Purpose: Rates of obesity are significantly higher for those living in a rural versus urban setting. High levels of stress and low levels of subjective well-being (SWB) have been linked to poor weight-related behaviors and outcomes, but it is unclear if these relationships differ as a function of rurality. This study investigated the extent to which living in a rural versus urban county ("rurality") moderated associations between stress / subjective wellbeing (predictors) and diet quality, dietary intake of added sugars, physical activity, and BMI (outcomes).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFContext: The Hispanics make up the largest ethnic minority in the United States (US). Hispanics have lower all-cause mortality and many chronic disease morbidities, despite lower socioeconomic status (SES), and barriers to health care. Whether this phenomenon, termed as the "Hispanic Paradox", holds during an infectious disease pandemic, warrants investigation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: To examine associations between neighborhood built environment (BE) variables, residential property values, and longitudinal 1- and 2-year changes in body mass index (BMI).
Methods: The Seattle Obesity Study III was a prospective cohort study of adults with geocoded residential addresses, conducted in King, Pierce, and Yakima Counties in Washington State. Measured heights and weights were obtained at baseline (n = 879), year 1 (n = 727), and year 2 (n = 679).
Front Public Health
October 2021
International studies suggest that males may be less likely to adhere to SARS-CoV-2 transmission mitigation efforts than females. However, there is a paucity of research in this field in the United States. The primary aim of this study was to explore the relationship of binary gender identity (female/male) with beliefs, attitudes, and pandemic-related practices in the early stages of the pandemic.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: Early reports from the initial months of the coronavirus pandemic reveal ethnic disparities in coronavirus incidence, severity, and mortality. This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between ethnicity and outcomes of coronavirus positivity and hospitalization.
Design: An observational cohort study using electronic health record (EHR) data from a large community healthcare system in Washington State across the first phase of the pandemic (March 5 - June 7, 2020).
Background: In-person assessments of physical activity (PA) and body weight can be burdensome for participants and cost prohibitive for researchers. This study examined self-reported PA and weight accuracy and identified patterns of misreporting in a diverse sample.
Methods: King, Pierce and Yakima county residents, aged 21-59 years ( = 728), self-reported their moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) and weight, in kilograms.
Higher consumption of 'ultra-processed' (UP) foods has been linked to adverse health outcomes. The present paper aims to characterise percentage energy from UP foods by participant socio-economic status (SES), diet quality, self-reported food expenditure and energy-adjusted diet cost. Participants in the population-based Seattle Obesity Study III (n 755) conducted in WA in 2016-2017 completed socio-demographic and food expenditure surveys and the FFQ.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: This study evaluated demographic patterns related to prenatal cannabinoid urine drug screening (UDS) over a 5-year period during which recreational marijuana was legalized and became accessible in Washington State.
Methods: Using electronic health record data, we performed a retrospective analysis for deliveries occurring over a 5-year period that encapsulated the transitions to marijuana legalization and legal access. For three cohorts of women delivering prior to legalization, between legalization and accessibility, and following accessibility, the UDS completion rate and screening demographic characteristics were assessed using Chi-squared tests and multivariate logistic regression.
Adherence to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) may involve higher diet costs. This study assessed the relation between two measures of food spending and diet quality among adult participants (N = 768) in the Seattle Obesity Study (SOS III). All participants completed socio-demographic and food expenditure surveys and the Fred Hutch food frequency questionnaire.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) experience poor exercise tolerance and quality of life. Little is known about the feasibility or effects of HFpEF exercise training (ET) in a community hospital setting.
Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the feasibility and pilot data of a community-based HFpEF ET intervention.
Objective: This study aimed to study the relationship between prenatal marijuana and infant birth weight using natural cohorts established before, during and after the 20-month lapse between legalization and legal recreational sales in Washington State.
Study Design: Over 5 years, 5,343 pregnant women with documented urine drug screen (UDS) results delivered at Tacoma General Hospital or Good Samaritan Hospital. Maternal medical data were extracted for three delivery cohorts established based on before (T1), during (T2), and after legalization (T3) of recreational marijuana and legalized availability.
Background: Forearm fractures are among the most frequently encountered orthopedic injuries in children. The maintenance of satisfactory alignment can be problematic and postreduction displacement with resultant malunion can occur.
Objectives: The objective of the study was to evaluate pediatric emergency medicine (PEM) physicians' performance on forearm fracture reduction to determine the impact of a Process Improvement Intervention Program (PIIP) on postreduction displacement rates after initial reduction.
Timeliness is one of the fundamental yet understudied quality metrics of cancer care. Little is known about cancer treatment delay among adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer patients. This study assessed cancer treatment delay, with a specific focus on facility transfer and diagnosis/treatment interval.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: We have noted a large number of referrals for abnormal kidney imaging and laboratory tests and postulated that such referrals have increased significantly over time. Understanding changes in referral patterns is helpful in tailoring education and communication between specialists and primary providers.
Methods: We performed a retrospective chart review of new patient referrals to Mary Bridge Children's Nephrology clinic for early (2002 to 2004) and late (2011 to 2013) cohorts.
Purpose: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most commonly seen clinical sleep disorder. STOP-Bang, a widely used screening tool, yields a composite score based on eight dichotomized items including male gender. This study was designed to validate STOP-Bang among clinically referred patients and tested alternative scoring designs on tool performance, with a focus on gender differences in OSA.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction The importance of patient satisfaction in US healthcare is increasing, in tandem with the advent of new patient care modalities, including virtual care. The purpose of this study was to compare the satisfaction of obstetric patients who received one-third of their antenatal visits in videoconference ("Virtual-care") compared to those who received 12-14 face-to-face visits in-clinic with their physician/midwife ("Traditional-care"). Methods We developed a four-domain satisfaction questionnaire; Virtual-care patients were asked additional questions about technology.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFoodborne Pathog Dis
November 2015
Objectives: The objectives of the study were to identify dietary and medical risk factors for Vibrio parahaemolyticus (VP) infection in the coastal city Shenzhen in China.
Methods: In April-October 2012, we conducted a case-control study in two hospitals in Shenzhen, China. Laboratory-confirmed VP cases (N = 83) were matched on age, sex, and other social factors to healthy controls (N = 249).
Background: Providing good quality primary health care to all inhabitants is one of the Chinese Government's health care objectives. However, information is scarce regarding the difference in quality of primary health care delivered to migrants and local residents respectively. This study aimed to compare patients' perceptions of quality of primary health care between migrants and local patients, and their willingness to use and recommend primary health care to others.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe analyzed the prevalence and characteristics of Vibrio parahaemolyticus among patients with acute infectious diarrhea in the southern coastal region of China. V. parahaemolyticus was the leading cause of bacterial infectious diarrhea in this region during 2007-2012.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Socioeconomic transformation in China at the beginning of the twenty-first century has led to rapid urbanization and accelerated rural-urban migration. As a result, the concerns about public health problems triggered by increasing internal population mobility have been more widely studied in recent years.
Sources Of Data: Published data in Chinese and English on health of migrants and their families in mainland China from 2000 to 2012.
Background: While several studies of smoking behaviors in rural-to-urban Chinese migrants exist, none to our knowledge have focused on factory workers, estimated to represent between 10% and 20% of China's total rural-to-urban migratory population. This paper assesses factors associated with smoking behavior among rural-to-urban migrant factory workers in Shenzhen, China.
Methods: A cross-sectional survey of migrant workers from 44 randomly selected factories in Shenzhen, China.
Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi
September 2010
Objective: To understand the immunological status of Japanese encephalitis (JE) antibodies amongst migrant workers and to provide epidemiological basis for public health strategies on JE prevention and control in Shenzhen.
Methods: A multi-stage random sampling method was used, and 1003 migrant workers aged 18 to 60 from 44 factories were investigated and their serum specimens were collected. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used to detect JE antibodies qualitatively.
Background: Rubella remains a common disease in Mainland China and is a major cause of severe birth defects from Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS). Rubella-containing vaccines were not included in China's National Expanded Program of Immunization (NEPI) until December 2007. In Shenzhen, women of childbearing age make up a large percentage of its migrant factory worker population.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBMC Health Serv Res
November 2009
Background: As one of the most populous metropolitan areas in the Pearl River Delta of South China, Shenzhen attracts millions of migrant workers annually. The objectives of this study were to compare health needs, self-reported health and healthcare utilisation of insured and uninsured migrant workers in Shenzhen, China, where a new health insurance scheme targeting at migrant workers was initiated.
Methods: A cross-sectional survey using multi-staged sampling was conducted to collect data from migrant factory workers.