Publications by authors named "Jinkun Zhong"

Ambiguity about whether the histidine-rich calcium-binding protein-coding gene (His) or the pore-forming toxin-like gene (PFT) or both are responsible for Fusarium head blight (FHB) resistance conferred by the Fhb1 quantitative trait locus hinders progress toward elucidating Fhb1 resistance mechanisms. Here, with a series of developed lines with or without PFT but all possessing His and five His-carrying PFT mutant lines created via gene editing, we show that PFT does not confer FHB resistance and that the His resistance effect does not require PFT in the tested conditions. We also show that PFT mutations are not associated with morphological and phenological characteristics that often affect FHB severity.

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Two loci inhibiting Fhb1 resistance to Fusarium head blight were identified through genome-wide association mapping and validated in biparental populations. Fhb1 confers Fusarium head blight (FHB) resistance by limiting fungal spread within spikes in wheat (type II resistance). However, not all lines with Fhb1 display the expected resistance.

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As a typical seasonal breeding animal, male muskrats have a pair of scent glands that can emit musky odor substances to attract females during the breeding period. The present study aimed to visualize the differences in the distribution of lipids in the scent glands of muskrats during their different reproductive statuses by imaging mass spectrometry and quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). The results revealed remarkable differences in the expression and spatial distribution of lipids detected in the scent glands of muskrats during the different reproductive statuses.

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Laparoscopy-assisted distal gastrectomy (LADG) is a complicated procedure. To reduce the difficulty of the operation and standardize the surgical procedure, we explored a new operation mode, which we termed modularized LADG (MLADG). To further extend the new operation mode, we conducted this study to evaluate the short-term outcomes of MLADG for advanced gastric cancer, and determine the learning curve.

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