Fascia iliaca compartment block (FICB) reduces opioid consumption and pain scores after total hip arthroplasty (THA), and has recently been widely applied. We investigated whether FICB could also reduce postoperative bleeding. One hundred and fifteen consecutive patients who underwent elective THA under general anesthesia over 5 months were retrospectively analyzed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Postoperative quality of recovery (QoR) and patient satisfaction have gained increasing significance in medical services. This study aimed to compare these 2 parameters between 2 types of regional anesthetics (spinal anesthesia and combined sciatic-femoral nerve block) in orthopedic lower knee surgery.
Methods: A total of 101 patients were classified into 2 groups (combined sciatic-femoral nerve block, group N; spinal anesthesia, group S) according to patient preference.
The fabrication of multi-dimensional nanocomposites has been extensively attempted to achieve synergistic performance through the uniform mixing of functional constituents. Herein, we report a one-pot fabrication of nanocomposites composed of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and AlO powder. Our strategy involves a synthesis of CNTs on the entire AlO surface using a rotatable chemical vapor deposition system (RCVD).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCurrent treatments for patients with coronary aneurysms caused by Kawasaki disease (KD) are based primarily on aneurysm size. This ignores hemodynamic factors influencing myocardial ischemic risk. We performed patient-specific computational hemodynamics simulations for 15 KD patients, with parameters tuned to patients' arterial pressure and cardiac function.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBACKGROUND Neck pain is associated with computer work, poor posture, imbalanced neck muscles, and fatigue, particularly in office workers. This study from a single center aimed to compare the effects of thoracic spine mobility exercise and thoracic spine manipulation to improve cervical spine range of motion in 26 office workers who had chronic neck pain for more than 12 weeks. MATERIAL AND METHODS The participants were 26 office workers with neck pain lasting >12 weeks.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCardiovasc Eng Technol
October 2022
Purpose: Patients with myocardial bridges (MBs) have a higher prevalence of atherosclerosis. Wall shear stress (WSS) has previously been correlated with plaque in coronary artery disease patients, but such correlations have not been investigated in symptomatic MB patients. The aim of this paper was to use a multi-scale computational fluid dynamics (CFD) framework to simulate hemodynamics in MB patient, and investigate the co-localization of WSS and plaque.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSemin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg
June 2022
Cardiothoracic surgeons are faced with a choice of different revascularization techniques and diameters for saphenous vein grafts (SVG) in coronary artery bypass graft surgery . Using computational simulations, we virtually investigate the effect of SVG geometry on hemodynamics of both venous grafts and the target coronary arteries. We generated patient-specific 3-dimensional anatomic models of coronary artery bypass graft surgery patients and quantified mechanical stimuli.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCardiovascular simulations are increasingly used for noninvasive diagnosis of cardiovascular disease, to guide treatment decisions, and in the design of medical devices. Quantitative assessment of the variability of simulation outputs due to input uncertainty is a key step toward further integration of cardiovascular simulations in the clinical workflow. In this study, we present uncertainty quantification in computational models of the coronary circulation to investigate the effect of uncertain parameters, including coronary pressure waveform, intramyocardial pressure, morphometry exponent, and the vascular wall Young's modulus.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBiomech Model Mechanobiol
October 2020
Credible computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulations of aortic dissection are challenging, because the defining parallel flow channels-the true and the false lumen-are separated from each other by a more or less mobile dissection membrane, which is made up of a delaminated portion of the elastic aortic wall. We present a comprehensive numerical framework for CFD simulations of aortic dissection, which captures the complex interplay between physiologic deformation, flow, pressures, and time-averaged wall shear stress (TAWSS) in a patient-specific model. Our numerical model includes (1) two-way fluid-structure interaction (FSI) to describe the dynamic deformation of the vessel wall and dissection flap; (2) prestress and (3) external tissue support of the structural domain to avoid unphysiologic dilation of the aortic wall and stretching of the dissection flap; (4) tethering of the aorta by intercostal and lumbar arteries to restrict translatory motion of the aorta; and a (5) independently defined elastic modulus for the dissection flap and the outer vessel wall to account for their different material properties.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNumerical models are increasingly used for noninvasive diagnosis and treatment planning in coronary artery disease, where service-based technologies have proven successful in identifying hemodynamically significant and hence potentially dangerous vascular anomalies. Despite recent progress towards clinical adoption, many results in the field are still based on a deterministic characterization of blood flow, with no quantitative assessment of the variability of simulation outputs due to uncertainty from multiple sources. In this study, we focus on parameters that are essential to construct accurate patient-specific representations of the coronary circulation, such as aortic pressure waveform and intramyocardial pressure, and quantify how their uncertainty affects clinically relevant model outputs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFComputing the solution of linear systems of equations is invariably the most time consuming task in the numerical solutions of PDEs in many fields of computational science. In this study, we focus on the numerical simulation of cardiovascular hemodynamics with rigid and deformable walls, discretized in space and time through the variational multiscale finite element method. We focus on three approaches: the problem agnostic generalized minimum residual (GMRES) and stabilized bi-conjugate gradient (BICGS) methods, and a recently proposed, problem specific, bi-partitioned (BIPN) method.
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