Publications by authors named "Jolicoeur M"

: This study explores the generation of singlet oxygen (SO) through methylene blue (MB) activation as a metabolic intervention for ovarian cancer. We aimed to examine the role of SO in modulating mitochondrial function, cellular metabolism, and proliferation in ovarian cancer cell lines compared to control cells. : The study utilized two ovarian cancer cell lines, OV1369-R2 and TOV1369, along with ARPE-19 control cells.

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Ovarian cancer presents a dire prognosis and high mortality rates, necessitating the exploration of alternative therapeutic avenues, particularly in the face of platinum-based chemotherapy resistance. Conventional treatments often overlook the metabolic implications of cancer, but recent research has highlighted the pivotal role of mitochondria in cancer pathogenesis and drug resistance. This study delves into the metabolic landscape of ovarian cancer treatment, focusing on modulating mitochondrial activity using methylene blue (MB).

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  • The Prostate Cancer Study 5 (PCS5) aimed to compare the effectiveness and side effects of two types of radiotherapy: conventional fractionated radiotherapy (CFRT) and hypofractionated radiotherapy (HFRT) for high-risk prostate cancer patients.
  • The study included 329 patients who were randomly assigned to receive either CFRT or HFRT, with the primary focus on comparing toxicity and secondary outcomes like survival rates over a 5-year median follow-up.
  • Results showed no significant differences in overall survival or other survival metrics between the two treatments, suggesting that HFRT could be adopted as a new standard treatment option for high-risk patients.
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Purpose: The occurrence of genitourinary (GU) toxicity is a common adverse event observed after external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) for prostate cancer (PCa). Recent findings suggest that the dose delivered to specific urinary organs at risk (OARs) such as the ureters, bladder trigone, and urethra is involved in the development of GU toxicity.

Methods And Materials: A multidisciplinary task force including 3 radiation oncologists, a uroradiologist, and a urologist was created in 2022.

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Background: In patients with anterior ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and new-onset antero-apical wall motion abnormalities (WMAs), whether the rate of prophylaxis against left ventricular thrombus and outcomes differ between men and women is unknown.

Methods: A multicentre retrospective cohort study of patients with STEMI and new-onset antero-apical WMAs treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention was conducted. Patients with an established indication of oral anticoagulation (OAC) were excluded.

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Ovarian cancer remains a significant challenge, especially in platinum-resistant cases where treatment options are limited. In this study, we investigated the potential of methylene blue (MB) as a metabolic therapy and complementary treatment approach for ovarian cancer. Our findings demonstrated a significant in vivo reduction in the proliferation of TOV112D-based ovarian-cell-line xenografts.

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Up to 50% of patients treated with radical surgery for localized prostate cancer may experience biochemical recurrence that requires appropriate management. Definitions of biochemical relapse may vary, but, in all cases, consist of an increase in a PSA without clinical or radiological signs of disease. Molecular imaging through to positron emission tomography has taken a preponderant place in relapse diagnosis, progressively replacing bone scan and CT-scan.

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Purpose: Clinical target volume (CTV) delineation for pelvic lymph nodes in prostate cancer is currently based on 3 consensus guidelines with some inherent discrepancies. To improve the reproducibility in nodal delineation, the Francophone Group of Urological Radiotherapy (Groupe Francophone de Radiothérapie Urologique [GFRU]) worked toward proposing an easily applicable, reproducible, and practice-validated contouring guideline for pelvic nodal CTV.

Methods And Materials: The nodal CTV data sets of a high-risk node-negative prostate cancer clinical case contoured by 86 radiation oncologists participating in a GFRU contouring workshop were analyzed.

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Optimizing mammalian cell growth and bioproduction is a tedious task. However, due to the inherent complexity of eukaryotic cells, heuristic experimental approaches such as, metabolic engineering and bioprocess design, are frequently integrated with mathematical models of cell culture to improve biological process efficiency and find paths for improvement. Constraint-based metabolic models have evolved over the last two decades to be used for dynamic modelling in addition to providing a linear description of steady-state metabolic systems.

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  • The study evaluates the safety of moderate hypofractionated radiation therapy (HF RT) compared to standard fractionation (SF RT) in high-risk prostate cancer patients, based on the hypothesis that HF RT may offer advantages due to prostate cancer's sensitivity to radiation.
  • From February 2012 to March 2015, 329 high-risk patients participated in a trial, with participants randomized into HF and SF groups, both receiving androgen deprivation therapy, and researchers primarily focused on monitoring acute and delayed toxicity.
  • Results indicated that while there were initially more acute gastrointestinal (GI) events in the HF group, this significance diminished over time; ultimately, no major differences in delayed GI-related adverse events were observed
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Background: The incidence of left ventricular thrombus (LVT) after anterior acute myocardial infarction (AMI) has not been well established in the era of primary percutaneous coronary intervention (pPCI) and potent dual antiplatelet therapy. The objective of this study is to establish the contemporary incidence of LVT in this population, to identify their risk factors, and to examine their association with clinical outcomes.

Methods: A multicenter retrospective cohort study including AMI patients with new-onset antero-apical wall motion abnormalities treated with pPCI between 2009 and 2017 was conducted.

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Objectives: The objective is to assess the comparative effectiveness and safety of dual-antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) vs triple therapy (TT) with DAPT + oral anticoagulant (OAC) in patients with anterior ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and with new-onset anterior/apical wall-motion abnormalities (WMAs) treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).

Background: Patients with STEMI and new-onset anterior/apical WMA may benefit from the addition of OAC to prevent left ventricular thrombus and cardioembolic events.

Methods: A multicenter, retrospective cohort study was conducted.

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Purpose Of Review: Coronary artery disease (CAD) is responsible for >50% of heart failures cases. Patients with ischemic left ventricular systolic dysfunction (iLVSD) are known to have poorer outcomes after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) compared to patients with a normal ejection fraction. Nevertheless, <1% of patients in coronary revascularization trials to date had iLVSD.

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Dendritic cells (DCs) excel at cross-presenting antigens, but their effectiveness as cancer vaccine is limited. Here, we describe a vaccination approach using mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) engineered to express the immunoproteasome complex (MSC-IPr). Such modification instills efficient antigen cross-presentation abilities associated with enhanced major histocompatibility complex class I and CD80 expression, production of interleukin-12, and higher chemokine secretion.

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Tumor cells are known to favor a glycolytic metabolism over oxidative phosphorylation (OxPhos), which takes place in mitochondria, to produce the energy and building blocks essential for cell maintenance and cell growth. This phenotypic property of tumor cells gives them several advantages over normal cells and is known as the Warburg effect. Tumors can be treated as a metabolic disease by targeting their bioenergetics capacity.

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Background: The placebo effect is a well described phenomenon in blinded studies evaluating antianginal therapeutics, although its effect on clinical research metrics remains unknown. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to quantify the effect of placebo on end points of symptoms, life quality, and functional outcomes in randomized placebo-controlled trials (RCTs) of symptomatic stable coronary artery disease.

Methods: We systematically reviewed MEDLINE, EMBASE, and the Cochrane database for double-blind RCTs of antiangina therapeutics.

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  • Long-term androgen deprivation therapy in men with high-risk prostate cancer is linked to a decrease in bone mineral density, but this does not significantly increase the risk of fractures.
  • A study analyzed the bone mineral density changes after 28 months of therapy and supplementation with calcium and vitamin D in patients, revealing an average decrease of -3.2% across multiple sites without significant classification changes for most patients.
  • The findings suggest that while there is a slight reduction in bone mineral density, calcium and vitamin D supplementation is generally effective in managing bone health for these patients on long-term therapy.
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Yarrowia lipolytica is a non-conventional yeast with promising industrial potentials for lipids and citrate production. It is also widely used for studying mitochondrial respiration due to a respiratory chain like those of mammalian cells. In this study we used a genome-scale model (GEM) of Y.

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Purpose: Prostate bed (PB) irradiation is considered the standard postoperative treatment after radical prostatectomy (RP) for tumors with high-risk features or persistent prostate-specific antigen, or for salvage treatment in case of biological relapse. Four consensus guidelines have been published to standardize practices and reduce the interobserver variability in PB delineation but with discordant recommendations. To improve the reproducibility in the PB delineation, the Francophone Group of Urological Radiotherapy (Groupe Francophone de Radiothérapie Urologique [GFRU]) worked to propose a new and more reproducible consensus guideline for PB clinical target volume (CTV) definition.

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The occurrence of mitochondrial respiration has allowed evolution toward more complex and advanced life forms. However, its dysfunction is now also seen as the most probable cause of one of the biggest scourges in human health, cancer. Conventional cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, which mainly focus on disrupting the cell division process, have shown being effective in the attenuation of various cancers but also showing significant limits as well as serious sides effects.

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Alzheimer's disease (AD) and cancer have much in common than previously recognized. These pathologies share common risk factors (inflammation and aging), with similar epidemiological and biochemical features such as impaired mitochondria. Metabolic reprogramming occurs during aging and inflammation.

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After blood donation, the red blood cells (RBCs) for transfusion are generally isolated by centrifugation and then filtrated and supplemented with additive solution. The consecutive changes of the extracellular environment participate to the occurrence of storage lesions. In this study, the hypothesis is that restoring physiological levels of uric and ascorbic acids (major plasmatic antioxidants) might correct metabolism defects and protect RBCs from the very beginning of the storage period, to maintain their quality.

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The Warburg effect, a hallmark of cancer, has recently been identified as a metabolic limitation of Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells, the primary platform for the production of monoclonal antibodies (mAb). Metabolic engineering approaches, including genetic modifications and feeding strategies, have been attempted to impose the metabolic prevalence of respiration over aerobic glycolysis. Their main objective lies in decreasing lactate production while improving energy efficiency.

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The use of microorganisms is a promising option for an eco-efficient and successful conversion of hardwood hemicelluloses to biofuels. The focus of this work is the treatment of hemicellulosic pre-hydrolysate by flocculation, followed by simultaneous or separate detoxification with Ureibacillus thermosphaericus and Cupriavidus taiwanensis co-culture, and hydrolysis with Paenibacillus campinasensis. A reduction of phenolic compounds was achieved mainly after flocculation, applied as a first detoxification step, but no increase in sugars concentration was observed.

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Background: Microalgae have been proposed as potential platform to produce lipid-derived products, such as biofuels. Knowledge on the intracellular carbon flow distribution may identify key metabolic processes during lipid synthesis thus refining culture/genetic strategies to maximize cell lipid productivity. A kinetic metabolic model simulating cell metabolic behavior and lipid production was first applied in the microalgae platform Chlorella protothecoides under heterotrophic condition.

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