Rev Colomb Psiquiatr (Engl Ed)
November 2023
Objective: We aim to determine the prevalence of mental disorders in siblings of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and to determine how psychosocial adversity factors relate to this psychopathology, in a low-middle income country (Colombia).
Methods: We evaluated subjects with ADHD diagnosed according to the DSM-5 criteria, one of their parents and one of their siblings (ages 8-19). We used the ADHD rating scale and a set of instruments to assess the presence of mental disorders as well as psychosocial adversity.
Rev Colomb Psiquiatr (Engl Ed)
June 2021
Objective: We aim to determine the prevalence of mental disorders in siblings of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and to determine how psychosocial adversity factors relate to this psychopathology, in a low-middle income country (Colombia).
Methods: We evaluated subjects with ADHD diagnosed according to the DSM-5 criteria, one of their parents and one of their siblings (ages 8-19). We used the ADHD rating scale and a set of instruments to assess the presence of mental disorders as well as psychosocial adversity.