Publications by authors named "Jose A Rodriguez Montes"

Introduction: Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is highly prevalent in children and a major public health problem. An attempt is made to determine the clinical and polysomnographic presentation of paediatric OSA in our area.

Patients And Methods: Retrospective descriptive study of sleep tests conducted on children up to 14 years-old from 1999 to 2012 in the Sleep Unit of the University Hospital of Albacete.

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Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the stomach is a rare entity. There are several theories regarding the development of this tumor, but its pathogenesis remains obscure. Fewer than 100 cases of primary SCC of the stomach have been published in the literature.

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Objective: To evaluate if the application of a negative-pressure therapy system (Prevena Incision Management System, Kinetics Concepts Inc, [KCI] an Acelity Company, San Antonio, Texas) on ileostomy-closure surgical wounds would reduce surgical site infections (SSIs) in comparison with conventional closure and dressing.

Design: Prospective interventional pilot study.

Setting: La Paz University Hospital, tertiary care academic hospital in Madrid, Spain.

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Background: Lymphangiomas are benign tumours, considered to be congenital malformations of the lymphatic system that predominately affect children, with only a few cases reported in adults. The most common sites of these lesions are the neck (75%) and axillary region (20%), but rarely found in the spleen.

Objective: A description is presented of 3 cases of incidentally detected splenic lymphangioma, one in a child and in 2 adults, respectively, as well as a literature review.

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Objective: To assess whether subclinical hypothyroidism can behave as a cardiovascular risk factor or a modifier thereof, identifying epidemiological variables and estimated in a sample of patients diagnosed in the province of Albacete (Spain) cardiovascular risk.

Methodology: Observational, descriptive study was carried out in Albacete during the first half of January 2012 in patients of both genders with subclinical hypothyroidism. The following variables were analyzed: Fasting glucose , total cholesterol , HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol , triglycerides , TSH , T4 , weight, height, Body Mass Index , blood pressure, a history of cardiovascular disease , cardiovascular risk factors and estimated cardiovascular risk.

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Inflammatory pseudotumor (IPT) of the spleen is an uncommon entity with an uncertain aetiology. Inflammatory pseudotumors present diagnostic difficulties because the clinical and radiological findings tend to suggest a malignancy. The symptoms include weight loss, fever, and abdominal pain.

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Short bowel syndrome (SBS) is characterized by a significant reduction in the effective intestinal surface by an anatomical or functional loss of the small intestine. It mainly occurs after extensive bowel resection, intestinal intrinsic disease or surgical bypass. The main complications are malabsorption, maldigestion, malnutrition, dehydratation and, potentially, lethal metabolic lesions.

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Introduction And Objectives: Changing unhealthy behaviors: Diet and physical activity are key to treating obesity. The objective of this study is to determine whether an intervention group motivational intervention group by nurses trained by expert psychologist, complementary to the usual intervention is more effective than the latter in the treatment of overweight and obesity in relation to weight reduction percentage and the persistence over time of the reduction achieved.

Methods: A multicenter randomized clinical trial of intervention in overweight and obese patients.

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Gastric necrosis is a rare condition because of the rich blood supply and the extensive submucosal vascular network of the stomach. "Gas-bloat" syndrome is a well known Nissen fundoplication postoperative complication. It may cause severe gastric dilatation, but very rarely an ischemic compromise of the organ.

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Introduction: Cancer is a worldwide problem as it will affect one in three men and one in four women during their lifetime. Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most frequent cancer in men, after lung and prostate cancer, and is the second most frequent cancer in women after breast cancer. It is also the third cause of death in men and women separately, and is the second most frequent cause of death by cancer if both genders are considered together.

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MicroRNAs are involved in carcinogenesis through postranscriptional gene regulatory activity. These molecules are involved in various physiological and pathological functions, such as apoptosis, cell proliferation and differentiation, which indicates their functionality in carcinogenesis as tumour suppressor genes or oncogenes. Several studies have determined the presence of microRNAs in different neoplastic diseases such as colon, prostate, breast, stomach, pancreas, and lung cancer.

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Diaphragmatic plication is the most accepted treatment for symptomatic diaphragmatic hernia in adults. The fact that this pathology is infrequent and this procedure not been widespread means that this is an exceptional technique in our field. To estimate its use in the literature, we carried out a review in English and Spanish, to which we added our series.

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Background And Objectives: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small, noncoding RNAs that are involved in carcinogenesis through postranscriptional gene regulatory activity. Few studies have focused on the detection of miR-21 in serum rather than in tissue. The current study aimed to measure serum miR-21 expression levels and to evaluate their association with the outcome of colorectal cancer (CRC).

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MicroRNAs are short non-coding RNA molecules that participate in the regulation of gene expression. Several studies have demonstrated the involvement of microRNAs in oncogenesis and a variety of physiological functions. We conducted a literature review of studies that evaluated histological microRNAs in colorectal cancer.

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Introduction: In 2008, colorectal cancer represented the third most commonly diagnosed tumor in Spain, and the second tumor with more deaths. Despite the new potential biomarkers in colorectal cancer, there are many challenges that need to be overcome, resulting in a need for the standardization of its determinations.

Discussion: The continuous advance in tumor disease knowledge makes this review a summary of the current accepted, recommended and studied tumor markers for the diagnosis and monitoring of colorectal cancer, such as fecal markers, tissue markers and serological markers, and various prognostic markers on which there are different lines of treatment in colorectal cancer.

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MicroRNAs are short non-coding RNA molecules involved in the regulation of gene expression. There are few studies related to the determination of serum microRNAs in colorectal cancer. The identification of microRNAs in peripheral blood as noninvasive markers of tumor disease may lead to potential applications, although further clinical studies focusing on serum microRNAs are required to determine their clinical significance for the diagnosis and prognosis outcome of colorectal cancer.

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The epigenetic and physiological mechanisms that alter the structure of chromatin include the methylation of DNA, changes in the histones, and changes in RNA. A literature review has been carried out using PubMed on the evidence published on the association between epigenetics and colorectal cancer. The scientific literature shows that epigenetic changes, such as genetic modifications may be very significant in the origin of neoplastic disease, contributing both to the development and progression of the disease.

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Thyroid dysfunctions are common in chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. HCV-RNA has been detected by reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in thyroid from HCV infected patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. However, morphological evidence of HCV replication in thyroid cells from immune competent patients has not been provided.

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The hospital is an enterprise in which the surgery department represents a specific healthcare unit. The purpose of the surgery department, like that of any other enterprise, is assumed to be indefinite survival; to that end, it must be able to achieve and maintain a competitive advantage in the long term. Nevertheless, each surgery department, like each enterprise, can precisely define the scope of the above-mentioned terms, the main source of an enterprise's competitive advantage being its knowledge stock.

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Purpose: The effective management of fistulas in patients with Crohn's disease presents an extremely challenging problem. Mesenchymal adult stem cells extracted from certain tissues, such as adipose tissue, can differentiate into various cell types. Therefore, we have tried to use such cells to stimulate healing of Crohn's fistulas.

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Purpose Of Review: The purpose of this review is to provide an update on the advantages and disadvantages of using peripheral parenteral nutrition, including the techniques, indications and results.

Recent Findings: The new catheters, together with a better knowledge of intermediate metabolism, permit the use of peripheral parenteral nutrition in many clinical situations during short periods of time.

Summary: Peripheral parenteral nutrition is an alternative to total parenteral nutrition, and is a complement to enteral nutrition and the oral route.

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