Publications by authors named "Jin-hua Liu"

Contact-electro-catalysis (CEC) has emerged as a promising catalytic methodology, integrating principles from solid-liquid triboelectric nanogenerators (SL-TENGs) into catalysis. Unlike conventional approaches, CEC harnesses various forms of mechanical energy, including wind and water, along with other renewable sources, enabling reactions under natural conditions without reliance on specific energy inputs like light or electricity. This review presents the basic principles of CEC and discusses its applications, including the degradation of organic molecules, synthesis of chemical substances, and reduction of metals.

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MAFA and MAFB are related basic-leucine-zipper domain-containing transcription factors which have important overlapping and distinct regulatory roles in a variety of cellular contexts, including hormone production in pancreatic islet cells. Here, we first examined how mutating conserved MAF protein-DNA contact sites obtained from X-ray crystal structure analysis impacted their DNA-binding and Insulin enhancer-driven activity. While most of these interactions were essential and their disruption severely compromised activity, we identified that regions outside of these contact sites also contributed to transcriptional activity.

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Among various electrocatalysts, high-entropy alloys (HEAs) have gained significant attention for their unique properties and excellent catalytic activity in the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). However, the precise synthesis of HEA catalysts in small sizes remains challenging, which limits further improvement in their catalytic performance. In this study, boron- and nitrogen-doped HEA porous carbon nanofibers (HE-BN/PCNF) with an -grown dendritic structure were successfully prepared, inspired by the germination and growth of tree branches.

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The endoplasmic reticulum(ER)is the largest membranous network serving as a region for protein, lipid and steroid synthesis, transport and storage. Detailed information about ER-cisternae, ER-tubules and rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER) is scarce in human blood cells. This study describes a series of giant inclusions and Auer bodies in promyeloblasts in six patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), by light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and cytochemical stains.

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Article Synopsis
  • * Mutating specific protein-DNA contact regions was found to largely disrupt their activity, but other areas outside these contacts also contributed to their overall function.
  • * Using AlphaFold 2 for structural prediction revealed notable differences between MAFA and MAFB, particularly in their C-terminal regions, impacting their ability to work together with other transcription factors in enhancing activity in pancreatic islet cells.
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Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is associated with compromised identity of insulin-producing pancreatic islet β cells, characterized by inappropriate production of other islet cell-enriched hormones. Here, we examined how hormone misexpression was influenced by the MAFA and MAFB transcription factors, closely related proteins that maintain islet cell function. Mice specifically lacking MafA in β cells demonstrated broad, population-wide changes in hormone gene expression with an overall gene signature closely resembling islet gastrin+ (Gast+) cells generated under conditions of chronic hyperglycemia and obesity.

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Background: Small intestine disease endangers human health and is not easy to locate and diagnose.

Aim: To observe the effect of the MS series of small intestine endoscopes on the gastrointestinal tract, the changes in serum gastrin levels and intestinal tissue, and the time required for the examination.

Methods: experiments in 20 Living pigs were conducted, Bowel preparation was routinely performed, Intravenous anesthesia with propofol and ketamine was applied, the condition of the small intestine was observed and the detection time of the MS series of small intestine endoscopes were recorded, The changes in intestinal tissue using the MS series of small intestine endoscopes observed and compared before and after the examination, Venous blood (3-5 mL) from pigs was collected before and after the experiment; changes in intestinal tissue after use of the MS series of small intestine endoscopes observed after examination.

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The failure of a natural dam is an extreme geological event. Palaeo-lake sediments were discovered in the broad Xigazê valley and Dazhuka-Yueju gorge in the middle reach of the Yarlung Tsangpo River in Tibet. However, the sedimentary processes, dam failure, and peak flood of the Xigazê dammed palaeo-lake are poorly understood.

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A heterozygous missense mutation of the islet β cell-enriched MAFA transcription factor (p.Ser64Phe [S64F]) is found in patients with adult-onset β cell dysfunction (diabetes or insulinomatosis), with men more prone to diabetes than women. This mutation engenders increased stability to the unstable MAFA protein.

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3d-4f heterometallic supertetrahedral clusters with the formula of LnZn(μ-O)L(CHCOO)(NO)(CHOH)(HO) (1-Ln, Ln = Eu, Gd, Tb, HL = 2-(hydroxymethyl)-2-(pyridin-4-yl)-1,3-propanediol) have been successfully introduced as stable secondary building units (SBUs) to construct new cluster-organic frameworks with tunable emission, demonstrating a promising strategy for developing new optical materials.

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With their adjustable structures and diverse functions, polyoxometalate (POM)-resorcin[4]arene-based inorganic-organic complexes are a kind of potential multifunctional material. They have potential applications for lithium ion batteries (LIBs). However, the relationship between different coordinated metal ions and electrochemical performance has rarely been investigated.

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Roasting process impacts the chemical profile and aroma of roasted tea. To compare the impacts of far-infrared irradiation and drum roasting treatments (light, medium and heavy degrees), the corresponding roasted teas were prepared from steamed green tea for chemical analyses and quantitative descriptive analysis on aroma, and correlations between volatiles and aroma attributes were studied. There were 8 catechins, 13 flavonol glycosides and 105 volatiles quantified.

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By employing a bowl-like tetra(benzimidazole)resorcin[4]arene (TBR4A) ligand, two new polyoxometalate-templated metal-organic frameworks (POMOFs), [CoCl(TBR4A)]·3[HSiWO]·10DMF·11EtOH·20HO () and [CoCl(TBR4A)(DMF)]·[SiWO]·2EtOH·3HO (), have been prepared under solvothermal conditions (DMF = ,'-dimethylformamide). shows a 2D cationic layer, whereas exhibits a 3D framework. Remarkably, the Keggin POMs in and were located in the cavities formed by two bowl-like resorcin[4]arenes in sandwich fashions.

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A dual-functional nanosysterm is developed by means of Chlorin e6 (Ce6) as photosensitizer and 1,3-Diphenylisobenzofuran (DPBF) as fluorescent singlet oxygen (O) probe. Under 660 nm laser irradiation, Ce6 exhibites efficient O generation, and subsequently the production of O is assessed by the ratiometric fluorescence of PFO and DPBF under one-photon and two-photon excitation mode. The nanoparticles with excellent biocompatibility can be internalized into Hela cells and applied for tumor treatment.

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A series of POM-based all-inorganic open frameworks, H[LnW(μ-O)(μ-O)(HO)](SiWO)·60HO (1-Ln, Ln = La, Pr and Nd), have been fabricated and structurally characterized for the first time. The unique architectures are constructed from nanoscale four-shell Ln@W@Ln@(SiW) clusters. Additionally, the porous nature of the frameworks has also been investigated.

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An unusual high-valent Sb(v)-based unit [SbL] (L = 2-(hydroxymethyl)-2-(pyridin-4-yl)-1,3-propanediol) was developed for the first time to combine with various cuprous-halide clusters for the construction of a brand-new class of heterometallic MOFs. This work not only promotes the limited development of Sb-based MOFs, but also provides a practical strategy for developing new types of composite materials.

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A series of 3D porous lanthanide-substituted polyoxometalate frameworks, Na[Ln(HO)][Ln(HO)(α-SiWO)]·69HO (, Ln = Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, and Dy), are built from novel hexadecahedral {LnWO} heterometallic cage-shaped clusters. Intriguingly, every tetrameric {[Ln(HO)(α-SiWO)]} cage-cluster is linked with another eight tetrameric cage-clusters by Ln cations, leading to a novel 3D inorganic porous framework, which exhibits good thermal and chemical stability, excellent water vapor adsorption capacity, and moderate proton conductive properties. Furthermore, the solid state luminescence spectra demonstrate that , , , and display the lanthanide characteristic emission bands.

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The first two inorganic-organic hybrid three-dimensional (3D) polyoxotantalates (POTas) and the first two inorganic-organic hybrid 2D POTas have been obtained. All of these high-dimensional POTas are built from a new-type POTa dimeric cluster {Cu(en)(Ta6O19)}2/{Cu(enMe)(Ta6O19)}2 (en = ethylenediamine, enMe = 1,2-diaminopropane) bridged by copper complexes. Interestingly, extended POTas 1 and 3 can undergo single-crystal to single-crystal structural transformations triggered by water.

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This work demonstrates a new Lindqvist-like [FeIII6(μ6-O)L4Cl6]2- (Fe6, L = 2-(hydroxymethyl)-2-(pyridin-4-yl)-1,3-propanediol) cluster for the construction of a novel class of Fe-cluster organic frameworks. The novel Fe6 cluster can be used to build not only a homometallic MOF, but also a heterometallic MOF by introducing copper halide clusters to the reaction system. In particular, the heterometallic MOF achieved a skillful combination of Fe6 SBU and cuprous-halide clusters for the first time.

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Transcription factors positively and/or negatively impact gene expression by recruiting coregulatory factors, which interact through protein-protein binding. Here we demonstrate that mouse pancreas size and islet β-cell function are controlled by the ATP-dependent Swi/Snf chromatin remodeling coregulatory complex that physically associates with Pdx1, a diabetes-linked transcription factor essential to pancreatic morphogenesis and adult islet cell function and maintenance. Early embryonic deletion of just the Swi/Snf Brg1 ATPase subunit reduced multipotent pancreatic progenitor cell proliferation and resulted in pancreas hypoplasia.

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A nested Cu24@Cu72 copper-organic framework, [Cu5(bdc)4(ina)2(H2O)3]·solvent (1, H2bdc = 1,3-benzenedicarboxylic acid and Hina = isonicotinic acid) based on paddlewheel Cu2(COO)4 SBUs, has been synthesized. There are three types of cages with different sizes and shapes: Cu24-cage, Cu60-cage and Cu72-cage. The Cu72-cage, which is the highest-nuclearity Cu-cage reported to date, encapsulates a Cu24-cage to form a double-walled Cu24@Cu72 cage-within-cage structure.

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Two unique heterometallic cluster organic frameworks, [Cd Mn Mn (Tri) (CH COO) (μ -O) (μ -O) (H O) ] Cd(H O) ⋅9 H O (1) and Cu[Cd Cu (Tri) (CH COO) (H O) ] (CH COO) ⋅24 H O (2) (H Tri=2-(hydroxymethyl)-2-(pyridine-4-yl)-1,3-propanediol), have been successfully prepared by employing a bifunctional tripodal alcohol ligand as a structure-directing agent. Crystal structure analyses reveal that 1 represents a rare example of frameworks constructed from Cd-Mn heterometallic chains, and 2 is the first heterometallic MOF based on highest-nuclear Cd-Cu heterometallic cluster building blocks. Furthermore, the magnetic properties and gas adsorption abilities of 1 and 2 were systematically studied.

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Two novel heterometallic organic frameworks built from trinuclear indium and cuprous halide clusters, [(InO)(CuI)(ina)(HO)](NO)·7DMA·10HO (1) and [NH(CH)][In(OH)(HO)(ina)(CuI)]·5DMA·8HO (2), where Hina = isonicotinic acid, have been successfully constructed with the orientation of the ina ligand. 1 shows a fascinating highly porous honeycomb-like 3D cationic framework with a trigonal-bipyramid-type cage based on a planar [InO(CO)] trimer and a rhombohedral CuI cluster. Comparably, 2 displays a 3D negative network with irregular hexagonal channels constructed from a [In(OH)(CO)] trimer and a cubane-like CuI cluster.

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Objective: To study the effect of LSD1 knock-out on human chronic myeloid leukemia cells(K562 cells).

Methods: The LSD1 gene in K562 cells was knocked-out specifically by using CRISPR/Cas9 system, the single cells were gained by flow cytometric sorting technique, the LSD1 and LSD1 cell lines were gained after amplificantion and culture, identification of Western blot and sequencing. The MTS assay was used to detect the effect of LSD1 knockout on the proliferation of K562 cells, the flow cytometry was used to examine the expression of K562 cell surface marker after LSD1 knockout.

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The transcription factor encoded by the gene is a critical transcriptional regulator, as it has fundamental actions in the formation of all pancreatic cell types, islet β-cell development, and adult islet β-cell function. Transgenic- and cell line-based experiments have identified 5'-flanking conserved sequences that control pancreatic and β-cell type-specific transcription, which are found within areas I (bp -2694 to -2561), II (bp -2139 to -1958), III (bp -1879 to -1799), and IV (bp -6200 to -5670). Because of the presence in area IV of binding sites for transcription factors associated with pancreas development and islet cell function, we analyzed how an endogenous deletion mutant affected expression embryonically and postnatally.

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