Stroke remains a leading cause of mortality and long-term disability worldwide, with variable recovery trajectories posing substantial challenges in anticipating post-event care and rehabilitation planning. In response, we established the NeuralCup consortium to address these challenges by benchmarking predictive models of stroke outcome through a collaborative, data-driven approach. This study presents the findings of 15 participating teams worldwide who used a comprehensive dataset including clinical and imaging data, to identify and compare predictors of motor, cognitive, and emotional outcomes one-year post-stroke.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe purpose of the present paper is to provide the norms of widely used tests of vocabulary, reading, and spelling skills for a French population of young adults. Data were collected from 18- to 26-year-old university students during individual sessions. We assessed 771 participants with the Mill Hill part B vocabulary test, 410 with the LexTale-Fr test, 1231 with the Alouette-R test, and 361 with the Pollueur word/pseudoword dictation and text dictation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSupraspan verbal list-learning tests, such as the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT), are classic neuropsychological tests for assessing verbal memory. In this study, we investigated the impact of the meaning of the words to be learned on three memory stages [short-term recall (STR), learning, and delayed recall (DR)] in a cohort of 447 healthy adults. First, we compared scores obtained from the RAVLT (word condition) to those of an alternative version of this test using phonologically similar but meaningless items (pseudoword condition) and observed how each score varied as a function of age and sex.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe earliest human graphic productions, consisting of abstract patterns engraved on a variety of media, date to the Lower and Middle Palaeolithic. They are associated with anatomically modern and archaic hominins. The nature and significance of these engravings are still under question.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe herein propose an atlas of 32 sentence-related areas based on a 3-step method combining the analysis of activation and asymmetry during multiple language tasks with hierarchical clustering of resting-state connectivity and graph analyses. 144 healthy right-handers performed fMRI runs based on language production, reading and listening, both with sentences and lists of over-learned words. Sentence minus word-list BOLD contrast and left-minus-right BOLD asymmetry for each task were computed in pairs of homotopic regions of interest (hROIs) from the AICHA atlas.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWith the advances in diffusion MRI and tractography, numerous atlases of the human pyramidal tract (PyT) have been proposed, but the inherent limitation of tractography to resolve crossing bundles within the centrum semiovale has so far prevented the complete description of the most lateral PyT projections. Here, we combined a precise manual positioning of individual subcortical regions of interest along the descending pathway of the PyT with a new bundle-specific tractography algorithm. This later is based on anatomical priors to improve streamlines tracking in crossing areas.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe objective of this study was to validate a line bisection judgement (LBJ) task for use in investigating the lateralized cerebral bases of spatial attention in a sample of 51 right-handed healthy participants. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), the participants performed a LBJ task that was compared to a visuomotor control task during which the participants made similar saccadic and motoric responses. Cerebral lateralization was determined using a voxel-based functional asymmetry analysis and a hemispheric functional lateralization index (HFLI) computed from fMRI contrast images.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDespite its significant functional and clinical interest, the anatomy of the uncinate fasciculus (UF) has received little attention. It is known as a 'hook-shaped' fascicle connecting the frontal and anterior temporal lobes and is believed to consist of multiple subcomponents. However, the knowledge of its precise connectional anatomy in humans is lacking, and its subcomponent divisions are unclear.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis review synthesizes anatomo-functional variability of language hemispheric representation and specialization (hemispheric specialization for language, HSL) as well as its modulation by several variables (demographic, anatomical, developmental, genetic, clinical, and psycholinguistic) in physiological and pathological conditions. The left hemisphere (LH) dominance for language, observed in approximately 90% of healthy individuals and in 70% of patients, is grounded by intra-hemispheric connections mediated by associative bundles such as the arcuate fasciculus and inter-hemispheric transcallosal connections mediated by the corpus callosum that connects homotopic regions of the left and right hemispheres (RH). In typical brains, inter-hemispheric inhibition, exerted from the LH to the RH, permits the LH to maintain language dominance.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe combined the neuroanatomists' approach of defining a fascicle as all fibers passing through its compact stem with diffusion-weighted tractography to investigate the cortical terminations of two association tracts, the inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (IFOF) and the uncinate fasciculus (UF), which have recently been implicated in the ventral language circuitry. The aim was to provide a detailed and quantitative description of their terminations in 60 healthy subjects and to do so to apply an anatomical stem-based virtual dissection, mimicking classical post-mortem dissection, to extract with minimal a priori the IFOF and UF from tractography datasets. In both tracts, we consistently observed more extensive termination territories than their conventional definitions, within the middle and superior frontal, superior parietal and angular gyri for the IFOF and the middle frontal gyrus and superior, middle and inferior temporal gyri beyond the temporal pole for the UF.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCerebral lateralization for language production and spatial attention and their relationships with manual preference strength (MPS) were assessed in a sample of 293 healthy volunteers, including 151 left-handers, using fMRI during covert sentence production (PROD) and line bisection judgment (LBJ) tasks, as compared to high- and low-level reference tasks. At the group level, we found the expected complementary hemispheric specialization (HS) with leftward asymmetries for PROD within frontal and temporal regions and rightward asymmetries for LBJ within frontal and posterior occipito-parieto-temporal regions. Individual hemispheric (HLI) and regional (frontal and occipital) lateralization indices (LI) were then calculated on the activation maps for PROD and LBJ.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Atlases of brain anatomical ROIs are widely used for functional MRI data analysis. Recently, it was proposed that an atlas of ROIs derived from a functional brain parcellation could be advantageous, in particular for understanding how different regions share information. However, functional atlases so far proposed do not account for a crucial aspect of cerebral organization, namely homotopy, i.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe report on a database, named BIL&GIN, designed for investigating the cognitive, behavioral, genetic, and brain morphological/functional correlates of hemispheric specialization. The database contains records from a sample of 453 adult participants enriched in left-handers (45%, N=205) as compared to the general population. For each subject, socio-demographic data, hand and eye laterality, family handedness, and cognitive abilities in the language, motor, visuo-spatial, and numerical domains have been recorded.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn right-handers (RH), an increase in the pace of dominant hand movement results in increased ipsilateral deactivation of the primary motor cortex (M1). By contrast, an increase in non-dominant hand movement frequency is associated with reduced ipsilateral deactivation. This pattern suggests that inhibitory processes support right hand dominance in right-handers and raises the issues of whether this phenomenon also supports left hand preference in left-handers (LH), and/or whether it relates to asymmetry of manual ability in either group.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNeuropsychologia
December 2014
The present study reappraised the relationship between hemispheric specialization strength and cognitive skills in a sample of 297 individuals including 153 left-handers. It additionally assessed the interaction with manual laterality factors, such as handedness, asymmetry of hand motor skills, and familial sinistrality. A Hemispheric Functional Lateralization Index (HFLI) for language was derived from fMRI.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHemispheric lateralization for spatial attention and its relationships with manual preference strength and eye preference were studied in a sample of 293 healthy individuals balanced for manual preference. Functional magnetic resonance imaging was used to map this large sample while performing visually guided saccadic eye movements. This activated a bilateral distributed cortico-subcortical network in which dorsal and ventral attentional/saccadic pathways elicited rightward asymmetrical activation depending on manual preference strength and sighting eye.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHemispheric lateralization for language production and its relationships with manual preference and manual preference strength were studied in a sample of 297 subjects, including 153 left-handers (LH). A hemispheric functional lateralization index (HFLI) for language was derived from fMRI acquired during a covert sentence generation task as compared with a covert word list recitation. The multimodal HFLI distribution was optimally modeled using a mixture of 3 and 4 Gaussian functions in right-handers (RH) and LH, respectively.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study investigates the structure-function relationships between the anatomy of Heschl's gyri (HG) and speech hemispheric lateralization in 281 healthy volunteers (135 left-handers). Hemispheric lateralization indices (HFLIs) were calculated with Wilke's method from the activations obtained via functional magnetic resonance imaging while listening to lists of words (LIST). The mean HFLI during LIST was rightward asymmetrical, and left-handers displayed a trend toward decreased rightward asymmetry.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBrain Struct Funct
March 2015
This study describes the gyrification patterns and surface areas of Heschl's gyrus (HG) in 430 healthy volunteers mapped with magnetic resonance imaging. Among the 232 right-handers, we found a large occurrence of duplication (64 %), especially on the right (49 vs. 37 % on the left).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe relationship between manual laterality and cognitive skills remains highly controversial. Some studies have reported that strongly lateralised participants had higher cognitive performance in verbal and visuo-spatial domains compared to non-lateralised participants; however, others found the opposite. Moreover, some have suggested that familial sinistrality and sex might interact with individual laterality factors to alter cognitive skills.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUsing event-related fMRI in a sample of 42 healthy participants, we compared the cerebral activity maps obtained when classifying spoken sentences based on the mental content of the main character (belief, deception or empathy) or on the emotional tonality of the sentence (happiness, anger or sadness). To control for the effects of different syntactic constructions (such as embedded clauses in belief sentences), we subtracted from each map the BOLD activations obtained during plausibility judgments on structurally matching sentences, devoid of emotions or ToM. The obtained theory of mind (ToM) and emotional speech comprehension networks overlapped in the bilateral temporo-parietal junction, posterior cingulate cortex, right anterior temporal lobe, dorsomedial prefrontal cortex and in the left inferior frontal sulcus.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFunctional connectivity-based analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging data (fMRI) is an emerging technique for human brain mapping. One powerful method for the investigation of functional connectivity is independent component analysis (ICA) of concatenated data. However, this research field is evolving toward processing increasingly larger database taking into account inter-individual variability.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDuring conscious rest, the mind switches into a state of wandering. Although this rich inner experience occupies a large portion of the time spent awake, how it relates to brain activity has not been well explored. Here, we report the results of a behavioral and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study of the continuous resting state in 307 healthy participants.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSpontaneous brain activity was mapped with functional MRI (fMRI) in a sample of 180 subjects while in a conscious resting-state condition. With the use of independent component analysis (ICA) of each individual fMRI signal and classification of the ICA-defined components across subjects, a set of 23 resting-state networks (RNs) was identified. Functional connectivity between each pair of RNs was assessed using temporal correlation analyses in the 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe used functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate the areas activated by signed narratives in non-signing subjects naïve to sign language (SL) and compared it to the activation obtained when hearing speech in their mother tongue. A subset of left hemisphere (LH) language areas activated when participants watched an audio-visual narrative in their mother tongue was activated when they observed a signed narrative. The inferior frontal (IFG) and precentral (Prec) gyri, the posterior parts of the planum temporale (pPT) and of the superior temporal sulcus (pSTS), and the occipito-temporal junction (OTJ) were activated by both languages.
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