Publications by authors named "Joaquim Coutinho-Netto"

Article Synopsis
  • The study evaluated the effects of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) and natural latex protein (F1) on sciatic nerve injuries in male rats, focusing on nerve growth factor (NGF) and vascular endothelium growth factor (VEGF) expression.
  • Four weeks post-injury, all treated groups showed increased NGF and VEGF levels compared to control, with the injured nerve group exhibiting the highest NGF expression and the F1 group having the lowest.
  • By week eight, NGF levels decreased in injured groups, while VEGF levels remained elevated in the F1 and LLLT&F1 groups, indicating enhanced recovery and structural improvements in the treated nerves compared to the control.
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Unlabelled: RESUMO Objetivo: Estudar o uso da biomembrana de látex e o transplante conjuntival autólogo na cicatrização conjuntival em coelhos. Métodos: Em nove coelhos albinos, neo-zelandeses, machos foram removidas áreas retangulares idênticas, do quadrante supero nasal, adjacente ao limbo, de ambos os olhos. As áreas desnudas da camada esclerótica nos olhos direitos foram recobertas com biomembrana de látex e a dos olhos esquerdos com enxerto conjuntival autólogo.

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Bone grafts are used in the medical-surgical field for anatomical and functional reconstruction of lost bone areas, aiding the bone repair process by osteogenesis, osteinduction and osteoconduction. New materials such as F1 (fraction 1) protein extracted from the rubber tree Hevea brasiliensis have been investigated and currently present important properties for tissue repair, and are associated with neoangiogenesis, promoting cell adhesion and extracellular matrix formation. The main objective of this study was to investigate the association of F1 protein to different bone grafts in the repair of critical bone defects in the calvaria of Wistar rats.

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Arthropod venoms are sources of molecules that may be useful tools to investigate molecular mechanisms of putative new medicines and laboratory drugs. Here we show the effects of the compound agelaiatoxin-8 (AVTx8), isolated from Agelaia vicina venom, on γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) neurotransmission in rat brain synaptosomes. Analysis reveals that AvTx8 is composed by 14 amino acid residues with a molecular weight (MW) of 1567 Da.

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Introduction: In this study we evaluated the characteristics of the tibialis anterior muscle after sciatic nerve crush and treatment with low-level laser therapy (LLLT) or the protein from natural latex (P1).

Methods: We studied the following 6 groups of male Wistar rats: control (CG); exposed nerve (EG); injured nerve (IG); injured nerve with LLLT (LG); injured nerve with P1 (PG); and injured nerve with P1 and LLLT (LPG).

Results: After 4 weeks, muscle morphology showed improvement in the treated groups; after 8 weeks, the treated groups resembled controls, especially the PG.

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Excitatory amino acid transporters (EAATs) regulate glutamatergic signal transmission by clearing extracellular glutamate. Dysfunction of these transporters has been implicated in the pathogenesis of various neurological disorders. Previous studies have shown that venom from the spider Parawixia bistriata and a purified compound (Parawixin1) stimulate EAAT2 activity and protect retinal tissue from ischemic damage.

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This study evaluated the effect of low-level laser therapy (LLLT; 15 J/cm(2)) and a latex protein (F1) on a crush injury of the sciatic (ischiadicus) nerve. Seventy-two rats (male, 250 g) were divided into 6 groups: CG, control; EG, exposed nerve; IG, injured nerve without treatment; LG, injured nerve with LLLT; HG, injured nerve with F1; and LHG, injured nerve with LLLT and F1. After 4 or 8 weeks, the animals were euthanized and samples of the sciatic nerve were collected for morphometric and high-resolution scanning electron microscopy (HRSEM) analysis.

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Hyaluronic acid hydrogels (HAHs) have been used as a carrier of substances and factors in the repair of nervous tissue. Natural latex protein (Hevea brasiliensis, F1) has shown positive effects in treating various types of tissues, including peripheral nerves. This study evaluated the F1 associated with a HAH in a controlled crush injury (axonotmesis) of the sciatic nerve in Wistar rats.

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Caramboxin: Patients suffering from chronic kidney disease are frequently intoxicated after ingesting star fruit. The main symptoms of this intoxication are named in the picture. Bioguided chemical procedures resulted in the discovery of caramboxin, which is a phenylalanine-like molecule that is responsible for intoxication.

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This study analyzed the effects of a low-level laser therapy (LLLT, 15 J/cm(2), 780 nm wavelength) and the natural latex protein (P1, 0.1%) in sciatic nerve after crush injury (15 Kgf, axonotmesis) in rats. Sixty rats (male, 250 g) were allocated into the 6 groups (n = 10): CG-control group; EG-nerve exposed; IG-injured nerve without treatment; LG-crushed nerve treated with LLLT; PG-injured nerve treated with P1; and LPG-injured nerve treated with LLLT and P1.

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Purpose: To evaluate the capacity of natural latex membrane to accelerate and improve the regeneration quality of the of rat sciatic nerves.

Methods: Forty male adult Wistar rats were used, anesthetized and operated to cut the sciatic nerve and receive an autograft or a conduit made with a membrane derived from natural latex (Hevea brasiliensis). Four or eight weeks after surgery, to investigate motor nerve recovery, we analyzed the neurological function by walking pattern (footprints analysis and computerized treadmill), electrophysiological evaluation and histological analysis of regenerated nerve (autologous nerve graft or tissue cables between the nerve stumps), and anterior tibial and gastrocnemius muscles.

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Objective: The aim of this work was to analyse qualitatively and quantitatively the newly formed bone after insertion of rhBMP-2 and protein extracted from Hevea brasiliensis (P-1), associated or not with a carrier in critical bone defects created in Wistar rat calvarial bone, using histological and histomorphometrical analyses.

Materials And Methods: Eighty-four male Wistar rats were used, divided into two groups, according to the period of time until the sacrifice (2 and 6 weeks). Each one of these groups was subdivided into six groups with seven animals each, according to the treatments: (1) 5 μg of pure rhBMP-2, (2) 5 μg of rhBMP-2/monoolein gel, (3) pure monoolein gel, (4) 5 μg of pure P-1, (5) 5 μg of P-1/monoolein gel and (6) critical bone defect controls.

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The study of venom components is an important step toward understanding the mechanism of action of such venoms and is indispensable for the development of new therapies. This work aimed to investigate the venom of Lachesis muta rhombeata and evaluate enzymes related to its toxicity. Phospholipase A2 (PLA(2)), L-amino acid oxidase (LAAO), and proteinase activities were measured, and the molecular weights were estimated.

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Hev b 13 is an allergenic esterase obtained from the rubber tree Hevea brasiliensis, which has been shown recently to induce human monocytes to release interleukin (IL)-10 in vitro, and to exert a potent anti-inflammatory effect in vivo. Moreover, Hev b 13 has been shown to reduce clinical signs of inflammation and also histological damage to the distal colon of mice with 2,4,6-trinitrobenze sulphonic acid (TNBS)-induced colitis after its oral administration. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Hev b 13 on human mononuclear cells, as well as its therapeutic use in the methylated bovine serum albumin (mBSA) model of antigen-induced arthritis.

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Background: The vegetal biomembrane has been used to treat cutaneous ulcers.

Objectives: To assess the role of the vegetal biomembrane on the chronic venous ulcers treatment compared to treatment with collagenase cream.

Methods: Fourteen patients were selected to be treated with vegetal biomembrane and 7 with Fibrase(®) (CONTROL), followed clinically and photographically by the Wound Healing Index by ImageJ during 120 days and biopsied on the 1(st) and 30(th) days for histological examination.

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Background: The natural biomembrane of latex extracted from Hevea brasiliensis has been used as a dressing for skin ulcers.

Objectives: To evaluate how safe the natural biomembrane is in relation to hypersensitivity to latex when used as a dressing.

Methods: We selected patients with skin ulcers, forming the following groups: control - low occupational exposure to latex (n = 17); latex-exposed control - high occupational exposure (n = 14); ulcerated, using the natural biomembrane (n = 13); ulcerated control, not using the natural biomembrane (n = 14); and new cases (n = 9), assessed before and after 3 months of using the natural biomembrane.

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Purpose: To evaluate the morphological aspects of the behavior of 4 types of latex biomembranes implanted in preperitoneal videolaparoscopic inguinoplasty.

Methods: Sixteen inguinoplasties were performed in 12 dogs: group 1 received an impermeable latex biomembrane in the right inguinal region and a prolene prosthesis, as control, in the contralateral inguinal region; groups 2, 3 and 4 received latex biomembranes respectively containing impermeable polyamide, 1-mm thick porous polyamide and 0.5-mm thick porous polyamide.

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The neurobiological activity of Parawixin 10, isolated from Parawixia bistriata spider venom, was investigated. Cannulas were implanted in the lateral ventricles of Wistar rats (200-250 g, n=6-8 per group) to perform anticonvulsant and behavioral assays, and synaptosomes from cerebral cortices of male Wistar rats were used for neurochemical studies. The results indicate that pretreatment with Parawixin 10 prevents the onset of seizures induced with kainic acid, N-methyl-D-aspartate, and pentylenetetrazole in a dose-response manner.

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Background: The aim of this work was to study the new bone tissue formation after bone morphogenetic protein type 2 (rhBMP-2) and P-1 application, using 5 and 10 μg of each, combined to a material carrier, in critical bone defects.

Methods: It was used 70 Wistar rats (male, ∼250 g) that were divided in 10 groups with seven animals on each. Groups are the following: critical bone defect only, pure monoolein gel, 5 μg of pure P-1, 5 μg of pure rhBMP-2, 5 μg of P-1/monoolein gel, 5 μg of rhBMP-2/monoolein gel, 10 μg of pure P-1, 10 μg of pure rhBMP-2, 10 μg of P-1/monoolein gel, 10 μg of rhBMP-2/monoolein gel.

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This study analyzed the newly formed bone tissue after application of recombinant human BMP-2 (rhBMP-2) and P-1 (extracted from Hevea brasiliensis) proteins, 2 weeks after the creation of a critical bone defect in male Wistar rats treated or not with a low-intensity laser (GaAlAs 780 nm, 60 mW of power, and energy density dose of 30 J/cm(2)). The animals were divided into two major groups: (1) bone defect plus low-intensity laser treatment and (2) bone defect without laser irradiation. The following subgroups were also analyzed: (a) 5 μg of pure rhBMP-2; (b) 5 μg of pure P-1 fraction; (c) 5 μg of rhBMP-2/monoolein gel; (d) 5 μg of P-1 fraction/monoolein gel; (e) pure monoolein gel.

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This in vivo study evaluated the osteogenic potential of two proteins, recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) and a protein extracted from natural latex (Hevea brasiliensis, P-1), and compared their effects on bone defects when combined with a carrier or a collagen gelatin. Eighty-four (84) Wistar rats were divided into two groups, with and without the use of collagen gelatin, and each of these were divided into six treatment groups of seven animals each. The treatment groups were: (1) 5 microg of pure rhBMP-2; (2) 5 microg of rhBMP-2/monoolein gel; (3) pure monoolein gel; (4) 5 microg of pure P-1; (5) 5 microg of P-1/monoolein gel; (6) critical bone defect control.

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Objective: To asses the morphological features of the behavior of a double-sided prostheses using inguinoplasty laparotomy in dogs with latex side turned to the visceras.

Methods: Twenty dogs were divided into two groups of 10 and submitted into infraumbilical laparotomy with double-sided prostheses fixed in an inguinal area and in the other side area a control prostheses of polipropilene (PPL). Macroscopics itens were studied on the 14th and 28th day post-operatory, and they were related to obstruction and intestinal fistulas, encystation, fusion and especially sticker.

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Increases in vascular permeability and angiogenesis are crucial events to wound repair, tumoral growth and revascularization of tissues submitted to ischemia. An increased vascular permeability allows a variety of cytokines and growth factors to reach the damaged tissue. Nevertheless, the angiogenesis supply tissues with a wide variety of nutrients and is also important to metabolites clearance.

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Background: In sites with diminished bone volume, the osseointegration of dental implants can be compromised. Innovative biomaterials have been developed to aid successful osseointegration outcomes.

Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the osteogenic potential of angiogenic latex proteins for improved bone formation and osseointegration of dental implants.

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Wound healing is a dynamic interactive process that involves a sequence of molecular and cellular events. Recent advances in cellular and molecular biology have greatly expanded our understanding of the biological process involved in wound repair and tissue regeneration. From plasma extravasation, with coagulation and platelet aggregation, to reepithelialization and remodeling of injured tissue, the organism acts by trying to restore functionality tissue.

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