We provide an overview of the IMPACT molecular mechanics program with an emphasis on recent developments and a description of its current functionality. With respect to core molecular mechanics technologies we include a status report for the fixed charge and polarizable force fields that can be used with the program and illustrate how the force fields, when used together with new atom typing and parameter assignment modules, have greatly expanded the coverage of organic compounds and medicinally relevant ligands. As we discuss in this review, explicit solvent simulations have been used to guide our design of implicit solvent models based on the generalized Born framework and a novel nonpolar estimator that have recently been incorporated into the program.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA polarizable force field, and associated continuum solvation model, have been developed for the explicit purpose of computing and studying the energetics and structural features of protein binding to the wide range of ligands with potential for medicinal applications. Parameters for the polarizable force field (PFF) are derived from gas-phase ab initio calculations and then utilized for applications in which the protein binding to ligands occurs in aqueous solvents, wherein the charge distributions of proteins and ligands can be dramatically altered. The continuum solvation model is based on a self-consistent reaction field description of solvation, incorporating an analytical gradient, that allows energy minimizations (and, potentially, molecular dynamics simulations) of protein/ligand systems in continuum solvent.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe present a methodology for computing the binding energy of molecular dimers based on extrapolation of pseudospectral local second-order Moller-Plesset (MP2), or PS-LMP2, energies to the basis set limit. The extrapolation protocol is based on carrying out PS-LMP2 calculations with the Dunning cc-pVTZ (-f) and cc-pVQZ (-g) basis sets and then using a simple two-parameter function to compute the final basis set limit results. The function is parametrized to ultralarge basis set MP2 calculations for 5 molecular pairs taken from the literature and then tested by calculating results for a set of formamide dimers for which such calculations have also been carried out.
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