Publications by authors named "Johanne Trepanier"

This article seeks to validate the French translation of the Strauss and Carpenter revised outcome criteria scale (SCOCS-R) through the study of its interrater reliability, its convergent validity, and its factor structure. Using a sample of 113 DSM-IV schizophrenic subjects, we assessed the interrater reliability of the SCOCS-R and its convergent validity with an already validated scale (Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale). The factor structure of the SCOCS-R was assessed using a principal components analysis.

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Objective: To identify neuropsychological domains, including fine motor dexterity, that are related to social functioning in schizophrenia.

Method: Thirty-six DSM-IV schizophrenic subjects were assessed using the Purdue Pegboard test, the Modified Wisconsin Card Sorting test, the Tower of London, Schwartz' Reaction Time and Wechsler's Associate Learning and Digit Span tests. Social functioning was measured by the Social and Occupational Functional Assessment Scale.

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