Global patterns of population genetic variation through time offer a window into evolutionary processes that maintain diversity. Over time, lineages may expand or contract their distribution, causing turnover in population genetic composition. At individual loci, migration, drift, environmental change (among other processes) may affect allele frequencies.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNatural populations are subject to selection caused by a range of biotic and abiotic factors in their native habitats. Identifying these agents of selection and quantifying their effects is key to understanding how populations adapt to local conditions. We performed a factorial reciprocal-transplant experiment using locally adapted ecotypes of at their native sites to distinguish the contributions of adaptation to soil type and climate.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFlowering phenology is important in the adaptation of many plants to their local environment, but its adaptive value has not been extensively studied in herbaceous perennials. We used as a model system to determine the importance of flowering phenology to fitness of a herbaceous perennial with a wide geographical range. Individual plants representative of local genetic diversity (accessions) were collected across Europe, including in Spain, the Alps and Scandinavia.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThere is considerable evidence for local adaptation in nature, yet important questions remain regarding its genetic basis. How many loci are involved? What are their effect sizes? What is the relative importance of conditional neutrality versus genetic trade-offs? Here we address these questions in the self-pollinating, annual plant Arabidopsis thaliana. We used 400 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from two locally adapted populations in Italy and Sweden, grew the RILs and parents at the parental locations, and mapped quantitative trait loci (QTL) for mean fitness (fruits/seedling planted).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMating system shifts from outcrossing to selfing are frequent in plant evolution. Relative to outcrossing, selfing is associated with reduced parental conflict over seed provisioning, which may result in postzygotic, asymmetric, reproductive isolation in crosses between populations of different mating systems. To test the hypothesis that post-pollination reproductive isolation between populations increases with increasing differences in mating system and predicted parental conflict, we performed a crossing experiment involving all combinations of three self-compatible populations (with low outcrossing rates), and three self-incompatible populations (with high outcrossing rates) of the arctic-alpine herb Arabis alpina, assessing fitness-related seed and plant traits of the progeny.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFProc Natl Acad Sci U S A
January 2023
Understanding the causes and limits of population divergence in phenotypic traits is a fundamental aim of evolutionary biology, with the potential to yield predictions of adaptation to environmental change. Reciprocal transplant experiments and the evaluation of optimality models suggest that local adaptation is common but not universal, and some studies suggest that trait divergence is highly constrained by genetic variances and covariances of complex phenotypes. We analyze a large database of population divergence in plants and evaluate whether evolutionary divergence scales positively with standing genetic variation within populations (evolvability), as expected if genetic constraints are evolutionarily important.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDisentangling the contribution of climatic and edaphic factors to microbiome variation and local adaptation in plants requires an experimental approach to uncouple their effects and test for causality. We used microbial inocula, soil matrices and plant genotypes derived from two natural Arabidopsis thaliana populations in northern and southern Europe in an experiment conducted in climatic chambers mimicking seasonal changes in temperature, day length and light intensity of the home sites of the two genotypes. The southern A.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe timing of germination is a key life-history trait in plants, which is strongly affected by the strength of seed dormancy. Continental-wide genetic variation in seed dormancy has been related to differences in climate and the timing of conditions suitable for seedling establishment. However, for predictions of adaptive potential and consequences of climatic change, information is needed regarding the extent to which seed dormancy varies within climatic regions and the factors driving such variation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground And Aims: Seed dormancy determines the environmental niche of plants in seasonal environments, and has consequences for plant performance that potentially go far beyond the seed and seedling stages. In this study, we examined the cascading effects of seed dormancy on the expression of subsequent life-history traits and fitness in the annual herb Arabidopsis thaliana.
Methods: We planted seeds of >200 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between two locally adapted populations (Italy and Sweden), and both parental genotypes at the native site of the Swedish population in three consecutive years.
Resources allocated to survival cannot be used to increase fecundity, but the extent to which this trade-off constrains adaptation depends on overall resource status. Adaptation to local environmental conditions may therefore entail the evolution of traits that increase the amount of resources available to individuals (their resource status or 'condition'). We examined the relative contribution of trade-offs and increased condition to adaptive evolution in a recombinant inbred line population of Arabidopsis thaliana planted at the native sites of the parental ecotypes in Italy and Sweden in 2 years.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground And Aims: The transition from outcrossing to selfing is a frequent evolutionary shift in flowering plants and is predicted to result in reduced allocation to pollinator attraction if plants can self-pollinate autonomously. The evolution of selfing is associated with reduced visual floral signalling in many systems, but effects on floral scent have received less attention. We compared multiple populations of the arctic-alpine herb Arabis alpina (Brassicaceae), and asked whether the transition from self-incompatibility to self-compatibility has been associated with reduced visual and chemical floral signalling.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAbstractSiring success of flowering plants depends on the fates of male gametophytes, which compete for access to stigmas, stylar resources, and ovules. Although rarely considered, pollen may often compete during dispersal, affecting the processes required for export to stigmas: pollen pickup, transport, and deposition. We quantified dispersal interference by tracking bee-mediated dispersal of stained (Orchidaceae) pollen from individual donor flowers and inferred the affected dispersal mechanisms on the basis of the fit of a process-based model.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLittle is empirically known about the contribution of mutations to fitness in natural environments. However, Fisher's Geometric Model (FGM) provides a conceptual foundation to consider the influence of the environment on mutational effects. To quantify mutational properties in the field, we established eight sets of MA lines (7-10 generations) derived from eight founders collected from natural populations of Arabidopsis thaliana from French and Swedish sites, representing the range margins of the species in Europe.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPremise: Timing of germination can strongly influence plant fitness by affecting seedling survival and by having cascading effects on later life-history traits. In seasonal environments, the period favorable for seedling establishment and growth is limited, and timing of germination is likely to be under stabilizing selection because of conflicting selection through survival and fecundity. Moreover, optimal germination time may vary among genotypes because of inherent differences in later life-history traits.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFClosely related species often differ in traits that influence reproductive success, suggesting that divergent selection on such traits contribute to the maintenance of species boundaries. G ss. and are two closely related, perennial orchid species that differ in (a) floral traits important for pollination, including flowering phenology, floral display, and spur length, and (b) dominant pollinators.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnderstanding the mechanisms of adaptive population differentiation requires that both the functional and adaptive significance of divergent traits are characterized in contrasting environments. Here, we (a) determined the effects of floral spur length on pollen removal and receipt using plants with artificial spurs representing the species-wide variation in length, and (b) quantified pollinator-mediated selection on spur length and three traits contributing to floral display in two populations each of the short-spurred and the long-spurred ecotype of the orchid Platanthera bifolia. Both pollen receipt and removal reached a maximum at 28-29 mm long spurs in a short-spurred population visited by short-tongued moths.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFactors that drive continental-scale variation in root microbiota and plant adaptation are poorly understood. We monitored root-associated microbial communities in Arabidopsis thaliana and co-occurring grasses at 17 European sites across 3 years. We observed strong geographic structuring of the soil biome, but not of the root microbiota.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe importance of genetic drift in shaping patterns of adaptive genetic variation in nature is poorly known. Genetic drift should drive partially recessive deleterious mutations to high frequency, and inter-population crosses may therefore exhibit heterosis (increased fitness relative to intra-population crosses). Low genetic diversity and greater genetic distance between populations should increase the magnitude of heterosis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIdentifying traits and agents of selection involved in local adaptation is important for understanding population divergence. In southern Sweden, the moth-pollinated orchid occurs as a woodland and a grassland ecotype that differ in dominating pollinators. The woodland ecotype is taller (expected to influence pollinator attraction) and produces flowers with longer spurs (expected to influence efficiency of pollen transfer) compared to the grassland ecotype.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFloral scent is a crucial trait for pollinator attraction. Yet only a handful of studies have estimated selection on scent in natural populations and no study has quantified the relative importance of pollinators and other agents of selection. In the fragrant orchid Gymnadenia conopsea, we used electroantennographic data to identify floral scent compounds detected by local pollinators and quantified pollinator-mediated selection on emission rates of 10 target compounds as well as on flowering start, visual display and spur length.
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