Publications by authors named "Jose M Brito"

Background: Lung fibrosis is a major concern in severe COVID-19 patients undergoing mechanical ventilation (MV). Lung fibrosis frequency in post-COVID syndrome is highly variable and even if the risk is proportionally small, many patients could be affected. However, there is still no data on lung extracellular matrix (ECM) composition in severe COVID-19 and whether it is different from other aetiologies of ARDS.

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Background: Airway remodeling is a prominent feature of asthma, which involves increased airway smooth muscle mass and altered extracellular matrix composition. Bronchial thermoplasty (BT), a bronchoscopic treatment for severe asthma, targets airway remodeling.

Objective: We sought to investigate the effect of BT on extracellular matrix composition and its association with clinical outcomes.

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Background: Studies in adult severe treatment-resistant asthma (STRA) have demonstrated heterogeneous pathophysiology. Studies in the pediatric age group are still scarce, and few include bronchial tissue analysis.

Objective: We investigated 6-18-year-old patients diagnosed with STRA in Sao Paulo, Brazil, by characterizing the different lung compartments and their correlations with asthma control and lung function.

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The perinatal period and early infancy are considered critical periods for lung development. During this period, adversities such as environmental exposures, allergic sensitization, and asthma are believed to impact lung health in adulthood. Therefore, we hypothesized that concomitant exposure to allergic sensitization and urban-derived fine particulate matter (PM) in the early postnatal period of mice would cause more profound alterations in lung alveolarization and growth and differently modulate lung inflammation and gene expression than either insult alone in adult life.

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Intrauterine exposure to particulate matter (PM) has been associated with an increased risk of asthma development, which may differ by the age of asthma onset, sex, and pollutant concentration. To investigate the pulmonary effects of in utero exposure to concentrated urban ambient particles (CAPs) in response to house dust mite (HDM) sensitization in juvenile mice. Mice were exposed to CAPs (600 μg/m PM) during the gestational period.

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Background: Pulmonary involvement in COVID-19 is characterized pathologically by diffuse alveolar damage (DAD) and thrombosis, leading to the clinical picture of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. The direct action of SARS-CoV-2 in lung cells and the dysregulated immuno-coagulative pathways activated in ARDS influence pulmonary involvement in severe COVID, that might be modulated by disease duration and individual factors. In this study we assessed the proportions of different lung pathology patterns in severe COVID-19 patients along the disease evolution and individual characteristics.

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Chronic exposure to ambient levels of air pollution induces respiratory illness exacerbation by increasing inflammatory responses and apoptotic cells in pulmonary tissues. The ineffective phagocytosis of these apoptotic cells (efferocytosis) by macrophages has been considered an important factor in these pathological mechanisms. Depending on microenvironmental stimuli, macrophages can assume different phenotypes with different functional actions.

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Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most aggressive tumor of the central nervous system, and the identification of the mechanisms underlying the biological basis of GBM aggressiveness is essential to develop new therapies. Due to the low prognosis of GBM treatment, different clinical studies are in course to test the use of histone deacetylase inhibitors (iHDACs) in anticancer cocktails. Here, we seek to investigate the impact of HDAC activity on GBM cell behavior and plasticity by live cell imaging.

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Unlabelled: Many cities fail to meet air quality standards, which results in increased risk for pulmonary disorders, including asthma. Human and experimental studies have shown that diesel exhaust (DE) particles are associated with worsening of allergic asthma. Biodiesel (BD), a cleaner fuel from renewable sources, was introduced in the eighties.

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Objective: Synovial fluid (SF) plays an important role in the maintenance of articular cartilage. SF is a dynamic reservoir of proteins derived from cartilage and synovial tissue; thus, its composition may serve as a biomarker that reflects the health and pathophysiological condition of the joint. The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the osteoarthritic synovial fluid (OASF) and transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) activity in articular chondrocytes catabolic and inflammatory responses.

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Biodiesel is a renewable energy source that reduces particle emission, but few studies have assessed its effects. To assess the effects of acute inhalation of two doses (600 and 1200 μg/m) of diesel (DE) and biodiesel (BD) fuels on the inflammatory pulmonary and systemic profile of mice. Animals were exposed for 2 h in an inhalation chamber inside the Container Laboratory for Fuels.

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Schistosomiasis affects approximately 240 million people in the world. Schistosoma mansoni eggs in the liver induce periportal fibrosis and hepatic failure driven by monocyte recruitment and macrophage activation, resulting in robust Th2 response. Here, we suggested a possible involvement of Galectin-3 (Gal-3), histone deacetylases (HDACs), and Hedgehog (Hh) signaling with macrophage activation during Th1/Th2 immune responses, fibrogranuloma reaction, and tissue repair during schistosomiasis.

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Air pollution is known to exacerbate respiratory diseases and epidemiological studies have shown that women present more chronic respiratory symptoms than man exposed to traffic pollution, however, the reason why is unclear. This study evaluated the inflammatory differences in BALB/c mouse males (n=34) and females (n=111) in three phases of the estrous cycle that were exposed to ambient air (AA) or concentrated ambient particles (CAPs). Tracheal hyperreactivity to methacholine, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and immunohistochemical of airways and lung parenchyma were studied.

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We characterized cerebral Oil Red O-positive lipid-laden cells (LLC) of aging mice evaluating their distribution, morphology, density, functional activities and inflammatory phenotype. We identified LLC in meningeal, cortical and neurogenic brain regions. The density of cerebral LLC increased with age.

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Human adipose-derived stromal cells (hADSC) are a heterogeneous cell population that contains adult multipotent stem cells. Although it is well established that hADSC have skeletal potential in vivo in adult organisms, in vitro assays suggest further differentiation capacity, such as into glia. Thus, we propose that grafting hADSC into the embryo can provide them with a much more instructive microenvironment, allowing the human cells to adopt diverse fates or niches.

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Inflammatory chronic pathologies are complex processes characterized by an imbalance between the resolution of the inflammatory phase and the establishment of tissue repair. The main players in these inflammatory pathologies are bone marrow derived monocytes (BMDMs). However, how monocyte differentiation is modulated to give rise to specific macrophage subpopulations (M1 or M2) that may either maintain the chronic inflammatory process or lead to wound healing is still unclear.

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Galectin-3 is a β-galactoside-binding protein with an inhibitory role in B cell differentiation into plasma cells in distinct lymphoid tissues. We use a model of chronic schistosomiasis, a well-characterized experimental disease hallmarked by polyclonal B cell activation, in order to investigate the role of galectin-3 in controlling IgA production through peritoneal B1 cells. Chronically infected, galectin-3-deficient mice (Lgals3(-/-)) display peritoneal fluid hypercellularity, increased numbers of atypical peritoneal IgM(+)/IgA(+) B1a and B1b lymphocytes and histological disturbances in plasma cell niches when compared with Lgals3(+/+) mice.

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Background: Diesel exhaust particles (DEPs) are deposited into the respiratory tract and are thought to be a risk factor for the development of diseases of the respiratory system. In healthy individuals, the timing and mechanisms of respiratory tract injuries caused by chronic exposure to air pollution remain to be clarified.

Methods: We evaluated the effects of chronic exposure to DEP at doses below those found in a typical bus corridor in Sao Paulo (150 μg/m3).

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Many advances have been taken on elucidating embryonic development and tissue homeostasis and repair by the use of experimental strategies that preserve the three-dimensional (3D) organization and allow quantitative analysis of images over time (four-dimensional). Ranging from the understanding about the relationship between blastomeres and the events that take place during gastrulation by the use of time-lapse imaging through 3D cultures that mimic organogenesis, the advances in this area are of critical value. The studies on embryonic development without disrupting the original architecture and the development of 3D organoid cultures pave a new avenue for unprecedented experimental advances that will positively impact the emergence of new treatments applying regenerative principles for both tissue repair and organ transplant.

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This study assessed the effects of the diesel exhaust particles on ERK and JNK MAPKs activation, cell rheology (viscoelasticity), and cytotoxicity in bronchial epithelial airway cells (BEAS-2B). Crude DEP and DEP after extraction with hexane (DEP/HEX) were utilized. The partial reduction of some DEP/HEX organics increased the biodisponibility of many metallic elements.

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Tiki1 is a Wnt protease and antagonist specifically expressed in the Spemann-Mangold Organizer and is required for head formation in Xenopus embryos. Here we report neighbor-joining phylogenetic analysis of vertebrate Tiki genes and their mRNA expression patterns in chick, mouse, and rabbit embryos. Tiki1 and Tiki2 orthologues are highly conserved, and exhibit similar but also different developmental expression patterns among the vertebrate/mammalian species analyzed.

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Fish bioassays are valuable tools that can be used to elucidate the toxicological potential of numerous substances that are present in the aquatic environment. In this study, we assessed the antagonistic action of selenium (Se) against the toxicity of mercury (Hg) in fish (Oreochromis niloticus). Six experimental groups with six fish each were defined as follows: (1) control, (2) mercury (HgCl(2)), (3) sodium selenite (Na(2)Se(4)O(3)), (4) sodium selenate (Na(2)Se(6)O(4)), (5) mercury + sodium selenite (HgCl(2) + Na(2)Se(4)O(3)), and (6) mercury + sodium selenate (HgCl(2) + Na(2)Se(6)O(4)).

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Available data show marked similarities for the degeneration of dopamine cells in Parkinson's disease (PD) and aging. The etio-pathogenic agents involved are very similar in both cases, and include free radicals, different mitochondrial disturbances, alterations of the mitophagy and the ubiquitin-proteasome system. Proteins involved in PD such as α-synuclein, UCH-L1, PINK1 or DJ-1, are also involved in aging.

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Ambient particles may undergo modifications to their chemical composition as a consequence of climatic variability. The determination of whether these changes modify the toxicity of the particles is important for the understanding of the health effects associated with particle exposure. The objectives were to determine whether low levels of particles promote cardiopulmonary effects, and to assess if the observed alterations are influenced by season.

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Bronchial responsiveness during methacholine (MCh) challenge was analysed in an elastase-induced mouse model of emphysema to explore the magnitude of the response in this model. Swiss mice were intratracheally instilled with saline or elastase (0.3 or 0.

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