Publications by authors named "Jose A O'Brien"

Flavor is an essential characteristic of fruit quality and is significant for consumers. Off-flavors have been reported in several fruits, including sweet cherry. This fruit has been reported to show an herbaceous/grassy-like flavor.

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Corky disorders in apples represent a significant problem for long-term storage where controlled atmosphere (CA) is mainly used. Ultra-low oxygen (ULO) is an alternative to CA, which consists of low partial pressure of O to maintain a low metabolism in the apple fruit, achieving an effective decrease in the ethylene production and physiological disorders. The aim of this research was to study the effectiveness of a short hypoxia period on the development of cork physiological disorders during the storage of apple.

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Climate change together with excessive fertilization and poor water quality can affect soil quality and salinization. In plants, high salinity causes osmotic stress, ionic toxicity, and oxidative stress. Consequently, salt stress limits plant development, growth, productivity, and yield.

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Red wines are characterized by their astringency, a very important sensory attribute that affects the perceived quality of wines. Three mechanisms have been proposed to explain astringency, and two theories describe how these mechanisms work in an integrated manner to produce tactile sensations such as drying, roughening, shrinking and puckering. The factors involved include not only tannins and salivary proteins, but also anthocyanins, grape polysaccharides and mannoproteins, as well as other wine matrix components that modulate their interactions.

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The plant hormone auxin, a master coordinator of development, regulates hypocotyl elongation during seedling growth. We previously identified the synthetic molecule RubNeddin 1 (RN1), which induces degradation of the AUXIN/INDOLE-3-ACETIC ACID (AUX/IAA) transcriptional repressors INDOLE-3-ACETIC ACID-INDUCIBLE3 (IAA3) and IAA7 in planta and strongly promotes hypocotyl elongation. In the present study, we show that despite the structural similarity of RN1 to the synthetic auxin 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic-acid (2,4-D), direct treatments with these compounds in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) result in distinct effects, possibly due to enhanced uptake of RN1 and low-level, chronic release of 2,4-D from RN1 in planta.

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Cell suspension cultures have been studied for decades to produce natural molecules. However, the difficulty in generating stably transformed cell lines has limited their use to produce high value chemicals reproducibly and in elevated quantities. In this protocol, a method to stably transform and maintain cell suspension cultures is devised and presented in detail.

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In Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), the High-Affinity Transport System (HATS) for root nitrate (NO3-) uptake depends mainly on four NRT2 NO3- transporters, namely NRT2.1, NRT2.2, NRT2.

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Soil salinity is a key problem for crop production worldwide. High salt concentration in soil negatively modulates plant growth and development. In roots, salinity affects the growth and development of both primary and lateral roots.

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As sessile organisms, plants are exposed to multiple abiotic stresses commonly found in nature. To survive, plants have developed complex responses that involve genetic, epigenetic, cellular, and morphological modifications. Among different environmental cues, salt stress has emerged as a critical problem contributing to yield losses and marked reductions in crop production.

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Nitrate is an essential macronutrient for plants, a primary nitrogen source in natural and human-made ecosystems. Nitrate can also act as a signaling molecule that directs genome-wide gene expression changes with an impact on plant metabolism, physiology, growth and development. Nitrate and phytohormone signaling pathways crosstalk to modulate growth and developmental programs in a multifactorial manner.

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Transcriptional regulation, determined by the chromatin structure and regulatory elements interacting at promoter regions, is a key step in plant responses to environmental cues. Nitrate (NO) is a nutrient signal that regulates the expression of hundreds of genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. Here, we integrate mRNA sequencing, genome-wide RNA polymerase II (RNPII), chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing, and DNase sequencing datasets to establish the relationship between RNPII occupancy and chromatin accessibility in response to NO treatments in Arabidopsis roots.

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Background And Aims: Cultured cell suspensions have been the preferred model to study the apoplast as well as to monitor metabolic and cell cycle-related changes. Previous work showed that methyl jasmonate (MeJA) inhibits leaf growth in a CORONATINE INSENSITIVE 1 (COI1)-dependent manner, with COI1 being the jasmonate (JA) receptor. Here, the effect of COI1 overexpression on the growth of stably transformed arabidopsis cell cultures is described.

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Nitrogen (N) is an essential macronutrient that affects plant growth and development. N is an important component of chlorophyll, amino acids, nucleic acids, and secondary metabolites. Nitrate is one of the most abundant N sources in the soil.

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Auxin and cytokinin are key endogenous regulators of plant development. Although cytokinin-mediated modulation of auxin distribution is a developmentally crucial hormonal interaction, its molecular basis is largely unknown. Here we show a direct regulatory link between cytokinin signalling and the auxin transport machinery uncovering a mechanistic framework for cytokinin-auxin cross-talk.

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As sessile organisms, plants have to be able to adapt to a continuously changing environment. Plants that perceive some of these changes as stress signals activate signaling pathways to modulate their development and to enable them to survive. The complex responses to environmental cues are to a large extent mediated by plant hormones that together orchestrate the final plant response.

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Harnessing the toxic properties of reactive oxygen species (ROS) to fight off invading pathogens can be considered a major evolutionary success story. All aerobic organisms have evolved the ability to regulate the levels of these toxic intermediates, whereas some have evolved elaborate signalling pathways to dramatically increase the levels of ROS and use them as weapons in mounting a defence response, a process commonly referred to as the oxidative burst. The balance between steady state levels of ROS and the exponential increase in these levels during the oxidative burst has begun to shed light on complex signalling networks mediated by these molecules.

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Perception by plants of so-called microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs) such as bacterial flagellin, referred to as pattern-triggered immunity, triggers a rapid transient accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). We previously identified two cell wall peroxidases, PRX33 and PRX34, involved in apoplastic hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) production in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). Here, we describe the generation of Arabidopsis tissue culture lines in which the expression of PRX33 and PRX34 is knocked down by antisense expression of a heterologous French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) peroxidase cDNA construct.

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In plants, reactive oxygen species (ROS) associated with the response to pathogen attack are generated by NADPH oxidases or apoplastic peroxidases. Antisense expression of a heterologous French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) peroxidase (FBP1) cDNA in Arabidopsis thaliana was previously shown to diminish the expression of two Arabidopsis peroxidases (peroxidase 33 [PRX33] and PRX34), block the oxidative burst in response to a fungal elicitor, and cause enhanced susceptibility to a broad range of fungal and bacterial pathogens. Here we show that mature leaves of T-DNA insertion lines with diminished expression of PRX33 and PRX34 exhibit reduced ROS and callose deposition in response to microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs), including the synthetic peptides Flg22 and Elf26 corresponding to bacterial flagellin and elongation factor Tu, respectively.

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In this protocol, the detection of hydrogen peroxide (one of several reactive oxygen species) is described in mature rosette leaves by staining with 3,3'-diaminobenzidine (DAB) using an adaptation of previous methods (Thordal-Christensen ., 1997; Bindschedler ., 2006; Daudi .

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