Study Design: Prospective test-retest, intrarater reliability study.
Objectives: To estimate the intrarater reliability, asymmetry, and associated error with measurement of the cross-sectional area (CSA) of the bilateral S1 multifidi when measured by a physical therapist following a short course of self-directed training in ultrasound imaging.
Background: There is increasing interest in the assessment of the lumbar multifidus during the recovery from low back injury.
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther
October 2002
Study Design: Multiple single-subject design in 2 parts: 1 in anesthetized monkeys and a follow-up in human cadavers.
Objectives: To determine whether anterior, middle, and posterior scalene muscles rotate the cervical spine to the same (ipsilateral to the muscle) or opposite (contralateral to the muscle) side.
Background: Some physical therapy and anatomy textbooks indicate that all 3 scalenes rotate the cervical spine to the same side, some indicate that all rotate to the opposite side, and the rest ascribe different functions to the different scalenes.