Publications by authors named "John A DeSimone"

Ramsey and DeSimone highlight the recent discovery of a new family of proton channels.

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During postnatal development rats demonstrate an age-dependent increase in NaCl chorda tympani (CT) responses and the number of functional apical amiloride-sensitive epithelial Na+ channels (ENaCs) in salt sensing fungiform (FF) taste receptor cells (TRCs). Currently, the intracellular signals that regulate the postnatal development of salt taste have not been identified. We investigated the effect of cAMP, a downstream signal for arginine vasopressin (AVP) action, on the postnatal development of NaCl responses in 19-23 day old rats.

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Nicotine elicits bitter taste by activating TRPM5-dependent and TRPM5-independent but neuronal nAChR-dependent pathways. The nAChRs represent common targets at which acetylcholine, nicotine and ethanol functionally interact in the central nervous system. Here, we investigated if the nAChRs also represent a common pathway through which the bitter taste of nicotine, ethanol and acetylcholine is transduced.

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Modulatory effects of pHi and [Ca(2+)]i on taste receptor cell (TRC) epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) were investigated by monitoring chorda tympani (CT) responses to NaCl and KCl at various lingual voltages, before and after lingual application of ionomycin and with 0-10mM CaCl2 in the stimulus and rinse solutions adjusted to pHo 2.0-9.7.

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The effects of small molecule ENaC activators N,N,N-trimethyl-2-((4-methyl-2-((4-methyl-1H-indol-3-yl)thio)pentanoyl)oxy)ethanaminium iodide (Compound 1) and N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-4-methyl-2-((4-methyl-1H-indol-3-yl)thio)pentanamide (Compound 2), were tested on the benzamil (Bz)-sensitive NaCl chorda tympani (CT) taste nerve response under open-circuit conditions and under ±60 mV applied lingual voltage-clamp, and compared with the effects of known physiological activators (8-CPT-cAMP, BAPTA-AM, and alkaline pH), and an inhibitor (ionomycin+Ca2+) of ENaC. The NaCl CT response was enhanced at -60 mV and suppressed at +60 mV. In every case the CT response (r) versus voltage (V) curve was linear.

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Transient receptor potential (TRP) subfamily M member 5 (TRPM5) cation channel is involved in sensing sweet, bitter, umami, and fat taste stimuli, complex-tasting divalent salts, and temperature-induced changes in sweet taste. To investigate if the amiloride- and benzamil (Bz)-insensitive NaCl chorda tympani (CT) taste nerve response is also regulated in part by TRPM5, CT responses to 100 mM NaCl + 5 μM Bz (NaCl + Bz) were monitored in Sprague-Dawley rats, wild-type (WT) mice, and TRP vanilloid subfamily member 1 (TRPV1) and TRPM5 knockout (KO) mice in the presence of resiniferatoxin (RTX), a TRPV1 agonist. In rats, NaCl + Bz + RTX CT responses were also monitored in the presence of triphenylphosphine oxide, a specific TRPM5 blocker, and capsazepine and N-(3-methoxyphenyl)-4-chlorocinnamid (SB-366791), specific TRPV1 blockers.

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This article is based on proceedings from the Symposium on Sodium in the Food Supply: Challenges and Opportunities, sponsored by the North American Branch of the International Life Sciences Institute, at Experimental Biology 2010 in Anaheim, California. The symposium aimed to address the issue of dietary sodium and its consequences for public health. Presenters spoke on a variety of key topics, including salt taste reception mechanisms and preferences, methods and measures to assess sodium in the US food supply, and considerations regarding the reduction of sodium in processed foods.

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Effects of N-geranyl cyclopropyl-carboxamide (NGCC) and four structurally related compounds (N-cyclopropyl E2,Z6-nonadienamide, N-geranyl isobutanamide, N-geranyl 2-methylbutanamide, and allyl N-geranyl carbamate) were evaluated on the chorda tympani (CT) nerve response to NaCl and monosodium glutamate (MSG) in rats and wild-type (WT) and TRPV1 knockout (KO) mice and on human salty and umami taste intensity. NGCC enhanced the rat CT response to 100 mM NaCl + 5 μM benzamil (Bz; an epithelial Na(+) channel blocker) between 1 and 2.5 μM and inhibited it above 5 μM.

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The relationship between taste receptor cell (TRC) intracellular Ca(2+) ([Ca(2+)](i)) and rat chorda tympani (CT) nerve responses to bitter (quinine and denatonium), sweet (sucrose, glycine, and erythritol), and umami [monosodium glutamate (MSG) and MSG + inosine 5'-monophosphate (IMP)] taste stimuli was investigated before and after lingual application of ionomycin (Ca(2+) ionophore) + Ca(2+), 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid acetoxymethyl ester (BAPTA-AM; Ca(2+) chelator), U73122 (phospholipase C blocker), thapsigargin (Ca(2+)-ATPase blocker), and diC8-PIP(2) (synthetic phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate). The phasic CT response to quinine was indifferent to changes in [Ca(2+)](i). However, a decrease in [Ca(2+)](i) inhibited the tonic part of the CT response to quinine.

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The relationship between taste receptor cell (TRC) Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) and rat chorda tympani (CT) nerve responses to salty [NaCl and NaCl+benzamil (Bz)] and sour (HCl, CO(2), and acetic acid) taste stimuli was investigated before and after lingual application of ionomycin+Ca(2+), 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid acetoxymethyl ester (BAPTA-AM), U73122 (phospholipase C blocker), and thapsigargin (Ca(2+)-ATPase inhibitor) under open-circuit or lingual voltage-clamp conditions. An increase in TRC [Ca(2+)](i) attenuated the tonic Bz-sensitive NaCl CT response and the apical membrane Na(+) conductance. A decrease in TRC [Ca(2+)](i) enhanced the tonic Bz-sensitive and Bz-insensitive NaCl CT responses and apical membrane Na(+) conductance but did not affect CT responses to KCl or NH(4)Cl.

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Strain differences between naive, sucrose- and ethanol-exposed alcohol-preferring (P) and alcohol-nonpreferring (NP) rats were investigated in their consumption of ethanol, sucrose, and NaCl; chorda tympani (CT) nerve responses to sweet and salty stimuli; and gene expression in the anterior tongue of T1R3 and TRPV1/TRPV1t. Preference for 5% ethanol and 10% sucrose, CT responses to sweet stimuli, and T1R3 expression were greater in naive P rats than NP rats. The enhancement of the CT response to 0.

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To investigate if chorda tympani (CT) taste nerve responses to strong (HCl) and weak (CO(2) and acetic acid) acidic stimuli are dependent upon NADPH oxidase-linked and cAMP-sensitive proton conductances in taste cell membranes, CT responses were monitored in rats, wild-type (WT) mice, and gp91(phox) knockout (KO) mice in the absence and presence of blockers (Zn(2+) and diethyl pyrocarbonate [DEPC]) or activators (8-(4-chlorophenylthio)-cAMP; 8-CPT-cAMP) of proton channels and activators of the NADPH oxidase enzyme (phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate [PMA], H(2)O(2), and nitrazepam). Zn(2+) and DEPC inhibited and 8-CPT-cAMP, PMA, H(2)O(2), and nitrazepam enhanced the tonic CT responses to HCl without altering responses to CO(2) and acetic acid. In KO mice, the tonic HCl CT response was reduced by 64% relative to WT mice.

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The relationship between acidic pH, taste cell pH(i), and chorda tympani (CT) nerve responses was investigated before and after incorporating the K(+)-H(+) exchanger, nigericin, in the apical membrane of taste cells. CT responses were recorded in anesthetized rats in vivo, and changes in pH(i) were monitored in polarized fungiform taste cells in vitro. Under control conditions, stimulating the tongue with 0.

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Regulation of the putative amiloride and benzamil (Bz)-insensitive TRPV1t salt taste receptor by phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP(2)) was studied by monitoring chorda tympani (CT) taste nerve responses to 0.1 M NaCl solutions containing Bz (5 x 10(-6) M; a specific ENaC blocker) and resiniferatoxin (RTX; 0-10 x 10(-6) M; a specific TRPV1 agonist) in Sprague-Dawley rats and in wildtype (WT) and TRPV1 knockout (KO) mice. In rats and WT mice, RTX elicited a biphasic effect on the NaCl + Bz CT response, increasing the CT response between 0.

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The regulation of the benzamil (Bz)-insensitive salt taste receptor was investigated by intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i), protein kinase C (PKC), and the Ca2+-dependent serine-threonine phosphatase, calcineurin (PP2B), by monitoring chorda tympani taste nerve responses to 0.1 M NaCl solutions containing Bz (5x10(-6) M) and resiniferatoxin (RTX; 0-10x10(-6) M) in Sprague-Dawley rats and in wild-type (WT) and transient receptor potential vanilloid-1 knockout (TRPV1 KO) mice. In rats and WT mice, RTX increased the NaCl+Bz chorda tympani responses between 0.

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The orosensory responses elicited by nicotine are relevant for the development and maintenance of addiction to tobacco products. However, although nicotine is described as bitter tasting, the molecular and neural substrates encoding the taste of nicotine are unclear. Here, rats and mice were used to determine whether nicotine activates peripheral and central taste pathways via TRPM5-dependent mechanisms, which are essential for responses to other bitter tastants such as quinine, and/or via nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs).

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Maillard reacted peptides (MRPs) were synthesized by conjugating a peptide fraction (1000-5000 Da) purified from soy protein hydrolyzate with galacturonic acid, glucosamine, xylose, fructose, or glucose. The effect of MRPs was investigated on human salt taste and on the chorda tympani (CT) taste nerve responses to NaCl in Sprague-Dawley rats, wild-type, and transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) knockout mice. MRPs produced a biphasic effect on human salt taste perception and on the CT responses in rats and wild-type mice in the presence of NaCl + benzamil (Bz, a blocker of epithelial Na+ channels), enhancing the NaCl response at low concentrations and suppressing it at high concentrations.

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The effect of nicotine on the benzamil (Bz)-insensitive (transient receptor potential vanilloid-1 variant cation channel, TRPV1t) and the Bz-sensitive (epithelial Na(+) channel, ENaC) salt taste receptors and sour taste was investigated by monitoring intracellular Na(+) and H(+) activity (pH(i)) in polarized fungiform taste receptor cells (TRCs) and the chorda tympani (CT) nerve responses to NaCl, KCl, and HCl. CT responses in Sprague-Dawley rats and both wildtype and TRPV1 knockout (KO) mice were recorded in the presence and absence of agonists [resiniferatoxin (RTX) and elevated temperature] and an antagonist (SB-366791) of TRPV1t, the ENaC blocker (Bz), and varying apical pH (pH(o)). At concentrations <0.

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Current evidence suggests salt taste transduction involves at least two mechanisms, one that is amiloride sensitive and appears to use apically located epithelial sodium channels relatively selective for Na(+) and a second that is amiloride insensitive and uses a variant of the transient receptor potential vanilloid receptor 1 (TRPV1) that serves as a nonspecific cation channel. To provide a functional context for these findings, we trained Trpv1 knockout (KO) and wild-type (WT) C57BL/6J mice (n = 9 or 10/group) in a two-response operant discrimination procedure and measured detection thresholds to NaCl and KCl with and without amiloride. The KO and WT mice had similar detection thresholds for NaCl and KCl.

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Taste plays an essential role in food selection and consequently overall nutrition. Because salt taste is appetitive, humans ingest more salt than they need. Acids are the source of intrinsically aversive sour taste, but in mixtures with sweeteners they are consumed in large quantities.

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The relationship between cell volume and the neural response to acidic stimuli was investigated by simultaneous measurements of intracellular pH (pHi) and cell volume in polarized fungiform taste receptor cells (TRCs) using 2',7'-bis-(2-carboxyethyl)-5-(and-6)-carboxyfluorescein (BCECF) in vitro and by rat chorda tympani (CT) nerve recordings in vivo. CT responses to HCl and CO2 were recorded in the presence of 1 M mannitol and specific probes for filamentous (F) actin (phalloidin) and monomeric (G) actin (cytochalasin B) under lingual voltage clamp. Acidic stimuli reversibly decrease TRC pHi and cell volume.

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The effect of ethanol on the amiloride- and benzamil (Bz)-insensitive salt taste receptor was investigated by direct measurement of intracellular Na(+) activity ([Na(+)](i)) using fluorescence imaging in polarized fungiform taste receptor cells (TRCs) and by chorda tympani (CT) taste nerve recordings. CT responses to KCl and NaCl were recorded in Sprague-Dawley rats, and in wild-type (WT) and vanilloid receptor-1 (VR-1) knockout mice (KO). CT responses were monitored in the presence of Bz, a specific blocker of the epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC).

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The effect of ethanol on the amiloride- and benzamil (Bz)-insensitive salt taste receptor was investigated by the measurement of intracellular Na(+) activity ([Na(+)](i)) in polarized rat fungiform taste receptor cells (TRCs) using fluorescence imaging and by chorda tympani (CT) taste nerve recordings. CT responses were monitored during lingual stimulation with ethanol solutions containing NaCl or KCl. CT responses were recorded in the presence of Bz (a specific blocker of the epithelial Na(+) channel [ENaC]) or the vanilloid receptor-1 (VR-1) antagonists capsazepine or SB-366791, which also block the Bz-insensitive salt taste receptor, a VR-1 variant.

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