be essential for pathogenicity. Here we present five crystal structures of FlaA1 in the presence of substrate, inhibitors, and bound cofactor, with resolutions ranging from 2.8 to 1.

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A method for accurate determination of ephedrine (E) alkaloids in natural health products (NHP) is described. The NIST dietary supplement standard reference materials (SRMs) were selected for these studies. These SRMs comprise ground Ma Huang herb (Ephedra sinica Stapf.

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Di-N-acetylated uronic acid residues are unique sugar moieties observed in the lipopolysaccharides (LPS) of respiratory pathogens including several serotypes of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and several species of Bordetella. WbpD of P. aeruginosa PAO1 (serotype O5) is a putative 3-N-acetyltransferase that has been implicated in the biosynthesis of UDP-2,3-diacetamido-2,3-dideoxy-d-mannuronic acid [UDP-d-Man(2NAc3NAc)A], a precursor for the d-Man(2NAc3NAc)A residues in the B-band O antigen of this bacterium.

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Pseudomonas aeruginosa colonizing the lung of cystic fibrosis patients is responsible for a decline in health and poor prognosis for these patients. Once established, growth of P. aeruginosa in microcolonies makes it very difficult to eradicate the organisms by antimicrobial treatment.

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A suite of five ephedra-containing dietary supplement Standard Reference Materials (SRMs) has been issued by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) with certified values for ephedrine alkaloids, synephrine, caffeine, and selected toxic trace elements. The materials represent a variety of natural, extracted, and processed sample matrixes that provide different analytical challenges. The constituents have been determined by multiple independent methods with measurements performed by NIST and by three collaborating laboratories.

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The O antigen of Pseudomonas aeruginosa B-band lipopolysaccharide is synthesized by assembling O-antigen-repeat units at the cytoplasmic face of the inner membrane by nonprocessive glycosyltransferases, followed by polymerization on the periplasmic face. The completed chains are covalently attached to lipid A core by the O-antigen ligase, WaaL. In P.

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UDP-N-acetyl-L-fucosamine is a precursor to l-fucosamine in the lipopolysaccharide of Pseudomonas aeruginosa serotype O11 and the capsule of Staphylococcus aureus type 5. We have demonstrated previously the involvement of three enzymes, WbjB, WbjC, and WbjD, in the biosynthesis of UDP-2-acetamido-2,6-dideoxy-L-galactose or UDP-N-acetyl-L-fucosamine (UDP-l-FucNAc). An intermediate compound from the coupled-reaction of WbjB-WbjC with the initial substrate UDP-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-alpha-D-glucose or UDP-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (UDP-GlcNAc) was purified, and the structure was determined by NMR spectroscopy to be UDP-2-acetamido-2,6-dideoxy-L-talose (UDP-L-PneNAc).

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WbpP is the only genuine UDP-GlcNAc (UDP-N-acetylglucosamine) C4 epimerase for which both biochemical and structural data are available. This represents a golden opportunity to elucidate the molecular basis for its specificity for N-acetylated substrates. Based on the comparison of the substrate binding site of WbpP with that of other C4 epimerases that convert preferentially non-acetylated substrates, or that are able to convert both acetylated and non-acetylated substrates equally well, specific residues of WbpP were mutated, and the substrate specificity of the mutants was determined by direct biochemical assays and kinetic analyses.

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Background And Purpose: Endovascular treatment with cyanoacrylate embolization is an option when complete obliteration of the nidus of an intracranial arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is the goal. Our purpose was to evaluate the rates of initial success and permanent cure of such treatment in a Chinese population.

Methods: Twenty-seven consecutive patients with an intracranial AVM underwent endovascular embolization with cyanoacrylate between June 1995 and May 1997.

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The forecasting of air pollutant trends has received much attention in recent years. It is an important and popular topic in environmental science, as concerns have been raised about the health impacts caused by unacceptable ambient air pollutant levels. Of greatest concern are metropolitan cities like Hong Kong.

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WbpA (PA3159) is an enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of unusual di-N-acetyl-d-mannosaminuronic acid-derived sugar nucleotides found in the O antigen of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 (serotype O5). The wbpA gene that encodes this enzyme was cloned into pET-28a, overexpressed as a histidine-tagged fusion protein, and purified by nickel chelation chromatography. Capillary electrophoresis was used to examine substrate conversion by WbpA, and the data revealed that WbpA is a UDP-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine 6-dehydrogenase (EC 1.

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The O antigen of lipopolysaccharide in Gram-negative bacteria plays a critical role in bacterium-host interactions, and for pathogenic bacteria it is a major virulence factor. In Pseudomonas aeruginosa serotype O6 one of the initial steps in O-antigen biosynthesis is catalyzed by a saccharide epimerase, WbpP. WbpP is a member of the UDP-hexose 4-epimerase family of enzymes and exists as a homo-dimer.

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Background And Purpose: Use of Guglielmi detachable coils (GDCs) has proved to be a promising endovascular treatment for intracranial aneurysms. This study aimed to evaluate midterm clinical and radiologic outcomes of this treatment in Hong Kong Chinese patients, 68% of whom had small aneurysms (< or =5 mm).

Methods: We included 97 consecutive patients in whom GDCs were placed with curative intent.

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d-Rhamnose is a rare 6-deoxy monosaccharide primarily found in the lipopolysaccharide of pathogenic bacteria, where it is involved in host-bacterium interactions and the establishment of infection. The biosynthesis of d-rhamnose proceeds through the conversion of GDP-d-mannose by GDP-d-mannose 4,6-dehydratase (GMD) to GDP-4-keto-6-deoxymannose, which is subsequently reduced to GDP-d-rhamnose by a reductase. We have determined the crystal structure of GMD from Pseudomonas aeruginosa in complex with NADPH and GDP.

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Background: In general vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) can serve as an adjunctive treatment for patients with refractory partial-onset seizures. And we evaluated the long-term efficacy and safety of VNS in a group of Chinese patients with refractory epilepsy.

Methods: Of 127 patients with refractory epilepsy, 13 patients who were not eligible for surgical intervention were implanted with the Cyberonics VNS system.

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Two metabolically engineered Escherichia coli strains have been constructed to produce the carbohydrate moieties of gangliosides GM2 (GalNAcbeta-4(NeuAcalpha-3)Galbeta-4Glc; Gal = galactose, Glc = glucose, Ac = acetyl) and GM1 (Galbeta-3GalNAcbeta-4(NeuAcalpha-3)Galbeta-4Glc. The GM2 oligosaccharide-producing strain TA02 was devoid of both beta-galactosidase and sialic acid aldolase activities and overexpressed the genes for CMP-NeuAc synthase (CMP = cytidine monophosphate), alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase, UDP-GlcNAc (UDP = uridine diphosphate) C4 epimerase, and beta-1,4-GalNAc transferase. When this strain was cultivated on glycerol, exogenously added lactose and sialic acid were shown to be actively internalized into the cytoplasm and converted into GM2 oligosaccharide.

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Ribosomal S6 kinase 2 (S6K2) is a serine/threonine kinase identified as a homologue of p70 ribosomal S6 kinase 1 (S6K1). S6K1 and S6K2 show different cellular localization as well as divergent amino acid sequences in non-catalytic domains, suggesting that their cellular functions and/or regulation may not be identical. Many of the serine/threonine residues that become phosphorylated and contribute to S6K1 activation are conserved in S6K2.

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Generation of atomic and molecular species of cadmium following reaction of acidified sample with sodium tetrahydroborate reductant using a modified parallel path Burgener nebulizer has been accomplished. Once generated, atomic species are stable in water, having a half-life of 2.2 min, and can be preconcentrated for subsequent quantitation.

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6-Deoxy-L-hexoses have been shown to be synthesized from dTDP-D-glucose or GDP-D-mannose so that the gluco/galacto-configuration is converted into the manno/talo-configuration, and manno/talo is switched to gluco/galacto. Our laboratory has been investigating the biosynthesis of 2-acetamido-2,6-dideoxy-L-hexoses in both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, and in a recent paper we described the biosynthesis of the talo (pneumosamine) and galacto (fucosamine) derivatives from UDP-D-N-acetylglucosamine a 2-acetamido sugar [Kneidinger, O'Riordan, Li, Brisson, Lee and Lam (2003) J. Biol.

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Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a Gram-negative opportunistic pathogen that infects immunocompromised patients and trauma victims and causes fatal lung infections in people with cystic fibrosis. This microorganism produces a number of virulence factors, one of which is lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which has been shown to mediate many biological effects including resistance to serum killing and phagocytosis. These biological activities have been correlated to the length of the O-polysaccharide and its distribution on the outer membrane.

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