We explored in 75 s long trials the effects of visually induced self-rotation and displacement (SR&D) on the horizontally extended right arm of standing subjects (N = 12). A "tool condition" was included in which subjects held a long rod. The extent of arm movement was contingent on whether the arm was extended out Freely or Pointing at a briefly proprioceptively specified target position.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe bioaccessibility of tannins as antioxidants in meat is essential to maximise their effectiveness in protecting the product. This property determines the amount of tannins available to interact with meat components, inhibiting lipid and protein oxidation and, consequently, prolonging shelf life and preserving the sensory quality of the product. The objective of this study was to evaluate the bioaccessibility of condensed tannins (CT) from extract (AME) and their effect on the physico-chemical characteristics of fattened lamb meat.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAerosp Med Hum Perform
September 2018
Introduction: The advent of autonomous automobiles raises new challenges for maintaining passenger safety and comfort. The challenge addressed here is how to predict and mitigate motion sickness when passengers read in a moving vehicle.
Methods: We utilized a car equipped with a commercial active suspension system developed for attenuating the transmission of road surface fluctuations to passengers.
Our goal was to determine how sleep deprivation, nauseogenic motion, and a combination of motion and sleep deprivation affect cognitive vigilance, visual-spatial perception, motor learning and retention, and balance. We exposed four groups of subjects to different combinations of normal 8h sleep or 4h sleep for two nights combined with testing under stationary conditions or during 0.28Hz horizontal linear oscillation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn a rotating environment, goal-oriented voluntary movements are initially disrupted in trajectory and endpoint, due to movement-contingent Coriolis forces, but accuracy is regained with additional movements. We studied whether adaptation acquired in a voluntary, goal-oriented postural swaying task performed during constant-velocity counterclockwise rotation (10 RPM) carries over to recovery from falling induced using a hold and release (H&R) paradigm. In H&R, standing subjects actively resist a force applied to their chest, which when suddenly released results in a forward fall and activation of an automatic postural correction.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLightly touching a stable surface with one fingertip strongly stabilizes standing posture. The three main features of this phenomenon are fingertip contact forces maintained at levels too low to provide mechanical support, attenuation of postural sway relative to conditions without fingertip touch, and center of pressure (CP) lags changes in fingertip shear forces by approximately 250 ms. In the experiments presented here, we tested whether accurate arm proprioception and also whether the precision fingertip contact afforded by the arm's many degrees of freedom are necessary for postural stabilization by finger contact.
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