Publications by authors named "John Vandenbrooks"

Spatio-temporal gradients in thermal and oxygen conditions trigger evolutionary and developmental responses in ectotherms' body size and cell size, which are commonly interpreted as adaptive. However, the evidence for cell-size responses is fragmentary, as cell size is typically assessed in single tissues. In a laboratory experiment, we raised genotypes of Drosophila melanogaster at all combinations of two temperatures (16 °C or 25 °C) and two oxygen levels (10% or 22%) and measured body size and the sizes of cells in different tissues.

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Strong epidemiological evidence and studies in models of Parkinson's disease (PD) suggest that nicotine may be therapeutically beneficial in PD patients. However, a number of clinical trials utilizing nicotine in PD patients have had mixed results, indicating that either nicotine is not beneficial in PD patients, or an important aspect of nicotine therapy was absent. We hypothesized that nicotine must be administered early in the adult fly life in order to have beneficial effects.

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The climate crisis necessitates predicting how organisms respond to changing environments, but this requires understanding the mechanisms underlying thermal tolerance. The Hierarchical Mechanisms of Thermal Limitation (HMTL) hypothesis proposes that respiratory capacity and marginal stability of proteins and membranes interact hierarchically to determine thermal performance and limits. An untested prediction of the HMTL hypothesis is that behavioral anapyrexia (i.

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Student enrollments in online college courses have grown steadily over the past decade, and college administrators expect this trend to continue or accelerate. Despite the growing popularity of online education, one major critique in the sciences is that students are not trained in the hands-on skills they may need for the workforce, graduate school, or professional school. For example, the Association of American Medical Colleges has recommended that medical schools evaluate applicants on their motor skills and observation skills, yet many online biology programs do not offer opportunities for students to develop these skills.

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Although scientists know that overheating kills many organisms, they do not agree on the mechanism. According to one theory, referred to as oxygen- and capacity-limitation of thermal tolerance, overheating occurs when a warming organism's demand for oxygen exceeds its supply, reducing the organism's supply of ATP. This model predicts that an organism's heat tolerance should decrease under hypoxia, yet most terrestrial organisms tolerate the same amount of warming across a wide range of oxygen concentrations.

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Growth rate, development time, and response to environmental stressors vary tremendously across organisms, suggesting trade-offs that are affected by evolutionary or ecological factors, but such trade-offs are poorly understood. Prior studies using artificially selected lines of suggest that insects with high growth rates, long development time, and large body size are more sensitive to hypoxic or hyperoxic stresses, such as reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, but the mechanisms and specific life-history associations remain unclear. Here, we manipulated the social environment to differentiate the effects of size, growth rate, and development time on oxygen sensitivity of the giant mealworm, .

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Gravity is one of the most ubiquitous environmental effects on living systems: Cellular and organismal responses to gravity are of central importance to understanding the physiological function of organisms, especially eukaryotes. Gravity has been demonstrated to have strong effects on the closed cardiovascular systems of terrestrial vertebrates, with rapidly responding neural reflexes ensuring proper blood flow despite changes in posture. Invertebrates possess open circulatory systems, which could provide fewer mechanisms to restrict gravity effects on blood flow, suggesting that these species also experience effects of gravity on blood pressure and distribution.

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Physiologists have primarily focused on two potential explanations for heat stress in animals-the classic model of molecular stability and an alternative model of oxygen limitation. Although the classic model has widespread support, the oxygen-supply model applies to many aquatic animals and some terrestrial ones. In particular, the embryonic stage of terrestrial animals seems most susceptible to oxygen limitation because embryos acquire oxygen from the atmosphere by diffusion rather than ventilation.

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Thermal physiology changes as organisms grow and develop, but we do not understand what causes these ontogenetic shifts. According to the theory of oxygen- and capacity-limited thermal tolerance, an organism's heat tolerance should change throughout ontogeny as its ability to deliver oxygen varies. As insects grow during an instar, their metabolic demand increases without a proportional increase in the size of tracheae that supply oxygen to the tissues.

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For more than 70 years, Hutchinson's concept of the fundamental niche has guided ecological research. Hutchinson envisioned the niche as a multidimensional hypervolume relating the fitness of an organism to relevant environmental factors. Here, we challenge the utility of the concept to modern ecologists, based on its inability to account for environmental variation and phenotypic plasticity.

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The nervous system acts as a biological thermostat by controlling behaviors that regulate the warming and cooling of animals. We review the structures responsible for thermoregulation in three model species: roundworms (Caenorhabditis elegans), flies (Drosophila melanogaster), and rats (Rattus novegicus). We then consider additional features of the nervous system required to explain adaptive plasticity of the set-point temperature and the precision of thermoregulation.

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Zoologists rely on mechanistic niche models of behavioral thermoregulation to understand how animals respond to climate change. These models predict that species will need to disperse to higher altitudes to persist in a warmer world. However, thermal stress and, thus, thermoregulatory behavior may depend on atmospheric oxygen as well as environmental temperatures.

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Atmospheric oxygen is one of the most important atmospheric component for all terrestrial organisms. Variation in atmospheric oxygen has wide ranging effects on animal physiology, development, and evolution. This variation in oxygen has the potential to affect both respiratory systems (the supply side) and mitochondrial networks (the demand side) in animals.

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We used quantitative genetics to test a controversial theory of heat stress, in which animals overheat when the demand for oxygen exceeds the supply. This theory, referred to as oxygen- and capacity-limited thermal tolerance, predicts a positive genetic correlation between hypoxia tolerance and heat tolerance. We demonstrate the first genetic correlation of this kind in a model organism, Genotypes more likely to fly under hypoxic stress (12% O) were also more likely to fly under heat stress (39°C).

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High temperatures can stress animals by raising the oxygen demand above the oxygen supply. Consequently, animals under hypoxia could be more sensitive to heating than those exposed to normoxia. Although support for this model has been limited to aquatic animals, oxygen supply might limit the heat tolerance of terrestrial animals during energetically demanding activities.

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We studied the evolution of developmental plasticity in populations of Drosophila melanogaster that evolved at either constant or fluctuating temperatures. Consistent with theory, genotypes that evolved at a constant 16°C or 25°C performed best when raised and tested at that temperature. Genotypes that evolved at fluctuating temperatures performed well at either temperature, but only when raised and tested at the same temperature.

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Laboratories that study Drosophila melanogaster or other insects commonly use carbon dioxide (CO2) anaesthesia for sorting or other work. Unfortunately, the use of CO2 has potential unwanted physiological effects, including altered respiratory and muscle physiology, which impact motor function behaviours. The effects of CO2 at different levels and exposure times were examined on the subsequent recovery of motor function as assessed by climbing and flight assays.

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The mechanisms that set the thermal limits to life remain uncertain. Classically, researchers thought that heating kills by disrupting the structures of proteins or membranes, but an alternative hypothesis focuses on the demand for oxygen relative to its supply. We evaluated this alternative hypothesis by comparing the lethal temperature for lizard embryos developing at oxygen concentrations of 10-30%.

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All insects studied to date show reduced growth rates in hypoxia. Drosophila melanogaster reared in moderate hypoxia (10 kPa PO2) grow more slowly and form smaller adults, but the mechanisms responsible are unclear, as metabolic rates are not oxygen-limited. It has been shown that individual fruit flies do not grow larger in hyperoxia (40 kPa PO2), but populations of flies evolve larger size.

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Recent studies suggest that higher growth rates may be associated with reduced capacities for stress tolerance and increased accumulated damage due to reactive oxygen species. We tested the response of Manduca sexta (Sphingidae) lines selected for large or small body size and short development time to hypoxia (10 kPa) and hyperoxia (25, 33, and 40 kPa); both hypoxia and hyperoxia reduce reproduction and oxygen levels over 33 kPa have been shown to increase oxidative damage in insects. Under normoxic (21 kPa) conditions, individuals from the large-selected (big-fast) line were larger and had faster growth rates, slightly longer developmental times, and reduced survival rates compared to individuals from a line selected for small size (small-fast) or an unselected control line.

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Insect tracheal-respiratory systems achieve high fluxes and great dynamic range with low energy requirements and could be important models for bioengineers interested in developing microfluidic systems. Recent advances suggest that insect cardiorespiratory systems have functional valves that permit compartmentalization with segment-specific pressures and flows and that system anatomy allows regional flows. Convection dominates over diffusion as a transport mechanism in the major tracheae, but Reynolds numbers suggest viscous effects remain important.

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Insects are small relative to vertebrates, possibly owing to limitations or costs associated with their blind-ended tracheal respiratory system. The giant insects of the late Palaeozoic occurred when atmospheric PO(2) (aPO(2)) was hyperoxic, supporting a role for oxygen in the evolution of insect body size. The paucity of the insect fossil record and the complex interactions between atmospheric oxygen level, organisms and their communities makes it impossible to definitively accept or reject the historical oxygen-size link, and multiple alternative hypotheses exist.

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We demonstrated the remote control of insects in free flight via an implantable radio-equipped miniature neural stimulating system. The pronotum mounted system consisted of neural stimulators, muscular stimulators, a radio transceiver-equipped microcontroller and a microbattery. Flight initiation, cessation and elevation control were accomplished through neural stimulus of the brain which elicited, suppressed or modulated wing oscillation.

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This article derives from a society-wide symposium organized by Timothy Bradley and Adriana Briscoe and presented at the 2009 annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology in Boston, Massachusetts. David Grimaldi provided the opening presentation in which he outlined the major evolutionary events in the formation and subsequent diversification of the insect clade. This presentation was followed by speakers who detailed the evolutionary history of specific physiological and/or behavioral traits that have caused insects to be both ecologically successful and fascinating as subjects for biological study.

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Background: Comparative morphology identifies the digits of the wing of birds as 1,2 and 3, but they develop at embryological positions that become digits 2, 3 and 4 in other amniotes. A hypothesis to explain this is that a homeotic frame shift of digital identity occurred in the evolution of the bird wing, such that digits 1,2 and 3 are developing from embryological positions 2, 3 and 4. Digit 1 of the mouse is the only digit that shows no late expression of HoxD-11.

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