Publications by authors named "John Aldrich"

Anxiety and chronic pain afflict hundreds of millions worldwide. Anxiety and pain are more prevalent in females compared to males. Unfortunately, robust sex differences in human anxiety are not recapitulated in rodent tests, and results from rodent pain studies frequently fail to translate clinically.

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Background: An animal's ability to discriminate between differing wavelengths of light (i.e., color vision) is mediated, in part, by a subset of photoreceptor cells that express opsins with distinct absorption spectra.

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Spinal cord injury (SCI) can cause long-lasting locomotor deficits, pain, and mood disorders. Anatomical and functional outcomes are exacerbated by inflammation after SCI, which causes secondary damage. One promising target after SCI is manipulating the circadian system, which optimizes biology and behavior for time of day - including neuroimmune responses and mood-related behaviors.

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Spinal cord injury (SCI) can cause long-lasting locomotor deficits, pain, and mood disorders. Anatomical and functional outcomes are exacerbated by inflammation after SCI, which causes secondary damage. One promising target after SCI is manipulating the circadian system, which optimizes biology and behavior for time of day - including neuroimmune responses and mood-related behaviors.

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Drosophila rhabdomeric terminal photoreceptor differentiation is an extended process taking several days to complete. Following ommatidial patterning by the morphogenetic furrow, photoreceptors are sequentially recruited and specified, and terminal differentiation begins. Key events of terminal differentiation include the establishment of apical and basolateral domains, rhabdomere and stalk formation, inter-rhabdomeral space formation, and expression of phototransduction machinery.

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Cell differentiation and cell fate determination in sensory systems are essential for stimulus discrimination and coding of environmental stimuli. Color vision is based on the differential color sensitivity of retinal photoreceptors, however the developmental programs that control photoreceptor cell differentiation and specify color sensitivity are poorly understood. In Drosophila melanogaster, there is evidence that the color sensitivity of different photoreceptors in the compound eye is regulated by inductive signals between cells, but the exact nature of these signals and how they are propagated remains unknown.

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The R7 and R8 photoreceptor cells of the compound eye mediate color vision. Throughout the majority of the eye, these cells occur in two principal types of ommatidia. Approximately 35% of ommatidia are of the pale type and express in R7 cells and in R8 cells.

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X-ray regulations and room design methodology vary widely across Canada. The Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists (COMP) conducted a survey in 2016/2017 to provide a useful snapshot of existing variations in rules and methodologies for human patient medical imaging facilities. Some jurisdictions no longer have radiation safety regulatory requirements and COMP is concerned that lack of regulatory oversight might erode safe practices.

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Males of hymenopteran insects, which include ants, bees and wasps, develop as haploids from unfertilized eggs. In order to accommodate their lack of homologous chromosome pairs, some hymenopterans such as the honeybee have been shown to produce haploid sperm through an abortive meiosis. We employed microscopic approaches to visualize landmark aspects of spermatogenesis in the jewel wasp Nasonia vitripennis, a model for hymenopteran reproduction and development.

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B chromosomes are found in numerous plants and animals. These nonessential, supernumerary chromosomes are often composed primarily of noncoding DNA repeats similar to those found within transcriptionally "silenced" heterochromatin. In order to persist within their resident genomes, many B chromosomes exhibit exceptional cellular behaviors, including asymmetric segregation into gametes and induction of genome elimination during early development.

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B chromosomes are non-essential components of numerous plant and animal genomes. Because many of these "extra" chromosomes enhance their own transmission in ways that are detrimental to the rest of the genome, they can be thought of as genome parasites. An extreme example is a paternally inherited B chromosome known as paternal sex ratio (PSR), which is found in natural populations of the jewel wasp .

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Intragenomic conflict describes a phenomenon in which genetic elements act 'selfishly' to gain a transmission advantage at the expense of the whole genome. A non-essential, selfish B chromosome known as Paternal Sex Ratio (PSR) induces complete elimination of the sperm-derived hereditary material in the jewel wasp Nasonia vitripennis. PSR prevents the paternal chromatin from forming chromosomes during the first embryonic mitosis, leading to its loss.

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Numerous arthropods harbor maternally transmitted bacteria that induce the preferential death of males [1-7]. This sex-specific lethality benefits the bacteria because males are "dead ends" regarding bacterial transmission, and their absence may result in additional resources for their viable female siblings who can thereby more successfully transmit the bacteria [5]. Although these symbionts disrupt a range of developmental processes [8-10], the underlying cellular mechanisms are largely unknown.

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Ribosomal RNA gene (rDNA) copy number variation modulates heterochromatin formation and influences the expression of a large fraction of the Drosophila genome. This discovery, along with the link between rDNA, aging, and disease, high-lights the importance of understanding how natural rDNA copy number variation arises. Pursuing the relationship between rDNA expression and stability, we have discovered that increased dietary yeast concentration, emulating periods of dietary excess during life, results in somatic rDNA instability and copy number reduction.

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Heterochromatin is a significant component of the human genome and the genomes of most model organisms. Although heterochromatin is thought to be largely non-coding, it is clear that it plays an important role in chromosome structure and gene regulation. Despite a growing awareness of its functional significance, the repetitive sequences underlying some heterochromatin remain relatively uncharacterized.

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Health Canada Safety Code 35 brings Canada's diagnostic imaging radiation output and protection standards to an international level. This Safety Code is comprehensive and will have broad implications for most health care facilities. This Safety Code outlines quality control procedures that will ultimately reduce patient dose while providing the best quality diagnostic images, all within a safe working environment.

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Optimization and standardization of radiographic procedures in a health region minimizes patient exposure while producing diagnostic images. This report highlights the dose variation in common computed radiography (CR) examinations throughout a large health region. The RadChex cassette was used to measure the radiation exposure at the table or wall bucky in 20 CR rooms, in seven hospitals, using CR technology from two vendors.

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Despite the growing role of imaging, trauma remains the leading cause of death in people below the age of 45 years in the western industrialized countries. Trauma has been touted as the largest epidemic in the 20th century. The advent of MDCT has been the greatest advance in trauma care in the last 25 years.

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Objectives: The purpose of this study was to review and revise the undergraduate radiology curriculum at the University of British Columbia to improve radiology education to medical students and to meet the needs of a medical program with province-wide distribution.

Methods: We identified the radiology content of the curriculum from the Curriculum Management and Information Tool online database, from personal interviews with curriculum heads, and from published information. Undergraduates' and recent graduates' opinions were solicited by means of surveys.

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The appearance of ultrasound images depends critically on the physical interactions of sound with the tissues in the body. The basic principles of ultrasound imaging and the physical reasons for many common artifacts are described.

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Objective: To estimate the diagnostic reference levels and effective radiation dose to patients from routine computed tomography (CT) examinations in the province of British Columbia, Canada.

Methods: The patient weight, height and computed tomography dose index or dose linear product (DLP) were recorded on study sheets for 1070 patients who were referred for clinically indicated routine CT examinations at 18 radiology departments in British Columbia. Sixteen of the scanners were multidetector row scanners.

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Objective: To develop an algorithm for selecting tube current for computed tomography (CT), based on patient weight, that produces abdominal CT images of consistent image quality.

Methods: We recorded body weight and radiation exposure parameters for 37 patients undergoing abdominal CT. Two radiologists blind to the CT technique independently graded 11 measures of image quality, using a 5-point (5 = excellent, 4 = good, 3 = acceptable, 2 = poor, and 1 = unacceptable) scale.

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Purpose: To measure radiation doses for computed tomography (CT) of the head, chest, and abdomen and compare them with the diagnostic reference levels, as part of the International Atomic Energy Agency Research coordination project.

Materials And Methods: The local ethics committees of all participating institutions approved the study protocol. Written informed consent was obtained from all patients.

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Initiated by complaints of image artifacts, a thorough visual and radiographic investigation of 197 Fuji, 35 Agfa, and 37 Kodak computed radiography (CR) cassettes with imaging plates (IPs) in clinical use at four radiology departments was performed. The investigation revealed that the physical deterioration of the cassettes and IPs was more extensive than previously believed. It appeared that many of the image artifacts were the direct result of premature wear of the cassettes and imaging plates.

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