Publications by authors named "Jody DiGiacomo"

Background: Geriatric trauma patients are an increasing population of the United States (US), sustaining a high incidence of falls, and suffer greater morbidity and mortality to their younger counterparts. Significant variation and challenges exist to optimize outcomes for this cohort, while being mindful of available resources. This manuscript provides concise summary of locoregional and national practices, including relevant updates in the triage of geriatric trauma in an effort to synthesize the results and provide guidance for further investigation.

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Background: The presence of permanent pacemakers (PPM) is common among the elderly population. Trauma literature has shown that the inability to augment cardiac output by at least 30% after injury portends a higher mortality. The presence of a PPM may be a surrogate marker to identify patients who are unable to increase cardiac output.

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Introduction: The use of intravenous (IV) acetaminophen (APAP) postoperatively in older adults may be a beneficial strategy. We implemented a multimodal pain management approach in our hospital in 2015, with IV APAP being the first-line therapy.

Materials And Methods: This was a retrospective, single-center, observational cohort study of polytrauma, orthopedic surgical patients aged ≥50 y.

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Purpose: There are many infectious and inflammatory causes for elevated core-body temperatures, though they rarely pass 40 ℃ (104 ℉). The term "quad fever" is used for extreme hyperpyrexia in the setting of acute cervical spinal cord injuries (SCIs). The traditional methods of treating hyperpyrexia are often ineffective and reported morbidity and mortality rates approach 100%.

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Contralateral pneumothorax after percutaneous central venous catheter placement has not been previously reported. Three patients who required intubation and mechanical ventilation for acute respiratory failure due to COVID-19 were identified with a new pneumothorax on routine post-placement chest roentgenogram on the side opposite the catheter placement.  Retrospective review of charts, radiographs, and laboratory studies.

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Background: Catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) is a noted complication among geriatric hip fracture patients. This complication results in negative outcomes for both the patients and the institution providing care. Screening measures to identify predisposing factors, with early diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract infection (UTI) present on admission, may lead to reduced rates of CAUTI.

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Background: Indirect calorimetry (IC) is the gold standard for determining energy requirement. Due to lack of availability in many institutions, predictive equations are used to estimate energy requirements. The purpose of this study is to determine the accuracy of predictive equations (ie, Harris-Benedict equation (HBE), Mifflin-St Jeor equation (MSJ), and Penn State University equation (PSU)) used to determine energy needs for critically ill, ventilated patients compared with measured resting energy expenditure (mREE).

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Background: Blunt injuries to the adrenal glands are considered rare, associated with severe injury, and highly mortal, based on autopsy series and earlier retrospective reviews. Recent studies have reported higher incidence rates associated with lower injury severity and mortality rates.

Methods: A 3-year review of the Pennsylvania Trauma Outcomes Study Registry of adults with intra-abdominal injuries after blunt trauma was performed and associated organ injuries, injury parameters and in-hospital mortality were compared between those with and those without adrenal gland injury.

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Adrenal gland trauma is a rare phenomenon, due to the small size and retroperitoneal location of the organ. The majority of adrenal gland trauma is due to blunt force injury and is only rarely encountered due to the penetrating mechanisms. A 20-year-old male sustained a gunshot wound to the left abdomen.

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A surgical post-acute treatment unit (SPA) was developed for acutely injured elderly patients who no longer warranted acute care in an intensive care setting to decrease complications by focusing increased bedside attention to cognition, nutrition, respiration, and mobilization. A retrospective review was performed comparing patients 65 years and older with isolated rib fractures treated before the SPA was opened with patients treated in the SPA. The 2 populations were comparable except the SPA group had a higher mean Injury Severity Score.

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Background: The aim of this study is to evaluate recent national trends in the clinical characteristics, management, and outcomes of patients with isolated axillary artery injuries.

Methods: The National Trauma Data Bank was queried to identify records submitted from 2011 to 2015 that contained an ICD-9-CM diagnosis code for an injury to axillary artery (903.01) and an external cause of injury code indicating blunt or penetrating trauma.

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Background: An occult pneumothorax is identified by computed tomography but not visualized by a plain film chest X-ray. The optimal management remains unclear.

Methods: A retrospective review of an urban level I trauma center's trauma registry was conducted to identify patients with occult pneumothorax over a 2-year period.

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: Heitzer and Duret described the surgical creation of colostomy in the 1700s, more than a century before the introduction of anesthesia. With the ever increasing degree of frailty in patients of advanced age who require surgical intervention, a simplified methodology for the creation of a colostomy based on their original reports is described and the advantages for use in high risk patients and the critical care setting is discussed. : Eleven patients underwent simplified colostomy under local anesthesia, without complication.

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In the past, injuries to the adrenal glands due to blunt trauma were considered rare, and were reported to be associated with high Injury Severity Scores (ISSs) and high mortality. Recent reports have reported a much high incidence associated with lower ISS and lower mortality. The purpose of this study was to assess the incidence of adrenal gland injuries due to blunt trauma in a large state trauma registry and determine whether these injuries are associated with a higher ISS and increased risk for mortality.

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Background: A performance improved project identified elderly trauma patients to have a disproportionate incidence of complications.

Aims: The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy of a small specialty care unit to decrease complications in patients who no longer warrant care in an intensive care unit (ICU).

Methods: A surgical post-acute treatment unit (SPA) was developed with focused attention to cognition, nutrition, respiration, and mobilization needs of patients who no longer had physiologic need for an intensive care unit environment, but were still in need of increased attention at the bedside.

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Objective: To assess the impact of preassigning a single bed in the surgical intensive care unit (SICU) for the next trauma admission.

Background: Prolonged emergency department (ED) dwell time before admission to a critical care unit has an adverse effect on patient outcomes and is often due to the lack of an available bed in the intensive care unit (ICU).

Methods: A "Bed Ahead" policy was instituted at an urban level 1 Trauma Public Safety Net Teaching Hospital to preassign 1 SICU bed for the next trauma patient who warrants a critical care admission.

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Background: Hip fractures in patients 65 years and older are associated with significant morbidity and mortality. With the steady increase in the elderly population, we implemented an evidence-based clinical practice guideline for the management of hip fractures to optimize patient care and surgical outcomes.

Aims: To evaluate the effects of a multidisciplinary hip fracture care pathway on patient outcomes in the care of elderly patients.

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Purpose: To evaluate submental intubation compared with secure airways of patients who have sustained significant maxillofacial trauma.

Patients And Methods: Patient series of 3 patients who underwent submental intubation prior to open reduction internal fixation of fractures associated with the mid and lower face. All of these patients were initially orally intubated, and then converted to submental intubation prior to the reparative procedure.

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Background: The newest CT scanners provide resolution comparable to MRIs leading many to question when and whether cervical spine MRIs are warranted.

Methods: An 8 year retrospective review identified 241 patients who underwent CT scan and MRI of the cervical spine. The initial clinical examination, cervical spine CT scan, and cervical spine MRI were compared to identify cervical spine injuries that would have been missed had the MRI not been performed.

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Background: Increased life expectancy has resulted in more older patients at trauma centers. Traditional assessments of injuries alone may not be sufficient; age, comorbidities, and medications should be considered.

Methods: 446 older trauma patients were analyzed in two groups, 45-65 years and <65, using Injury Severity Score (ISS), the Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI), and Comorbidity-Polypharmacy Score (CPS).

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Background: Prior to the advent of whole body computed tomography, injuries of the adrenal gland were almost exclusively identified on postmortem examinations and were associated with severe injury. Recent literature has continued to identify an association between adrenal injuries and high ISS. The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of adrenal trauma on ISS and mortality while controlling for potential confounding factors.

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Background: Alcohol-related trauma remains high among underserved patients despite ongoing preventive measures. Geographic variability in prevalence of alcohol-related injury has prompted reexamination of this burden across different regions. We sought to elucidate demographic and socioeconomic factors influencing the prevalence of alcohol-related trauma among underserved patients and determine alcohol effects on selected outcomes.

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Introduction: Nutrition therapy is essential to the care of critically ill patients. Information that is used to calculate the differences between patients' nutrition prescription and actual provision may be flawed due to errors in manually recording the amount of enteral nutrition (EN) provided. This study's purpose was to evaluate the accuracy of the EN volume delivered as recorded in the electronic medical record (EMR) relative to the EN volume retrieved from the EN pump.

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