Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors (MKIDs) are superconducting detectors capable of single-photon counting with energy resolution across the ultraviolet, optical, and infrared (UVOIR) spectrum with microsecond timing precision. MKIDs are also multiplexable, providing a feasible way to create large-format, cryogenic arrays for sensitive imaging applications in biology, astronomy, and quantum information. Building large, cryogenic MKID arrays requires processing highly multiplexed, wideband readout signals in real time; this task has previously required large, heavy, and power-intensive custom electronics.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFM15 is a globular cluster with a known spread in neutron-capture elements. This paper presents abundances of neutron-capture elements for 62 stars in M15. Spectra were obtained with the Michigan/Magellan Fiber System spectrograph, covering a wavelength range from ∼4430 to 4630 Å.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWildfires produce solid residuals that have unique chemical and physical properties compared to unburned materials, which influence their cycling and fate in the natural environment. Visual burn severity assessment is used to evaluate post-fire alterations to the landscape in field-based studies, yet muffle furnace methods are commonly used in laboratory studies to assess molecular scale alterations along a temperature continuum. Here, we examined solid and leachable organic matter characteristics from chars visually characterized as low burn severity that were created either on an open air burn table or from low-temperature muffle furnace burns.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe combined effects of Indigenous fire stewardship and lightning ignitions shaped historical fire regimes, landscape patterns, and available resources in many ecosystems globally. The resulting fire regimes created complex fire-vegetation dynamics that were further influenced by biophysical setting, disturbance history, and climate. While there is increasing recognition of Indigenous fire stewardship among western scientists and managers, the extent and purpose of cultural burning is generally absent from the landscape-fire modeling literature and our understanding of ecosystem processes and development.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMetatarsal fractures are one of the most common injuries after foot trauma. It is debilitating, as the metatarsals are one of the most crucial bones for any weight-bearing movement. This report demonstrates the beneficial outcome of using Kirschner wires (K-wires) in a trauma setting and the complicated healing process.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe American Burn Association (ABA) hosted a Burn Care Strategic Quality Summit (SQS) in an ongoing effort to advance the quality of burn care. The goals of the SQS were to discuss and describe characteristics of quality burn care, identify goals for advancing burn care, and develop a roadmap to guide future endeavors while integrating current ABA quality programs. Forty multidisciplinary members attended the two-day event.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJapanese knotweed () is native to East Asia, but has been introduced to the West where it is a noxious invasive weed. Taxonomically, Japanese knotweed is placed within subtribe Reynoutriinae (Polygonaceae), which also contains the austral genus (incl. ) and north temperate .
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe present avidity sequencing, a sequencing chemistry that separately optimizes the processes of stepping along a DNA template and that of identifying each nucleotide within the template. Nucleotide identification uses multivalent nucleotide ligands on dye-labeled cores to form polymerase-polymer-nucleotide complexes bound to clonal copies of DNA targets. These polymer-nucleotide substrates, termed avidites, decrease the required concentration of reporting nucleotides from micromolar to nanomolar and yield negligible dissociation rates.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAs contemporary wildfire activity intensifies across the western United States, there is increasing recognition that a variety of forest management activities are necessary to restore ecosystem function and reduce wildfire hazard in dry forests. However, the pace and scale of current, active forest management is insufficient to address restoration needs. Managed wildfire and landscape-scale prescribed burns hold potential to achieve broad-scale goals but may not achieve desired outcomes where fire severity is too high or too low.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBurn scars, and in particular, hypertrophic scars, are a challenging yet common outcome for survivors of burn injuries. In 2021, the American Burn Association brought together experts in burn care and research to discuss critical topics related to burns, including burn scars, at its State of the Science conference. Clinicians and researchers with burn scar expertise, as well as burn patients, industry representatives, and other interested stakeholders met to discuss issues related to burn scars and discuss priorities for future burn scar research.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: There are concerns about continuing increases in the number of patients prescribed long-term opioids and the prescribing of 'strong' opioids for chronic pain. Little is known about patients who are prescribed these long-term, high-dose drugs.
Aim: To understand patterns of opioid prescribing that lead to long-term, high-dose use.
Background: Opioid prescriptions for chronic pain have risen sharply over the last 25 years; harms associated with these drugs are related to dose and length of use.
Aim: The main aim of this study was to identify patients prescribed long-term, high-dose (LTHD) opioids in the community and to assess the prevalence of such use.
Design & Setting: An observational study of opioid prescribing in two demographically dissimilar GP practices in North Wales, UK.
Radio frequency ablation and microwave hyperthermia are powerful tools for destroying dysfunctional biological tissues. However, wireless application of these techniques is hindered by their inability to focus the electromagnetic energy to small targets. The use of locally injected radio frequency- or microwave-absorbing nanomaterials can help to overcome this challenge by confining heat production to the injected region.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFExtreme weather and globalisation leave our climate vulnerable to invasion by alien species, which have negative impacts on the economy, biodiversity, and ecosystem services. Rapid and accurate identification is key to the control of invasive alien species. However, visually similar species hinder conservation efforts, for example hybrids within the Japanese Knotweed complex.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThere has been a large increase in the number of prescriptions for opioid drugs in the United Kingdom over the last 20 years or more and the prescribing of opioids in high doses continues to increase. Much opioid prescribing is for chronic non-cancer pain (CNCP) despite serious doubts about the long-term effectiveness of opioids for this indication. Clinical experience is that there are increasing numbers of patients who are on high dosages of opioid drugs over sustained periods which provide limited or no pain relief while having significant negative effects on functioning and quality of life.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDouble-cropping is defined as producing more than one crop on the same parcel of land in a single growing season. It is reported to have many benefits when incorporated in cropping systems, including improving soil health. In some double-cropping systems, soybean is planted following winter wheat.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe targeting task performance (TTP) model for prediction of target identification range suggests that boost filtering with a well-sampled, low-noise long-wave infrared (LWIR) sensor can substantially increase target ID range (by enhancing contrast at high spatial frequencies). We model a notional high-performance LWIR imaging system with a high F-number, deep electron wells, and a small-pitch focal plane array. System analysis performed with the Night Vision Integrated Performance Model (NVIPM) predicts that a range enhancement upwards of 50% is achievable with Wiener restoration applied to imagery from the modeled sensor.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe present the development of a second generation digital readout system for photon counting microwave kinetic inductance detector (MKID) arrays operating in the optical and near-infrared wavelength bands. Our system retains much of the core signal processing architecture from the first generation system but with a significantly higher bandwidth, enabling the readout of kilopixel MKID arrays. Each set of readout boards is capable of reading out 1024 MKID pixels multiplexed over 2 GHz of bandwidth; two such units can be placed in parallel to read out a full 2048 pixel microwave feedline over a 4 GHz-8 GHz band.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAdv Wound Care (New Rochelle)
August 2020
Despite the development of a number of treatment modalities, scarring remains common postburn injury. To reduce burn scarring, pressure garment therapy has been widely utilized but is complicated by low patient adherence. To improve adherence, reduced hours of daily garment wear has been proposed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn ponderosa pine () forests of the western United States, prescribed burns are used to reduce fuel loads and restore historical fire regimes. The season of and interval between burns can have complex consequences for the ecosystem, including the production of pyrogenic carbon (PyC). PyC plays a crucial role in soil carbon cycling, displaying turnover times that are orders of magnitude longer than unburned organic matter.
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