Publications by authors named "JoAnn Long"

Background: Nurse burnout is a widespread problem affecting nurses' physical and mental health and patients' satisfaction. Nurses in intensive care units designated for patients with COVID-19 during the pandemic reported experiencing higher levels of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and stress and exhaustion and lower levels of personal accomplishment. The current literature does not have a solution to combat burnout.

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Background: Stress negatively affects well-being, relating to poor physical, emotional, and occupational outcomes for health care personnel. Health care professionals faced extreme stressors in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, making occupational stress relief a top priority for hospital administrators. Many health systems employ specially trained spiritual support staff as one strategy to alleviate work-related stressors.

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Hospital-based chaplains receive specialized training to provide spiritual support to patients and healthcare staff during difficult health transitions. However, the impact of perceived chaplain importance on healthcare staff's emotional and professional well-being is unclear. Healthcare staff (n = 1471) caring for patients in an acute care setting within a large health system answered demographic and emotional health questions in Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap).

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Objectives: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic globally impacted healthcare due to surges in infected patients and respiratory failure. The pandemic escalated nursing burnout syndrome (NBS) across the workforce, especially in critical care environments, potentially leading to long-term negative impact on nurse retention and patient care. To compare self-reported burnout scores of frontline nurses caring for COVID-19 infected patients with burnout scores captured before the pandemic and in non-COVID-19 units from two prior studies.

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There is a lack of consistency in the scientific literature regarding what is included in vital signs and considered derangement in findings. We used vital signs during blood product administration as an exemplar to explore this controversy. Vital sign components varied across all studies when reviewed by a cohort of frontline nurses attempting to align institutional policy with current evidence.

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Aims: The specific aim for this study was to describe differences in evidence-based practice (EBP) and self-efficacy in frontline RNs. This project utilized a national study with a convenience selection of acute care agencies to examine the relationship between organizational and unit culture, EBP, and self-efficacy in frontline nurses.

Methods: This national study used descriptive correlational methodology to describe differences in EBP and self-efficacy among RNs.

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Background: Emerging findings from neuroimaging studies investigating brain activity associated with dietary behavior are illuminating the interaction of biological and behavioral mechanisms that have implications for obesity prevention. Globally, A total of 1.9 billion adults are overweight, and 650 million are obese.

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Emerging evidence from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) brain activation studies associated with dietary behavior reveals significant interaction of biological and behavioral mechanisms in response to visualized food stimuli. Because food intake is influenced by neurosensory stimulation and memory cues, personalized food images may be useful in prompting appropriate affective responses to food intake, which may subsequently lead to healthier eating behaviors. The current study used a cross-sectional mixed methods approach to explore neural responses and self-perceptions of eating behavior during review of personalized food images.

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Background: One in three patients who die in the hospital has sepsis. Alerting clinicians to early detection of high-risk patients before deterioration is a top health care priority. Modified Early Warning Scoring (MEWS) tools have assisted organizations in identifying at-risk patients at the first sign of subtle deterioration.

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Editor's note: This is a summary of a nursing care-related systematic review from the Cochrane Library. For more information, see http://nursingcare.cochrane.

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Aims And Objectives: To evaluate current research evidence reporting outcomes from modified early warning scoring system tools utilisation to prevent failure to rescue in hospitalised adult medical-surgical/telemetry patients.

Background: Early sepsis detection exhibits clinical significance to practitioners and patients. Thorough and timely clinical observations, along with a willingness of nurses to call for help, are pivotal to survival of hospitalised patients.

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Background: As the world becomes increasingly digital, advances in technology have changed how students access evidence-based information. Research suggests that students overestimate their ability to locate quality online research and lack the skills needed to evaluate the scientific literature. Clinical nurses report relying on personal experience to answer clinical questions rather than searching evidence-based sources.

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Background: The well-documented increases in obesity and unhealthy dietary practices substantiate the need for evidence-based tools that can help people improve their dietary habits. The current spread of mobile phone-embedded cameras offers new opportunities for recording food intake. Moreover, the act of taking pictures of food consumed may enhance visual consciousness of food choice and quantity.

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The present study aimed to examine the vulnerability to eating disorders (ED) among 949 Lebanese female young adults as well as its association with stress, anxiety, depression, body image dissatisfaction (BID), dysfunctional eating, body mass index, religious affiliation (Christian, Muslim, Druze or Other), religiosity and activity level. Results showed that anxiety had the greatest effect on increasing the predisposition to ED, followed by stress level, BID, depression and restrained eating. Affiliating as Christian was found to significantly decrease the vulnerability to developing an ED.

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Aim And Background: Inadequate fruit and vegetable intake is linked to leading causes of global mortality and rise in obesity. Measuring fruit and vegetable intake is problematic. Advances in cell phone technologies may improve the accuracy and ease of recording diet.

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One area of paramount importance for a school of nursing's accreditation process is the evaluation of competencies and/or outcomes for the program. Each course within a program is expected to bring the students to the point of comprehending the selected programmatic outcomes while determining an improvement in the mastery of the designated competencies. Schools of nursing have used capstone courses to provide an avenue for the documentation of the synthesis and acquisition of material addressed by programmatic outcomes.

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Purpose Of Review: The objective of this review is to provide an overview of recent findings in technology-based methods for the collection and analysis of dietary information, and explore the potential implications of these technologies for dietary assessment in a clinical setting.

Recent Findings: Numerous technology-based methods for dietary assessment have emerged in recent years. These methodologies have the potential to enhance the dietary assessment process, and overall appear to yield valid results in a wide variety of populations.

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Article Synopsis
  • Diets rich in fruits and vegetables can significantly lower the risk of chronic diseases like cardiovascular issues, certain cancers, strokes, and type 2 diabetes.
  • Traditional methods for measuring dietary intake, such as self-reported questionnaires, have limitations in tracking changes in consumption accurately.
  • Advances in technology, including apps and devices, show promise in enhancing the reliability of dietary assessments and could help users record their fruit and vegetable intake more easily.
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This pilot study tested the effects of an interactive nutrition education Web site on fruit, vegetable, and fat consumption in minority adolescents genetically at risk for Type 2 diabetes. A one-group nonexperimental pretest, posttest focus group design was used. Twenty-one sixth-grade to eighth-grade junior high adolescents who were minorities volunteered to participate.

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Purpose: To test the effects of a classroom and World Wide Web (WWW) educational intervention on self-efficacy (SE) for healthy eating (HE) and to examine the relationship of the theoretical concepts in a hypothesized model of eating behavior in adolescents.

Design: A quasiexperimental pretest, posttest design was used in a random sample of students in two junior high schools.

Methods: The intervention consisted of a combination of 5 hours of Web-based instruction and 10 hours of classroom curriculum, compared to nutrition education embedded in the standard school curriculum during a 1-month period.

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