Objective: To use artificial intelligence (AI) to automatically extract video clips of the fetal heart from a stream of ultrasound video, and to assess the performance of these when used for remote second review.
Methods: Using a dataset from a previous clinical trial of AI to assist in fetal ultrasound scanning, AI was used to automatically extract video clips of the fetal heart from ultrasound scans of 48 fetuses in which the diagnosis was known: 24 normal and 24 with congenital heart disease (CHD). These, and manually still saved images, were shown in a random order to expert clinicians, who were asked to detect cardiac abnormalities.
The current approach to fetal anomaly screening is based on biometric measurements derived from individually selected ultrasound images. In this paper, we introduce a paradigm shift that attains human-level performance in biometric measurement by aggregating automatically extracted biometrics from every frame across an entire scan, with no need for operator intervention. We use a neural network to classify each frame of an ultrasound video recording.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLarge diffusion-weighted brain MRI (dMRI) studies in neonates are crucial for developmental neuroscience. Our aim was to investigate the utility of ComBat, an empirical Bayes tool for multisite harmonization, in removing site effects from white matter (WM) dMRI measures in healthy infants born at 37 gestational weeks+ 0 days-42 weeks+ 6 days from the Theirworld Edinburgh Birth Cohort (n = 86) and Developing Human Connectome Project (n = 287). Skeletonized fractional anisotropy (FA), mean, axial and radial diffusivity (MD, AD, RD) maps were harmonized.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: Evaluating craniofacial phenotype-genotype correlations prenatally is increasingly important; however, it is subjective and challenging with 3D ultrasound. We developed an automated landmark propagation pipeline using 3D motion-corrected, slice-to-volume reconstructed (SVR) fetal MRI for craniofacial measurements.
Methods: A literature review and expert consensus identified 31 craniofacial biometrics for fetal MRI.
This study explores the potential of 3D Slice-to-Volume Registration (SVR) motion-corrected fetal MRI for craniofacial assessment, traditionally used only for fetal brain analysis. In addition, we present the first description of an automated pipeline based on 3D Attention UNet trained for 3D fetal MRI craniofacial segmentation, followed by surface refinement. Results of 3D printing of selected models are also presented.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Congenital heart disease (CHD) is common and is associated with impaired early brain development and neurodevelopmental outcomes, yet the exact mechanisms underlying these associations are unclear.
Purpose: To utilize MRI data from a cohort of fetuses with CHD as well as typically developing fetuses to test the hypothesis that expected cerebral substrate delivery is associated with total and regional fetal brain volumes.
Study Type: Retrospective case-control study.
Background: Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to improve prenatal detection of congenital heart disease. We analysed the performance of the current national screening programme in detecting hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) to compare with our own AI model.
Methods: Current screening programme performance was calculated from local and national sources.
Purpose: To improve motion robustness of functional fetal MRI scans by developing an intrinsic real-time motion correction method. MRI provides an ideal tool to characterize fetal brain development and growth. It is, however, a relatively slow imaging technique and therefore extremely susceptible to subject motion, particularly in functional MRI experiments acquiring multiple Echo-Planar-Imaging-based repetitions, for example, diffusion MRI or blood-oxygen-level-dependency MRI.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe present PRETUS - a Plugin-based Real Time UltraSound software platform for live ultrasound image analysis and operator support. The software is lightweight; functionality is brought in via independent plug-ins that can be arranged in sequence. The software allows to capture the real-time stream of ultrasound images from virtually any ultrasound machine, applies computational methods and visualizes the results on-the-fly.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have demonstrated potential to improve medical diagnosis. We piloted the end-to-end automation of the mid-trimester screening ultrasound scan using AI-enabled tools.
Methods: A prospective method comparison study was conducted.
Background: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations are increasingly used in antenatal clinical practice. Incidental findings are a recognized association with imaging and although in some circumstances their identification can alter management, they are often associated with increased anxiety, for both patient and clinician, as well as increased health care costs.
Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the incidence of unexpected findings in both the mother and fetus during antenatal MRI examinations.
We propose a patch-based singular value shrinkage method for diffusion magnetic resonance image estimation targeted at low signal to noise ratio and accelerated acquisitions. It operates on the complex data resulting from a sensitivity encoding reconstruction, where asymptotically optimal signal recovery guarantees can be attained by modeling the noise propagation in the reconstruction and subsequently simulating or calculating the limit singular value spectrum. Simple strategies are presented to deal with phase inconsistencies and optimize patch construction.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNeuropsychiatric disease has polygenic determinants but is often precipitated by environmental pressures, including adverse perinatal events. However, the way in which genetic vulnerability and early-life adversity interact remains obscure. We hypothesised that the extreme environmental stress of prematurity would promote neuroanatomic abnormality in individuals genetically vulnerable to psychiatric disorders.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMeasurement of head biometrics from fetal ultrasonography images is of key importance in monitoring the healthy development of fetuses. However, the accurate measurement of relevant anatomical structures is subject to large inter-observer variability in the clinic. To address this issue, an automated method utilizing Fully Convolutional Networks (FCN) is proposed to determine measurements of fetal head circumference (HC) and biparietal diameter (BPD).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLimited capture range, and the requirement to provide high quality initialization for optimization-based 2-D/3-D image registration methods, can significantly degrade the performance of 3-D image reconstruction and motion compensation pipelines. Challenging clinical imaging scenarios, which contain significant subject motion, such as fetal in-utero imaging, complicate the 3-D image and volume reconstruction process. In this paper, we present a learning-based image registration method capable of predicting 3-D rigid transformations of arbitrarily oriented 2-D image slices, with respect to a learned canonical atlas co-ordinate system.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: Fetal cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) offers a potential alternative to echocardiography, although in practice, its use has been limited. We sought to explore the need for additional imaging in a tertiary fetal cardiology unit and the usefulness of standard MRI sequences.
Methods: Cases where the diagnosis was not fully resolved using echocardiography were referred for MRI.
Background: The role of heritable factors in determining the common neurologic deficits seen after preterm birth is unknown, but the characteristic phenotype of neurocognitive, neuroanatomical, and growth abnormalities allows principled selection of candidate genes to test the hypothesis that common genetic variation modulates the risk for brain injury.
Methods: We collected an MRI-linked genomic DNA library from 83 preterm infants and genotyped tag single nucleotide polymorphisms in 13 relevant candidate genes. We used tract-based spatial statistics and deformation-based morphometry to examine the risks conferred by carriage of particular alleles at tag single nucleotide polymorphisms in a restricted number of genes and related these to the preterm cerebral endophenotype.
We studied methods for the automatic segmentation of neonatal and developing brain images into 50 anatomical regions, utilizing a new set of manually segmented magnetic resonance (MR) images from 5 term-born and 15 preterm infants imaged at term corrected age called ALBERTs. Two methods were compared: individual registrations with label propagation and fusion; and template based registration with propagation of a maximum probability neonatal ALBERT (MPNA). In both cases we evaluated the performance of different neonatal atlases and MPNA, and the approaches were compared with the manual segmentations by means of the Dice overlap coefficient.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis article examines how the acoustic and stability characteristics of single lipid-shelled microbubbles (MBs) change as a result of adherence to a target surface. For individual adherent and non-adherent MBs, the backscattered echo from a narrowband 2-MHz, 90-kPa peak negative pressure interrogation pulse was obtained. These measurements were made in conjunction with an increasing amplitude broadband disruption pulse.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe present a novel method of hierarchical manifold learning which aims to automatically discover regional variations within images. This involves constructing manifolds in a hierarchy of image patches of increasing granularity, while ensuring consistency between hierarchy levels. We demonstrate its utility in two very different settings: (1) to learn the regional correlations in motion within a sequence of time-resolved images of the thoracic cavity; (2) to find discriminative regions of 3D brain images in the classification of neurodegenerative disease,
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGas microbubbles are used routinely to improve contrast in medical diagnostic imaging. The emerging fields of microbubble-enhanced quantitative imaging and microbubble-enhanced drug delivery have further enhanced the drive toward microbubble characterization and design techniques. The quest to improve efficiency, particularly in the field of drug delivery, presents a requirement to develop methods to manipulate microbubble properties to improve utility.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPremature birth is a major and growing problem. Investigations into neuroanatomical correlates and consequences of preterm birth are hampered by complex neonatal brain anatomy and unavailability of atlases and protocols covering the whole brain. We developed delineation protocols for the manual segmentation of cerebral magnetic resonance (MR) images from newborn infants into 50 regions with comprehensive coverage of the brain.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUltrasound and microbubble mediated gene transfection has great potential for site-selective, safe gene delivery. Albumin-based microbubbles have shown the greatest transfection efficiency but have not been optimised specifically for this purpose. Additionally, few studies have highlighted desirable properties for transfection specific microbubbles.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAccurate acoustic characterisation is an essential component of any experimental investigation concerning the use and development of microbubble contrast agents. It is of increasing importance as applications such as therapy and molecular and quantitative imaging are investigated. Such characterisation is generally conducted in the laboratory in the form of bulk acoustic studies or optical observation of single bubbles using high speed photography in a water tank containing "out-gassed" water.
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